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"I Want to Give My Unborn Child Up for Adoption"

Why It's Never Too Early or Too Late to Consider Adoption

You can create an adoption plan for your unborn baby today. Adoption could be the best for you and your baby, and we can help. Call 1-800-ADOPTION at any time for free support.

Many women thinking about adoption have found the help they need from our team. We think it’s important that you feel encouraged and supported. We want you to receive the best support, and that means:

How to “Give My Unborn Baby Up” for Adoption

It’s not your job to become an expert in the adoption process. That’s what agencies like American Adoptions are for (did you know that you can contact us for free, 24/7, to find out more about our services?).

But, it is helpful to understand how to “give your unborn baby up” for adoption because it will put you in the best position to make good decisions during the process.

When you work with American Adoptions, you will have your own adoption professional to guide you through how to put your unborn baby up for adoption. Here’s how the adoption process will generally work for you during an unborn baby private adoption.

Step 1: Get connected with an adoption professional and make an adoption plan. When you fill out our online form or speak to an adoption professional, you’ll get answers to your questions and learn more about how to create an adoption plan. This plan puts you in charge of the process, and it helps our professionals find the perfect adoptive family for you.

Step 2: Find the perfect adoptive parents. You get to choose the adoptive family you think will be perfect for your baby. When you work with American Adoptions, you can be sure that any hopeful adoptive parents you choose are ready for the responsibility. That’s because:

  • We extensively screen all potential adoptive parents, which means your child will be adopted by a safe, responsible family.

  • We work with more families than many other agencies so that you will have the best chance of finding the perfect family.

  • Our families’ profiles include personal videos, giving you a real sense of who they are.

Sometimes, it can be helpful to look at adoptive family profiles to imagine what it would be like if one of them adopted your child.  If you are asking yourself how to find adoptive parents for your unborn baby,  profiles of hopeful adoptive families are a great place to start. You can look through as many profiles as you want when you click here. It’s never too late to find adoptive parents for your baby due to the hundreds of couples we have on file waiting to become adoptive parents.

Step 3: Get to know the adoptive parents. After picking an adoptive family, you will be able to talk to and meet them to make sure they’re the right fit for your baby. You’ll also be able to discuss post-adoption contact preferences. The level of openness in your adoption is totally up to you. You can:

  • Receive pictures and letters

  • Have regular phone calls

  • Schedule in-person visits to stay connected with your child after placement

  • And more

Step 4: Complete the hospital stay and placement. When you give birth at the hospital, you will be in charge of every aspect. It’s here that you will complete the official adoption paperwork and your child will be placed with the adoptive family, who will love, cherish and protect them for the rest of their life.

Step 5: Watch your child thrive through open adoption. You have the option of remaining in contact with your child’s family as they grow up, and you’ll be provided free counseling from your adoption professional as long as you need it.

If you’re wondering when you can “give a child up” for adoption, you can start the process at any time — early in pregnancy, just before your due date, or even after your baby is born.

Remember that this is your choice and nobody else’s. If you think that the benefits of adoption make the most sense for yourself and your baby, then you can always pursue adoption. You are the only one who is qualified to decide whether or not you want to give your unborn baby up for adoption.

Adoption Is Not “Giving Up”

Placing an unborn child with an adoptive family isn’t a choice you make overnight. It may take time to realize that adoption is the best thing for your baby.

Help is available for you at any time during your pregnancy, whether you make this decision in the first few months or at the last minute. You can decide you want to “give” your unborn kid up for adoption at any point during pregnancy (or even after birth), and American Adoptions will be ready to help.

You might feel unsure about calling because you’re worried that choosing adoption is the same as “giving up.” Although you will see the term “giving a baby up” and other forms of “giving up” when discussing adoption, it’s important to understand this isn’t the case at all. Choosing adoption isn’t “giving up” your child — it’s giving them a loving family who can provide the type of life you want for your baby.

“I was adopted when I was 16 days old. Because of adoption, my life was filled with love and opportunity,” Scott Mars, the founder of American Adoptions and an adoptee himself, said this in a video about how adoption was the best thing that could have happened for his life. You can watch that video here.

Who Can You Talk To?

Do you feel like no one can relate to what you’re experiencing? We get it. We know how hard things can feel when you’re trying to choose adoption. And we want you to know that you’re not alone.

Would you like to speak to someone who has been through the process before?

Michelle Downard, a birth mother herself, has been serving prospective birth mothers for years. She and the rest of our adoption professionals are here to help with any adoption-related questions you may have, like:

  • How can adoption help me get through pregnancy?

  • Will the adoptive parents really love my baby?

  • Is this process going to be too hard for me?

  • What will my child think of me?

“We are here to help women facing an unplanned pregnancy in any way by answering their questions and walking them through the adoption process. Whether they ultimately decide to parent or continue with adoption, we want to help women decide what is best for their individual situations," Michelle said.

Michelle (and many other birth parents) know from experience how helpful an agency can be during pregnancy, and how adoption can be the best thing for both yourself and your baby.

So, if you’re considering adoption for an unborn infant, you can click here to contact Michelle, or any of our adoption professionals, at any time, for free support and services. You can also get more information 24/7 by calling 1-800-ADOPTION.

No matter whether you’re considering adoption late in your pregnancy or early on, we’ll give you the same respect and opportunities as any other pregnant mother. Our adoption professionals are trained to provide you the assistance you need when you choose adoption for unborn babies, no matter how much time you have before you give birth.

When you contact us:

  • We provide you the same services and advantages, whether you are considering adoption for your unborn baby right after discovering you’re pregnant, days before you give birth or after your baby is already born. The timeline is completely up to you.

  • You can get information, have your questions answered, and learn more about the benefits of adoption when you contact one of our professionals, and this call will always be free.

  • All of your information and the phone call itself are completely confidential.

You may still have questions about adoption. Is it right for you? How can you be sure you’ll find the right family? Does it matter if you’re early in my pregnancy, or if you’re choosing adoption at the last minute?

These are all good questions. You can find the answers you’re looking for today by speaking to a professional.

“She was there for me when I didn’t have anybody, and she always knew just what to say,” Lindsey, a birth mother, said about her professional with American Adoptions. “I did have a lot of concerns and fears, and she knew how to talk me through them... She was just amazing, and I’m so glad that she’s in my life.”

If you’d like to learn more or begin your process today, please call us at 1-800-ADOPTION to speak with an adoption professional immediately. You can also get more free information online right now.

Information available through these links is the sole property of the companies and organizations listed therein. American Adoptions provides this information as a courtesy and is in no way responsible for its content or accuracy.

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