Requirements to Adopt in Georgia
Adoption requirements vary from state to state and adoption professional to adoption professional. Adopting a child in Georgia is no different. Requirements for adoption include home studies, adoption age limits, marital status requirements, etc. Qualifications to adopt in Georgia are governed by state laws. What are the requirements to adopt a child in Georgia?
This guide explains the requirements to adopt a child in Georgia. Anytime you have questions or would like to speak with an adoption professional, fill out this online form or call 1-800-ADOPTION to learn more. In the meantime, continue reading this guide about the adoption requirements in Georgia.
Adoption Requirements in Georgia
Adoptive parents often have questions about the requirements for adoption in Georgia: How old do you have to be to adopt in Georgia? Do you have to be married to adopt in GA?
There are certain laws establishing requirements for adoption in Georgia, which include:
If single, being at least 25 years of age and at least 10 years older than the child being adopted (or at least 21 years of age in the case of a relative adoption)
If married, being at least 10 years older than the child
Criminal records check
Home safety checks
Medical examination
Drug screen
Georgia driver’s license if in GA (requirement for foster parents only)
Completion of a two-hour Information Session
Completion of 23-hour pre-service training
Completion of a home evaluation
Georgia’s law does not specific whether a potential adoptive parent must rent or own their own home, and does not discriminate regarding marital status.
You can find a full list of Georgia adoption qualifications here.
American Adoptions' Georgia Adoption Qualifications
State guidelines basically set the minimum requirements to adopt in Georgia. On top of the state qualifications for adoption, potential adoptive parents must meet the qualifications to adopt a child that are specific to the adoption professional or adoption agency that they are working with. How hard is it to adopt a baby in Georgia with American Adoptions?
Because it is a national agency that must meet adoption requirements in many states, American Adoptions asks hopeful adoptive parents to meet certain requirements beyond state-specific requirements to adopt a child in Georgia. In the traditional adoption program, American Adoptions requires that adoptive parents be married for a minimum of two years, have no more than two children already, and be between the ages of 25 and 50. However, exceptions can and have been made. If you do not meet these qualifications, please contact us to learn whether you may still be eligible to adopt in our program.
American Adoptions offers other programs as well with different requirements. If you are wondering what other programs American Adoptions offers, please reach out and call (800)ADOPTION. This way, you can learn more about our agency's regarding adoption requirements.
Don’t Give Up if Adoption Is Your Choice
How hard is it to adopt a child in Georgia? Well, that depends on your personal situation and how specific you are with the demographics of the child you are looking to adopt. Even if you know you want to adopt, but are not in the situation to choose adoption yet due to not meeting requirements for adopting a child in Georgia or with the agency you would like to choose, don’t let that be a deterrent. Knowing that you want to choose adoption is a bold and honorable thought. Even more so is setting your life up in a manner that is conducive to choosing to adopt a child. Be bold and courageous, and get prepared for one of the best rides of your life: choosing to become an adoptive parent.
Determine Specific Adoption Requirements
Review Georgia’s requirements to adopt a child if you want to become an adoptive parent. While making the decision to adopt a child with an adoption professional or adoption agency, find out what their adoption program requirements are as well. Whether you choose a local professional, or an agency like American Adoptions, you are on the right track for growing your family. If you aren’t ready to adopt yet due to not meeting program requirements for adopting a child, keep moving forward to make your life what it needs to be to choose to adopt, and never give up!
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