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Adopt a Baby with American Adoptions

5 Signs Infant Adoption is Right for You

Every year, hundreds of families take the brave step to adopt a baby with American Adoptions.

Adoption can be a beautiful and life-changing process, but it’s not something you can do alone. We are a top national adoption agency that specializes in private domestic adoptions. That means we guide and protect both birth parents and adoptive families throughout the adoption process.

Infant adoption is a big step, so we want you to have all the information on adopting a baby that you need. We will share information here, and you can also get information from adoption professionals 24/7 at 1-800-ADOPTION.

If you’re still trying to decide whether or not to adopt a baby, it might help to see this list of reasons why people choose to work with American Adoptions when adopting a baby in the U.S. 

If you are pregnant and considering adoption, you can also click here to get connected to an adoption professional who can help you learn more about adoption and get started on your life-changing adoption journey today.

1. You want to adopt a newborn

Private domestic adoption is the type of adoption that provides you the best opportunity to adopt an infant. American Adoptions completes the adoptions of hundreds of newborn babies per year.

Other types of adoption like foster care and international adoption are less likely to result in the placement of a newborn.

What do you picture when you think of your future family?  Families who want to adopt a newborn will find the most success with a private domestic adoption agency like American Adoptions.

2. You want to be fully supported when adopting a baby

The domestic adoption process is beautiful, and it’s also challenging. If you want to complete a successful adoption, you need the support of the right agency.

When you work with us, you’ll have your own adoption specialist. They will be your main contact — guiding you through every step of the adoption and connecting you with the people required to complete it.

Other people involved in the U.S. infant adoption process often include social workers, attorneys, hospital workers, case managers, media professionals, and more. While you will interact with many of these people, your adoption specialist will be involved as well and will help to coordinate and oversee your entire process.

An adoption specialist will also provide support, education and adoption counseling leading up to placement, during placement at the hospital, and after placement. They are always just a phone call or email away. This process can be long and emotional. Having this kind of personal support goes a long way for families who are adopting a baby.

3. You want to adopt a baby quickly

Low adoption wait times are determined by the number of prospective birth mothers an adoption professional serves. We are able to offer families lower wait times than other adoption professionals because we work with birth mothers across the country — not in just one state or region.

American Adoptions works hard to find prospective birth mothers and offer them the best service possible. Your adoptive family profile will reach more people with our agency than it would with 25 other agencies combined, which is the key to reducing your adoption wait.

We are available 24/7, with professional specialists and counselors constantly prepared to meet the needs of women making this brave decision.

4. You want an open adoption

Most families who adopt a baby are able to have an open relationship with the birth mother. This relationship starts pre-placement and continues on afterward. While some misconceptions about open adoption may scare you, the truth is that open adoption is good for everyone involved.

All open adoptions are different. Along the way, your adoption specialist will be there to help. Adopting a baby through a private adoption agency is the only type of adoption where this relationship is common. If you understand the immense value an open adoption can have in your child’s life, adopting a baby could be right for you.

5. You want to be financially protected

In many ways, adopting an infant can be a leap of faith, especially financially. Adoptive families work hard to save enough money to make their dreams of adopting a baby a reality. But if an adoption doesn’t work out, many families are financially devastated.

But not at American Adoptions.

Our Risk-Sharing Program protects families from adoption disruptions. If a prospective birth mother changes her mind, our agency refunds the financial investment back to the family so they can restart the adoption process whenever they are ready.

Since 2009, this program has saved families $4.6 million.

This adoption insurance is rare among other types of adoption and adoption professionals. A disruption shouldn’t derail your family’s future. With our financial protection, you can move forward toward becoming a parent.


If you are looking for more information about adopting a baby, or if you are ready to take the next step, you can get free adoption information.

If you're a prospective birth mother ready to get started on your adoption journey, fill out our contact form to speak with an experienced adoption professional today.

Information available through these links is the sole property of the companies and organizations listed therein. American Adoptions provides this information as a courtesy and is in no way responsible for its content or accuracy.

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