Infertility to Adoption
It is estimated that 1 in 6 couples are diagnosed with infertility every year. Many of these couples then attempt infertility treatments multiple times, wondering if this time is going to be any different than the last. Eventually, these couples must ask themselves a very honest question: "Do we want to become pregnant, or do we want to become parents?"
This is not an easy decision for many couples to make. The following articles are intended to help you explore the emotions of adoption and infertility, and decide if you are indeed ready to become a mom or dad through adoption.
For couples who have struggled with infertility, grieving the dream of having biological children is a difficult but important first step in the adoption process. If you aren’t sure whether you are ready to fully embrace and commit to the adoption process, talking to a professional can help. For more information about transitioning from infertility to adoption, you can speak with an adoption specialist at 1-800-ADOPTION.