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National Adoption Agency in Kentucky

Working with a National Adoption Agency in Kentucky [What You Need to Know]

A national adoption agency in Kentucky can provide comprehensive support throughout the adoption process to women experiencing an unplanned pregnancy and hopeful adoptive families.

Most national adoption agencies in Kentucky provide these beneficial services:

  • 24/7 practical and emotional support
  • Hopeful adoptive family screening
  • Prospective birth mother adoption education
  • Financial assistance for prospective birth moms
  • Financial protection for hopeful adoptive families
  • Adoption and birth plan creation help
  • And more

American Adoptions is a national infant adoption agency in Kentucky that’s facilitated adoption throughout the United States for over 30 years. If you have already researched your American national adoption agency in Kentucky options and know you’d like to work with our agency, call 1-800-ADOPTION or fill out our free online form for more information.

But, if you’d like to find out more information about what makes the best national adoption agencies in Kentucky great, continue reading.

Why Work with a National Adoption Agency in Kentucky?

There are many reasons to consider working with a national adoption agency throughout your adoption journey. But, there are disadvantages to take into account, too. The following are some of the main pros and cons to consider before working with a national adoption agency.

Stability and Continued Support

Because national adoption agencies in Kentucky are large and operate throughout the country, they can employ a qualified, sizeable and licensed social worker staff. This benefits the prospective birth mom and adoptive family. Support often comes in the following forms:

  • 24/7 guidance from your adoption specialist
  • Adoption and birth plan creation support for birth moms
  • Financial protection in case of adoption disruption. For example, American Adoptions has a unique Risk-Sharing Program that refunds a hopeful adoptive family’s money if they experience adoption disruption.

Full-Service Benefits

National domestic adoption agencies in Kentucky will provide help from your first meeting until well after a baby’s placed with their hopeful adoptive family.

National adoption agencies also have the resources to direct you to any additional adoption professionals you may need to work with to facilitate your adoption.

More Adoptive Family Choices

Because national adoption agencies in Kentucky work with people across the United States, prospective birth moms will have more hopeful adoptive families to choose from. This allows you to pick a family with all the qualities you admire. Some of the qualities you may consider are a family’s:

  • Ethnicity
  • Sexual orientation
  • Home type
  • Religious values
  • And more

Better Promotional Services

Most successful national adoption agencies in Kentucky typically work with outside or in-house marketing agencies that are skilled at promoting hopeful adoptive family profiles. These marketing professionals will ensure your profile reflects your true personality.

Ability to Stay Current with Local Laws

National licensed adoption agencies in Kentucky must be reviewed by state governments each year. This ensures that each agency complies with state adoption laws. If you choose to work with a national adoption agency, you can rest assured that the agency will make sure your adoption is 100% legal.

Drawbacks of Working with a National Adoption Agency

Although national adoption agencies have considerable benefits, there are a few drawbacks.

The Possibility for a Less Personal Experience

Because a national adoption agency may not have a physical office in your state, you most likely will not have the opportunity to meet your adoption specialist in person.

More Travel

Adoptive families should be prepared to travel to meet the birth mom and be present during the birth. And birth moms should be prepared to travel to visit their child and the adoptive family for any post-placement visits they agree to.

Questions to ask a National Adoption Agency in Kentucky

Before you decide to work with a national adoption agency in Kentucky, prepare a list of questions to ask the agency. Some good screening questions are:

  • Can I contact my adoption social worker after hours? If I need help, is there a 24/7 helpline?
  • How will your adoption agency handle financial assistance? Will you help me find assistance for my living expenses?
  • Do you work with a lot of hopeful adoptive families?
  • Do you have promotional services for hopeful adoptive families?
  • As the birth mom, am I in control of the adoption process?
  • Does your adoption agency encourage open adoption? Can I meet the prospective birth mom/adoptive family before delivery?
  • Do you provide free adoption counseling?
  • Can you help me find other adoption professionals to work with if I need assistance?

Next Steps for Adoption in Kentucky

American Adoptions is a national infant adoption agency in Kentucky that provides many beneficial adoption service benefits that help everyone involved in the adoption process. If you’re ready to find out how our adoption agency can help you, fill out our free online form today.

Information available through these links is the sole property of the companies and organizations listed therein. American Adoptions provides this information as a courtesy and is in no way responsible for its content or accuracy.

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