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Adoption in Houston, TX

Houston Adoption Agencies, Lawyers and More

Houston has a range of local adoption resources for you, whether you’re a pregnant woman considering adoption in Houston or a Texas couple hoping to adopt. But where do you even begin? With American Adoptions, finding the right information is simpler than you might think:

  • Because of our personal adoption experience, we know exactly how to make your adoption experience the best it possibly can be. That's why we're here to walk you through each step.

  • We have all the services prospective birth parents and hopeful families need to complete their adoption from start to finish. You won't have to worry about juggling multiple professionals because everything you need can be found in one place.

  • Looking for a local adoption professional? You won't have to search for long. Because we have several offices in Texas, you can have the benefits that come with working with a national adoption agency, with the feel of a local professional.

We know how overwhelming the adoption process can be. This can be especially true if you’re a woman considering placing a baby up for adoption and worried about where to go for help or who to talk to for more information. Thankfully, we have plenty of resources available so that you can learn more about an unplanned pregnancy in Texas. And if you’d like to speak with someone who has personal experience with placing a child up for adoption, you can always speak to Michelle, one of our birth mothers.

Don't forget that you can always call 1-800-ADOPTION to speak with an adoption specialist for free if you have questions or need help locating other Houston adoption resources. In the meantime, start learning more about the local professionals and services you may need in the guide below.

Adoption Agencies in Houston

Many hopeful families and prospective birth parents wonder, “How will I know when I’ve found the right adoption agency?” and, “What kind of services should I look for?” If you’re having trouble in your search, it might be helpful to work with an agency that can offer everything you need in one place.

American Adoptions is a leading national adoption agency that can help you through every stage of your adoption in Houston. Our national scope and size allows us to offer many benefits not found at most local agencies, including:

At the same time, American Adoptions is a licensed Texas adoption agency with local offices conveniently located at:

2100 West Loop South
Suite 900
Houston, TX 77027

This means potential birth parents and adoptive parents get the best of both worlds — the benefits of a national adoption agency and the convenience of a local professional. American Adoptions is truly a full-service agency and can even provide home study services for adoptive parents in Houston. We will help you connect with adoption lawyers, home study professionals, counseling services, adoptive or birth parents and more.

In addition, many of our staff are adoptees, adoptive parents, or birth parents themselves. With our personal adoption experience, you’ll have someone who knows just what you’re going through at every step of the process.

Home Study Providers in Houston

All families waiting to adopt in the U.S. must be approved via an adoption home study. This must be done by a Texas-licensed home study provider.

American Adoptions is licensed to perform home studies in the state of Texas, so you don’t have to go through multiple adoption professionals to complete your adoption in Houston. We can also provide home study services to adoptive parents working with another professional for placement.

Houston Foster Care Agencies

While American Adoptions does not provide services related to foster care, we know that many hopeful parents build beautiful families through the child welfare system. If you are interested in becoming a foster parent in Houston or want a foster care adoption in Houston, these resources can help:

International Adoption Agencies for Houston

While it has become less common in recent years for American families to adopt from overseas, Texas is still one of the leading states when it comes to international adoption. If you are considering international adoption in Houston, you will need to find a reputable agency. International adoption agencies that serve Houston residents include:

Houston Adoption Attorneys

Texas adoption attorneys are needed to finalize adoptions as well as educate you about adoption consent and the legal side of the adoption process. When you’re a prospective birth parent, these legal services will always be provided to you at no cost.

American Adoptions can put you in touch with an adoption attorney in Houston and handle your legal representation for you, or you can contact one of these local Houston lawyers handling adoption:

Prenatal, Maternity Care and Delivery Hospitals in Houston [Where to Go for the Big Day]

Having a ready-to-go hospital plan is part of the adoption planning process that expectant mothers complete through American Adoptions. Having a birth plan in place is one less thing for pregnant women choosing adoption to worry about.

As a part of your adoption hospital plan, you will be able to choose the delivery hospital that is most convenient for you. There are several convenient local Houston hospitals that can take care of your medical needs throughout your pregnancy:

If you haven’t started the adoption process yet, or if you have questions about what to include in your hospital birth plan, we’d be happy to help. You can give us a call at 1-800-ADOPTION any time to learn more about your options and to speak with a specialist who can walk you through the process.

Adoption Finalization Courts in Houston

Adoptions in Houston are finalized in family court. Adoptive families can find the county’s courthouse in which they’ll eventually finalize their adoption in Houston below:

That’s a lot of information, but the truth is we are just scratching the surface. Adoption can be complicated and challenging, but it is also always worth it in the end. If you feel ready to begin the adoption process with our agency, call 1-800-ADOPTION now to speak to an adoption specialist. You can also get free information here for more help locating other adoption resources in Houston, TX.

Information available through these links is the sole property of the companies and organizations listed therein. American Adoptions provides this information as a courtesy and is in no way responsible for its content or accuracy.

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