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Finding Active Adoptive Families

Your commitment to ensuring a bright future for your child is heroic, selfless and brave. Adoption is a decision rooted in love, and it’s natural to seek a family that aligns with your aspirations for your child’s upbringing.

If you picture your child growing up in an environment that values an active and athletic lifestyle, then we can help you find the perfect match.

If you want to begin your journey to finding an active adoptive family, then talk to us today.

Can I Find Active Families Who Want to Adopt a Baby?

Finding an active adoptive family for your baby can be crucial if it aligns with your hopes for your child's future. An active lifestyle isn't just about physical movement; it signifies a commitment to a fulfilling life.

Finding an active adoptive family might be important to you because:

  • Being physically active is a big part of your life, and it would be a way to feel connected to your child.

  • You have fond memories of playing sports or engaging in outdoor activities with your own parents.

  • You want to ensure their physical wellness.

When you look for active adoptive families, it's about entrusting your child to caregivers who value exploration, adventure and holistic wellness.

This choice ensures that your child will grow up surrounded by opportunities to discover the world, engage in diverse activities and form a deep connection with both their physical and mental well-being. Knowing that your child will be nurtured in an environment that aligns with your vision can offer peace of mind in your decision-making process.

Discover more about how you can find active adoptive families.

How an Active Adoptive Family Can Impact Your Child's Life

Choosing an active adoptive family for your baby offers many benefits. Active adoptive families create environments filled with movement, exploration and engagement, which play important roles in a child's overall development. An active lifestyle fosters not just physical health but also cognitive and emotional well-being.

Children engaged in regular physical activity tend to develop enhanced cognitive function, better concentration and improved academic performance. An active lifestyle instills skills like teamwork, discipline and goal-setting, traits that can contribute to future success.

Beyond these immediate benefits, it cultivates a lifelong love for movement and fitness, promoting overall well-being. Ultimately, an active lifestyle empowers children to lead balanced and fulfilling lives.

How to Find Active Adoptive Families

We understand the importance of finding a family that resonates with your values. That’s why we’ll guide you through adoption profiles of active adoptive families.

Step 1. Consult with Our Adoption Specialists

We offer personalized guidance and support in your search for active adoptive families. By discussing your preferences, lifestyle aspirations and the kind of environment you envision for your child, we’ll curate a selection of adoption profiles that align with your criteria.

Reach out to us today.

Step 2. View Adoption Profiles of Active Families

We have an extensive database of adoptive family profiles. You’ll use this resource to browse through profiles and filter them based on specific keywords such as "active lifestyle," "sports enthusiasts" or "outdoor enthusiasts." These profiles contain comprehensive information about active adoptive families looking to adopt, including their hobbies, interests and lifestyle choices.

If you’re ready to start looking today, then you can view our waiting families.

Step 3. Form a Lifelong Bond

Once you’ve found an active adoptive family, you’ll be able to get to know them. Engaging in conversations with these families through letters, emails or in-person meetings can provide valuable insights into their lifestyle choices, values and aspirations for parenting. This interaction can be instrumental in determining if their active lifestyle aligns with your vision for your child's upbringing.

Choosing an active adoptive family for your child is an important decision, and we’re here to offer guidance and full-service support. Your choice is driven by love and a desire for the best future for your child, and we’re honored to help you find a family that resonates with your vision.

Your child’s future begins with the choices you make today. If you’re seeking an active adoptive family or want to explore more adoption profiles, then contact us today.

Information available through these links is the sole property of the companies and organizations listed therein. American Adoptions provides this information as a courtesy and is in no way responsible for its content or accuracy.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Why is American Adoptions the right adoption agency choice for many birth mothers?

American Adoptions is one of the largest licensed adoption agencies in the United States. Each year, we work with thousands of women who are facing an unplanned pregnancy and offer assistance to these women. Our large, caring staff is able to assist you seven days a week and provide you with one-on-one counseling about your pregnancy and available options.

You should choose an adoption agency where you feel completely comfortable with their services and staff. With American Adoptions, you will work with an Adoption Specialist who is on-call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The Adoption Specialist will be your advocate and will provide support and guidance as you create an adoption plan that is right for you.

How will the family tell my child about me and the adoption when my child is older?

Each family has their own style of introducing adoption to the child. When you are matched with an adoptive family, you can ask them this question. If you would like your Adoption Specialist to discuss it for you, just let her know. He or she can share your wishes or provide good ideas from other adoptive families.

You will also be able to share what you want your baby to know about you. You can complete a keepsake booklet to share hobbies, stories, photos of you and your family and a letter to your baby. The adoptive family can provide this to your child as he or she grows older. Be as creative as you like! Some birth mothers have even knitted a special blanket as a gift to their baby or given a similar symbol of their love.

The father of your baby can fill out the birth father's keepsake booklet or write a letter too. You may have other family members who would also like to share photos or a letter to the baby. This is your opportunity to pass on your and your family's love and to share your personality, history and reasons for choosing adoption. The adoptive family will treasure whatever information you provide and will share it with the baby at an appropriate age. In most adoptive homes, the word adoption is in the child's vocabulary early on, and adoption is celebrated in their lives.

Additional Resources

Teen Pregnancy - Information for Young Women

While not every woman who chooses adoption is a young mother, many are. Through adoption, many young women have found an ability to give their babies the best life possible, while finding the opportunity to realize their own dreams, as well. Call American Adoptions today at 1-800-ADOPTION.

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Adoption Glossary

Do adoption terms and phrases leave you feeling confused? Learn the meaning to key adoption words and phrases with our comprehensive adoption glossary.

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