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How to Place a Baby for Adoption in Indiana

Giving a Baby Up for Adoption in IN

While you are talking with friends and families about your plans for adoption in Indiana, they may say phrases like giving your baby up for adoption. This is a term that has frequently been associated with adoption and unfortunately can still carry a negative connotation.

Adoption used to be a taboo topic. Women were sometimes forced to “give up” their babies without any say in the matter — and sometimes with pressure from their loved ones to do so. However, modern open adoption is much more accepting of an expectant mother’s desires, and it is common today to know someone that has been adopted, has adopted a child or has placed a child for adoption.

At American Adoptions we want to assure you that this process is not simply giving your baby up” for adoption. If you choose to pursue this route, you are choosing to expand your child's possibilities in a multitude of ways, not “giving up” on them. By choosing adoption, you are “giving” your baby the life you always wanted them to have. You play the most important role in the adoption process. You will be able to pick the adoptive family, how much contact you wish to have, and any additional preferences that may come to mind.

Putting your baby up for adoption in Indiana for any reason is not an easy choice. At this point, you are probably feeling confused, heartbroken, and alone all at once. Remember that you are never alone, and many women have been in your shoes.

Our counselors are always ready and available to provide the support and resources that you need for your adoption plan. If you wish to learn more about the realities of “giving a baby up” for adoption in Indiana, contact them today at 1-800-ADOPTION or fill out our online contact form for free and confidential information.

The Process of Putting a Newborn Up for Adoption

Placing a baby for adoption in Indiana can be a lengthy process, but American Adoptions will be here every step of the way to help you through it. There are six essential steps to the adoption process:

Step 1: Deciding if Adoption is the Right Choice for You and Your Child 

This will be one of the biggest decisions that you will have to make. It is important to consider all of your unplanned pregnancy options before you make this decision. Only you know what is right for yourself and your baby.

Step 2: Creating an Adoption Plan

At American Adoptions, you are an active part of the adoption process. Your adoption specialist will work closely with you to fulfill all of your requests for adoption.

If you work with American Adoptions, your adoption specialist will talk with you and ask you for this information:

  • Your medical history

  • A description of any possible living expenses you may have during your pregnancy. A social worker will work with you during your pregnancy to determine what type of living assistance you are eligible for.

  • What kind of family you have in mind for your child

  • Medical releases that allow us to help you with Medicaid coverage, as well as view your prenatal records

  • An Indiana authorization to represent, which allows us to help you apply for Medicaid

This information will help your adoption specialist learn more about your situation. Even though it may seem like a lot of paperwork at first, it is important to complete it to the best of your ability in order to proceed with placing a baby for adoption in Indiana. 

Step 3: Finding an Adoptive Family

American Adoptions has helped, and continues to help, countless pregnant women find the perfect family for their child. All of the families that work with American Adoptions have completed various background checks and a home study. When you are ready, your specialist will send you family and video profiles that best match what you are looking for.

Step 4: Getting to Know the Adoptive Family

Getting to know the adoptive family is one of the most exciting steps of the process. Pre-placement contact is essential to a healthy adoption relationship. This will help ensure that you’ve made the right choice for yourself and your child.

Step 5: Getting Ready for the Hospital

Similar to your adoption plan, your hospital plan is something that you have active control over. You may have already envisioned how much interaction you want with the adoptive family during the hospital stay, as well as things like who will be the first to hold your baby and how much time you want alone with him or her after birth.

Step 6: Contact After the Adoption

Signing over your parental rights does not mean that you will no longer be able to see your child. Ultimately, any post-placement contact you have will depend on the relationship between yourself and the adoptive family you choose for your child. Some women wish for no contact after placing a baby for adoption in Indiana, while some wish to stay in contact as much as possible. Giving gifts, sending pictures, and having in-person visits are great options for open adoption contact with one another. The most important thing is to do what’s best for you. If you would like to learn more about an open adoption, please visit our open adoption in Indiana page for more information.

Giving a Baby for Adoption in Indiana: The Legal Process

One of the most significant parts that you will need to understand about adoption is the consent process.

Consenting to an adoption means that you will legally allow your child to be placed with an adoptive family. Until you complete this step, your child will still legally be yours. Even at this point in the process, you are still never obligated to choose adoption. You are always able to change your decision at any time before giving your consent.

In Indiana, you can consent to the adoption any time after birth, but you may not consent to the adoption before your child is born. You will always have an attorney representing your rights during the consent process Your adoption counselor will also be there to support you.

Your consent must also be performed in or witnessed by one of the following:

  • A court

  • A notary public, or any other person that can perform the acknowledgement

  • Your county office of family and children, or a licensed child-placing agency like American Adoptions.

You may wonder, “Does the birth father have to be involved in giving a baby up for adoption in Indiana?” 

A birth father may consent to an adoption before birth if:

  • The consent is in writing

  • The consent is signed by the birth father in front of a notary public

  • The birth father acknowledges that his consent is irrevocable, and he will not receive notification of adoption proceedings.

In Indiana, a birth father’s consent may or may not be needed. Your adoption counselor and attorney will work to obtain any consents that are necessary.

If you decide that you no longer wish to consent to the adoption, you will have 30 days to revoke, if the court decides that your withdrawal is best for the child. If the birth father consents to the adoption before the birth, he will not be able to revoke it or contest the adoption.You will always have an attorney available to you in order to answer any questions about consent and revocation.

If you are ready to learn more about placing a baby for adoption, please call our free counselors at 1-800-ADOPTION. You can also request free information at any time on our website.

Information available through these links is the sole property of the companies and organizations listed therein. American Adoptions provides this information as a courtesy and is in no way responsible for its content or accuracy.

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