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I'm Looking for a Jehovah's Witness Family to Adopt My Baby

If you’re a Jehovah’s Witness looking to “give her baby up” for adoption, it may be particularly important to you that your baby be placed with a family who shares your beliefs. In fact, one of your first thoughts when considering this path might be, “I want one of Jehovah’s Witnesses to adopt my baby.” Start by viewing profiles of waiting adoptive families here, or by calling 1-800-ADOPTION now.

American Adoptions works with families of all religious backgrounds and can work with you to make sure your child is raised in your ideal home. Many women who are looking for a Jehovah’s Witness family to adopt a baby do so because it’s important to them that their child be raised with some of the following principles that aren’t frequently practiced by other religions:

  • The family does not accept blood transfusions. Jehovah’s Witnesses believe that both the Old and New Testaments say to abstain from taking blood and go to doctors who are able to practice medicine and surgery without giving blood transfusions.

  • The family believes the Bible outlines different dating guidelines than common modern-day practices. Jehovah’s Witnesses believe that dating should only be for those old enough for marriage, that Witnesses should only date baptized Witnesses, and that sexual immorality or “unclean” behavior should be avoided. Couples should also avoid being alone in tempting situations.

  • The family believes that the dead are unconscious. Jehovah’s Witnesses believe that someone who dies ceases to exist, although resurrection from God is possible.

  • The family does not celebrate birthdays or holidays like Christmas or Easter. Jehovah’s Witnesses believe that birthday celebrations displease God, and that Christmas and Easter celebrations do not align with Biblical teachings.

If it important to you that your child be raised with these beliefs — whether because they are similar to your own or because the Jehovah’s Witness faith attracts you for other reasons — American Adoptions can help you in your journey of looking for Jehovah’s Witness family to adopt your baby. You can use this tool on our website to search for Jehovah’s Witness families, but please don’t be discouraged if you don’t find the perfect family using this feature. As we have an expansive network of waiting adoptive families throughout the United States, many are in various stages of the screening process and aren’t quite to the stage where their profiles appear online.

In fact, the best way to find the perfect adoptive family is to work closely with your own individual American Adoptions adoption specialist. She will work to understand your religious beliefs and help to work through with you how Jehovah’s Witness give baby up for adoption, as well as ask you some other questions about your preferences in adoptive families. These may include:

  • Do you want your child to grow up with siblings? Some women prefer to place their babies with families who haven’t been able to have children of their own, while other women feel strongly about their child being guaranteed siblings.

  • Is where your child lives important to you? American Adoptions works with families across the country, so if it’s important to you that your baby is raised in a certain region, that can absolutely be accommodated.

  • Does it matter to you if your child looks like his or her adoptive parents? Of course, your baby will not share DNA with his or her adoptive parents, but some women feel strongly about their children being raised by adoptive parents who share their own family’s cultural background and heritage.

Questions to Ask in a Jehovah’s Witness Adoption

Once you’ve found a family that seems promising, it will be time to get to know them better through pre-placement contact arranged by your social worker. It can be intimidating to get to know your baby’s prospective adoptive parents, so consider asking questions like the following to kick things off:

  • What drew you to the Jehovah’s Witness faith? Were you born into a family of Jehovah’s Witnesses, or did you convert later on?

  • What is your religious community like?

  • Why are the Jehovah’s Witness values important to you?

  • What is your own religious background like? What was your experience growing up as a Jehovah’s Witness?

  • How do you plan to teach your children about the Jehovah’s Witness faith?

To learn more about how Jehovah’s Witness give baby up for adoption, call American Adoptions at 1-800-ADOPTION, or request free information here.


Having trouble finding the perfect adoptive family online? Don’t be discouraged. American Adoptions is currently working with many adoptive families at all stages of the process — and not all of them are currently listed on our website. In addition, we work with a nationwide network of other adoption professionals that can help us conduct a wider search for exactly the family you’re looking for.

To discuss your preferences for an adoptive family and get help finding them, reach out to an adoption specialist by calling 1-800-ADOPTION at any time.

Information available through these links is the sole property of the companies and organizations listed therein. American Adoptions provides this information as a courtesy and is in no way responsible for its content or accuracy.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Why is American Adoptions the right adoption agency choice for many birth mothers?

American Adoptions is one of the largest licensed adoption agencies in the United States. Each year, we work with thousands of women who are facing an unplanned pregnancy and offer assistance to these women. Our large, caring staff is able to assist you seven days a week and provide you with one-on-one counseling about your pregnancy and available options.

You should choose an adoption agency where you feel completely comfortable with their services and staff. With American Adoptions, you will work with an Adoption Specialist who is on-call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The Adoption Specialist will be your advocate and will provide support and guidance as you create an adoption plan that is right for you.

How will the family tell my child about me and the adoption when my child is older?

Each family has their own style of introducing adoption to the child. When you are matched with an adoptive family, you can ask them this question. If you would like your Adoption Specialist to discuss it for you, just let her know. He or she can share your wishes or provide good ideas from other adoptive families.

You will also be able to share what you want your baby to know about you. You can complete a keepsake booklet to share hobbies, stories, photos of you and your family and a letter to your baby. The adoptive family can provide this to your child as he or she grows older. Be as creative as you like! Some birth mothers have even knitted a special blanket as a gift to their baby or given a similar symbol of their love.

The father of your baby can fill out the birth father's keepsake booklet or write a letter too. You may have other family members who would also like to share photos or a letter to the baby. This is your opportunity to pass on your and your family's love and to share your personality, history and reasons for choosing adoption. The adoptive family will treasure whatever information you provide and will share it with the baby at an appropriate age. In most adoptive homes, the word adoption is in the child's vocabulary early on, and adoption is celebrated in their lives.

Additional Resources

Teen Pregnancy - Information for Young Women

While not every woman who chooses adoption is a young mother, many are. Through adoption, many young women have found an ability to give their babies the best life possible, while finding the opportunity to realize their own dreams, as well. Call American Adoptions today at 1-800-ADOPTION.

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Adoption Glossary

Do adoption terms and phrases leave you feeling confused? Learn the meaning to key adoption words and phrases with our comprehensive adoption glossary.

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