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International Adoption in Texas - Things to Consider

How to Adopt a Child from Another Country in TX

If domestic adoption isn’t for you because you want to look abroad to expand your family, you could consider international adoption in Texas.      

Maybe you envision yourself traveling across the globe, bringing your new child home on an international flight. If this is the case, an international adoption in Texas may be the better fit for you.

International adoption, also called intercounty adoption, refers to any adoption of a child from a country outside of the United States. This is one of the three primary types of adoption that hopeful parents can consider. Even though American Adoptions only completes domestic infant adoptions, we know that international adoption is another option considered by many families. That’s why we’ve created this guide to international adoption in Texas.

If you imagine bringing your adopted child home for the first time, what do you see? Some families envision themselves bringing a newborn baby home from the hospital. If this is your dream, American Adoptions can help you complete a domestic infant adoption from start to finish.

Here’s what you’ll need to know about the international adoption process for prospective parents in Texas and the resources you’ll need to complete your own adoption journey.

The TX International Adoption Process

Your international adoption process will vary depending on whether the country from which you adopt is part of The Hague Adoption Convention, as well as the country’s individual adoption laws and requirements. But regardless of the country you choose, you can generally expect to follow the same major steps of the international adoption process in Texas:

Step 1: Decide Which Country to Adopt From

Some adoptive families have a preference about which country their child is born in, while others do not. Current political climates, travel bans, or changing national adoption laws will affect which countries you’ll be able to adopt from. Always research your options thoroughly when deciding which country to adopt from, because international adoption trends are subject to frequent changes. Different countries may present different risks of international adoption.

Other influencing factors affecting the country you’ll adopt through can include:

  • From one country to the next, children of certain ages, sibling groups, or genders may be more often available for adoption.
  • Potential adoptive parents will need to meet a country’s individual eligibility requirements before being cleared to adopt from that country.
  • International adoption costs will vary depending on the country and adoption professional you adopt from; primarily based on travel costs.
  • The race and cultural heritage of an internationally adopted child will always play a role in their life. Adoptive parents must stand educated and ready to embrace this new aspect of their family’s unique culture.

Step 2: Choose Your Texas International Adoption Professional

Texas international adoption agencies are each authorized to complete adoptions within certain countries, and those intercountry adoption authorizations vary from one agency to the next. If you have a specific country in mind that you wish to adopt from, you may want to look for a Texas international adoption agency that’s licensed to complete adoptions within that country, and is experienced at doing so.

It’s also best if your international adoption agency is Hague-accredited according to the Universal Accreditation Act of 2012regardless of whether or not you intend to adopt from a country that’s part of the Hague Convention.

Be sure to check reviews and ratings of Texas international adoption agencies when you’re looking for a high-quality adoption professional to work with. Find an international adoption agency that puts the needs of children first and takes care of its clients.

Step 3: Complete an International Adoption Home Study

Even if you’re not adopting from a Hague Convention country, your Texas home study professional needs to be licensed in accordance with the Hague Convention home study requirements. It’s generally fine if you work with a home study professional not associated with your agency, but your adoption agency will probably need to approve the home study professional you work with first.

The home study process for international adoption can take up to three months, so beginning the process as soon as possible is recommended.

In most other ways, the home study is similar to the domestic adoption home study. You’ll need:

  • Criminal background checks in Texas as well as on a federal level for household members over the age of 14

  • Recent health records

  • Recent financial records

  • Adoption reference letters from family, friends and acquaintances

  • Individual personal statements about your desire to adopt

  • Pre-placement in-home visits including an interview home inspection

  • Post-placement in-home visits to monitor adjustment

Your home study worker will provide a more detailed international home study checklist and guide you through the steps you will need to take to be approved for an international adoption in Texas.

Step 4: Become Eligible for Adoption

You’ll need to be confirmed as eligible to adopt by The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) adoption authorities.

Those adopting through Hague Convention countries will need to file Form 1-800A alongside relevant documents and your completed international adoption home study. Confirmed adoption eligibility for a Hague Convention country is valid for up to 15 months.

For those adopting through a non-Hague Convention country, if you haven’t been matched with a child yet, file Form 1-600A. If your Texas international adoption agency has already matched you with a child, you’ll file Form 1-600 with the relevant documents and your completed international adoption home study. Confirmed adoption eligibility for a non-Hague Convention country is valid for up to 18 months.

After USCIS authorities have verified your adoption eligibility, your TX international adoption professional will send your completed forms and your adoption dossier to the sending country’s adoption agency. Then, they’ll review your information to confirm that you’re considered eligible to adopt by their own national adoption laws.

Step 5: File for the Child to Become Adoption-Eligible

The child that you intend to adopt will need to also be considered eligible for adoption. So you’ll repeat the process that confirmed your own adoption eligibility, but now with the goal of confirming the child’s eligibility for adoption and immigration.

For your own adoption eligibility, you filed Form 1-800A or 1-600A. Now, you will either file Form 1-800 if you’re working with a Hague Convention country or Form 1-600 if you’re not.

If the USCIS confirms your child’s adoption eligibility, you’ll file for the child’s U.S. visa so that they can immigrate to the United States. You’ll file Form DS-260 to the child’s home country’s administration to review and approve.

Step 6: Obtain Travel Visas and Return Home

You can usually plan on staying within your child’s home country about one to four weeks as you complete the adoption and visa application.

Anticipate an exit interview with your child’s home country’s adoption authorities to confirm that you’ve fulfilled all their adoption requirements before finalizing the adoption. If you meet that final stage of approval, you’ll be granted a visa so that you can return home with your child.

  • If both adoptive parents (if applicable) are present and the adoption is completed in-country, you’ll be granted an IH-3 (Hague) or IR-3 (non-Hague) visa

  • If only one of two adoptive parents are present and/or the adoption still needs to be finalized in Texas, you’ll be given an IH-4 (Hague) or IR-4 (non-Hague) visa

You’ll be able to apply for your child’s amended birth certificate and their Social Security card upon returning to Texas.

The Texas international adoption process is still not quite complete, even after you return home.

Step 7: Re-Adoption or Adoption Finalization

In order to complete the international adoption process in Texas, you’ll need to either a finalization or a recommended re-adoption.

  • If your child received an IH-4 or IR-4 visa, you’ll finalize the adoption in Texas.

  • If your child received an IH-3 or IR-3 visa, the adoption is legally complete by your child’s home country’s standards, but re-adoption on U.S. soil is highly recommended by adoption professionals.

Re-adoption or finalization safeguards your child’s rights as a U.S. citizen and confirms that the adoption is legally recognized by the administrations of both countries. Failure to re-adopt or finalize your child’s adoption in Texas can raise legal questions about parenthood or citizenship. While adoption finalization is legally required, a re-adoption will confirm the legal safety of your new family.

After finalization or re-adoption in Texas, the international adoption process is complete.

International Adoption Agencies in Texas

The Texas international adoption process can seem overwhelming, but a good adoption agency will be there to guide you through it. Remember to research your options for adoption professionals carefully; check reviews and ratings, get second opinions and educate yourself about international adoption in depth before beginning with an agency!

There are a number of full-service international adoption agencies in Texas, including some that offer international adoption home study services, including:

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