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Do You Get Paid for Putting a Baby Up for Adoption in Indiana?

All About IN Adoption Financial Assistance

If you are considering adoption in Indiana, you may be aware that some of your expenses will be taken care of. “Can I get paid for adoption?” is a frequent question that women who are pregnant have during this difficult time. After all, financial stress can quickly become a big problem once you find out about an unexpected pregnancy.

You may find yourself asking, “How much does it cost to give a child up for adoption in Indiana?” Know this: The process of placing your child for adoption is completely free for you.

Financial stress is one of the most significant reasons why women feel that they are unable to parent their child — and why they choose adoption instead. You may already have other children and find yourself unable to afford another family member. You might not be financially stable at this time and are unable to give your child the life that you wish to. Choosing to place your child for adoption is one of the most significant decisions you will have to make  — which is why adoption professionals make sure you do not have to worry about struggling financially, as well.

If you're ready to start the adoption process, reach out to us through our free online form or call 1-800-ADOPTION.

Does the Birth Mother Get Paid for Adoption? If So, What Kind of Financial Assistance is Available in Indiana?

Many women considering adoption in Indiana wonder, “Can you get paid for putting your baby up for adoption? And, if so, what are some adoption agencies that pay birth mothers in Indiana?”

First, recognize the answer to the first question is always no. It is illegal to receive payment in exchange for placing a child for adoption.

In many cases, however, women that are pregnant need financial assistance for adoption for their medical expenses, pregnancy expenses and more. While there are no adoption agencies that pay you in Indiana,  your adoption- and pregnancy-related expenses will be taken care of at no cost to you. The type of adoption financial assistance in Indiana that you may receive can include:

  • Attorney fees
  • Maternity clothes
  • Transportation
  • Housing and utilities
  • Food and additional living expenses, as determined by the court
  • And more, depending on your situation

The costs listed above will be covered by the adoptive family and the child-placing agency that you choose.

Women that are pregnant will have many things to worry about, especially when money can be an obstacle. While your adoption agency takes care of your living expenses and other pregnancy-related costs, you can focus on your health and your pregnancy.

There are, however, some expenses that are not allowed in Indiana for birth parents. Your adoption counselor will always determine what assistance you can receive, but she will have to keep these restrictions in mind:

  • Total living expenses cannot exceed $3,000, unless it has been approved by the court.
  • Your living expenses will not continue longer than six weeks after the child's birth. These post-birth expenses cannot exceed $1,000.
  • Compensation due to unemployment will be offset by the living expenses paid and unemployment compensation the birth parent is entitled to.

When you contact our adoption counselors at 1-800-ADOPTION, they will evaluate your situation to determine what financial assistance is possible for your circumstances.

How is Financial Assistance for Adoption Determined? How is Putting a Baby Up for Adoption Free?

Essential services, such as medical care, are always provided for women that wish to place for adoption through American Adoptions. However, there are a few other factors that determine the amount of additional adoption-related financial assistance you may qualify for. These factors include:

  • The limitations on living expense allocation based on Indiana law
  • Your current place of residence
  • Your current income status

Some women that are considering an adoption plan will have the support of their friends and family. They may be covered by their family’s insurance or are able to live with their loved ones during the pregnancy. This situation will normally decrease the amount of financial assistance they are able to receive. Other women may need additional assistance, such as if they are supporting themselves and their children alone on only one income.

Each state will only allow a certain amount of living expenses to be paid to women that are considering adoption. Your specialist will work with you to make sure that you are able to receive as much financial assistance as possible. However, the amount of financial assistance that you are able to receive must be approved by a court.

So, while it may appear that you can get paid for adoption in Indiana, this is not the case. Being pregnant can be a financial strain, making it difficult to focus on your health and your wellbeing. So, the living expenses that you receive for adoption are intended to offset the financial stress that comes with pregnancy. Placing your child for adoption is already an enormous decision; therefore, you should not have to worry about money on top of your current situation.

You may still be wondering how it is free to put a child up for adoption in Indiana. Remember, while there are no adoption agencies that pay you for the baby, the adoption process will always be completely free for you. You will not receive money directly for placing your child for adoption, but you can receive financial assistance for various pregnancy- and adoption-related expensesTo start speaking with someone about your financial situation, call 1-800-ADOPTION to request free information.

Information available through these links is the sole property of the companies and organizations listed therein. American Adoptions provides this information as a courtesy and is in no way responsible for its content or accuracy.

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