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"I Came Out Stronger" - How Angela's Adoption Decision Changed Her Life

Angela is a brave birth mother who chose adoption to give her son a life full of love and opportunities. If you feel inspired by her story, contact us today or call 1-800-ADOPTION to get free information about the adoption process. 

On November 14, 2009, I gave birth to a healthy baby boy. It was only three months earlier I found out I was pregnant.
Four months is not nearly long enough to adjust to a life-changing situation, but I did it and came out stronger than I ever knew I was. My baby grew inside of me for six months without even letting me know he was there, which is ironic in itself given my very shy personality. However, those last three months he sure did make sure I knew he was there.
Feeling his kicks and hearing his sweet heartbeat made my choice the most difficult yet also the easiest of my life. I knew I wanted nothing but the best for my baby and that was to give him to an amazing family that can and will give him that life. Realizing that wasn’t easy, and I cried many tears of love and sadness, but the night before I went into labor I had a dream of the adoptive parents playing with my baby boy. I could feel this overwhelming feeling of love, and I woke up knowing my choice was the right one.
Ready to find out what adoption can do for you and your baby? Contact us today at 1-800-ADOPTION to get free information and support. 

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