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Trenton & Daniella

Adoption has always been a part of our family story and we can't wait for the opportunity to share our love and our home with a child through adoption. We are incredibly grateful that you are taking the time to consider us and hope you will have a glimpse into the compassion, joy, and fun we have to share as a family.

About Us

8th Grade Math Teacher
Master of Education
Law Degree
Legally Married

Cultural Diversity

Joining the Festivities at a Local Latin Heritage Celebration

We are committed to fostering for our child a close knowledge and relationship with their heritage and culture. Our desire is to adopt a child of Latino/a descent because Daniella, as a Latina, longs to share that common heritage and culture with our child. We also both speak Spanish and would love to teach our child to be bilingual as a way to connect with their culture. Additionally, we often spend time with Daniella's family, who are Latino and most speak Spanish, and so our child will grow up with Daniella's and Trenton's family knowing they are loved for who they are. We also plan to expose our child to cultural events, food, music, and traditions that will help us and our child learn about their heritage throughout our child's life, particularly where the child may be descended from a different part of Latino culture than Daniella (as Daniella is Ecuadorian). We both value literacy and plan to read to our child books about their heritage and books that represent people who look like them in careers and achievements that our child aspires to. What's more, the majority of the pre-kindergartens and schools in our hometown are very diverse and intentional about valuing each child's identity, particularly at the school where Trenton works as a teacher. We plan to enroll our child into such a school and to support them in a life of learning and respecting their identity and that of others as well.

Qualities We Admire in Each Other

Enjoying a Picnic in the Park

Trenton loves Daniella's sense of joy and adventure. She has such a melodic and light-hearted laugh that can fill a room when she is cooking and dancing. She is kind, gentle, and incredibly intelligent. He really admires her thoughtfulness toward others, sharing gifts, notes, and special treats to cheer them up, encourage them, or just let them know they are seen and valued. He sees the way she loves to help people thrive by listening to them, helping them find what they need, and just being their cheerleader and defender all the way.

Daniella thinks Trenton is the most patient man in the world. She especially admires his calm and understanding for the middle schoolers he teaches. She says he teaches her every day to be patient and kind even to herself. Trenton is very kind and fun-loving, and he enjoys teaching others and lights up when others learn a new skill or ability. He is incredibly loyal and compassionate, and loves to serve others and help them feel supported and seen for who they are.

Why We Chose Adoption

Adoption was something we both were intentional about considering whether we could have biological children or not. Early in our dating, when we were talking about our plans for the future, we decided that we would adopt at some point in our marriage, at the right time. Daniella was adopted by her stepfather when she was younger, and although her adoption journey is different than what we are undertaking now, she loves her adopted dad as someone who has changed her life and who loves her as his own daughter. Daniella's best friend was also adopted as a newborn baby, and so Daniella has learned a lot about the challenges and the beauty of adoption in her best friend's life. Trent also has several cousins in his family who are adopted, so he is very familiar with the impact of adoption in his family's lives. When we started planning to have children, we learned that Daniella was unable to bear children, and so we shifted toward adoption earlier than anticipated but it felt like the right step to be able to provide a home of joy and acceptance to a child whom we would love and raise as our own.


Daniella Loves teh Beach - Even in the Winter!
Daniella Loves teh Beach - Even in the Winter!
Exploring New York City
Exploring New York City
Trenton Making Mini-Pies
Trenton Making Mini-Pies
Disney World
Disney World
Visiting a National Monument in Quito, Ecuador, Where Daniella Was Born
Visiting a National Monument in Quito, Ecuador, Where Daniella Was Born
At Home Wtih Our Pups
At Home Wtih Our Pups
Riding a Tandem Bike on a Beach Boardwalk
Riding a Tandem Bike on a Beach Boardwalk
Walking the Streets of London
Walking the Streets of London
Enjoying a Music Performance at Daniella's Alma Mater
Enjoying a Music Performance at Daniella's Alma Mater
At a Local Landmark During the Cherry Blossom Celebration
At a Local Landmark During the Cherry Blossom Celebration
On a Mountain Hike
On a Mountain Hike
A Winter Walk
A Winter Walk
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Daniella Loves teh Beach - Even in the Winter!
Daniella Loves teh Beach - Even in the Winter!

Our House and Neighborhood

Our Home

We like to refer to our neighborhood as an oasis. It is close to great schools, beautiful parks, great playgrounds, and a host of community events, celebrating reading, music, food, and the many cultural heritages that make up the community. And yet it is also quiet and surrounded by kind neighbors. All of the homes in our neighborhood are fairly new so there are a lot of young families with children: riding bikes around the block, playing baseball and soccer, and drawing with sidewalk chalk or making snow angels as the weather allows.

The Brand-New Playground at a Nearby Park

Our home has 4 bedrooms (one that we have already begun turning into a nursery), a beautiful kitchen, and a large living room and dining area. We love our living room. Daniella decorated it beautifully and comfortably and it is where our dogs love to relax in the sunlight through the windows. Trenton loves the big rotating armchair which his friends' kids taught him is also a fun carousel ride! We also love our kitchen and spend a lot of time in it. Daniella loves to cook traditional flavors and new favorites, and Trenton loves to bake bread, pies, and brownies.

Our Extended Families

Daniella's Family

Our families are so excited for us to welcome a child into our home. Daniella was herself adopted by her father after he married her mother. Her parents and brother live very close and come over often for dinner, board games, and video games. Her immediate family is small but she also has 17 cousins across the country and in South America, many who are close like siblings and look up to her as a big sister.

Escape Room With Trenton's Family

Trenton's family love children and have worked to nurture and raise children since they were children themselves, working in the church nursery and more. His parents live about 9 hours away but will drop everything to come and welcome the baby. And they will move heaven and earth to make sure we can get together at least once a year. He has 3 siblings and 5 nephews and nieces. His family live further away but they bond over video calls and regular gatherings in his parents country home. He has 3 cousins who have joined the family through the miracle of adoption and they are excited to have another child join the family!

From Us to You


We are incredibly honored and grateful that you would consider us to parent the child you carry. We can't imagine how you're feeling but we know that what you are doing is courageous and selfless to provide a loving home for the child you're carrying through adoption.

Trenton is a ministry leader and school teacher. He loves children and is gifted in helping them to grow and express themselves as they mature, including students who are gifted and talented as well as students with various learning disabilities. Daniella is an attorney for civil rights, representing both women and young girls who have experienced unimaginable losses and trauma. Her experience enables her to be empathetic and supportive for individuals who long for someone to fight for them.

We will have been married for 7 years in April 2025 after we met each other online against all odds in the spring of 2017. We have always dreamed of building a loving family that shares food and music, traveling and games together. Coming to terms with our inability to have children biologically was heartbreaking at first, but adoption had always been part of our family planning - it just ended up coming sooner than we anticipated.

Daniella and her best friend were both adopted and Trenton has wanted to adopt since he was a teen when several of his mentors shared their experiences bringing children into their families through adoption. We are excited to have the opportunity and blessing of adoption now.

We are proud to be a multicultural family. Daniella and her family are from Ecuador and her experience of cherishing her culture through language, literature, music, and food is something we hope to share with the child we welcome into our family. We both speak Spanish and hope to encourage our child to learn to speak two languages at home and abroad as a way of connecting with and celebrating their heritage.

We hope to bring a child into our family so that we can share with them the love, acceptance, and support that is so important for a child to grow up with. We want to read with them, play games with them, share a love of animals and the outdoors with them, and teach them to cook, dance, and play music. But deeper than that, we want to share with them an understanding and compassion for other people, the wisdom and intelligence to figure out what is true and what is right, and the courage and integrity to stand up for themselves, for others, and for their values.

We both have given so much of our strength and love nurturing, coaching, and mentoring the children of others and have always longed to be parents ourselves. We are both highly trained and equipped to be sensitive and supportive of a child with specialized learning needs.

We can't imagine the weight of what goes into making a choice like the one you are making now and are blessed that you would consider us. We would love to include you in the child's life by sharing letters and pictures to update you on the milestones and experiences the child goes through throughout their life. We want to raise our child with an awareness and appreciation for their adoption story and their birth mother that made a sacrifice so that they can have the family they needed. We can't express deeply enough how grateful we are for the opportunity to have the family we have always dreamed of through adoption and for your consideration of our family for the child you are carrying.


Trenton & Daniella


Hugh Jackman
David Tennant
Cate Blanchet
Viola Davis
J. R. R. Tolkien
Kristen Hannah
A Wrinkle in Time
Born a Crime
Candy Bar
Pure Ecuadorian Chocolate
The Jetsons
Childhood Memory
Building castles in the sandbox
Going to the playground and library with my mom and little brother
Childhood Toy
Teddy bear
Children's Book
If the Dinosaurs Came Back
A Wrinkle in Time
Classic Movie
Monty Python Quest for the Holy Grail
The Little Shop Around the Corner
Forest Green
Day of Week
Mint chocolate cake
Ice cream
Disney Movie
The Incredibles
The Little Mermaid
Dream Car
Porsche Carrera
Ford Mustang
Dream Job
Dream Vacation
Hiking through ancient ruins in the mountains (anywhere)
Traveling across Europe
Family Activity
Video games
Flower / Plant
Cherry blossom
Peruvian Lily
Daniella�¢??s Seco de Pollo
Ecuadorian Food
Form of Exercise
Rowing, kickboxing
Settlers of Catan
Playing musical instruments
Holiday Song
O Come O Come Emmanuel
Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire by Nat King Cole
Holiday Tradition
Decorating the Christmas Tree while watching Christmas movies and drinking cocoa
Making breakfast together Christmas morning
Ice Cream
Chocolate raspberry
Junk Food
Fried chicken
French fries
Leisure Activity
Playing guitar
Walking trails with my dogs
Memory with a Child
Introducing my nephew and niece to Lego's for the first time.
Memory with Spouse
Hiking in Virginia
Kayaking together
Lord of the Rings
While You Were Sleeping
Movie Munchie
Gummy bears
Movie Type
Spy/crime/legal thrillers
Historical Drama
West Side Story
Musical Group
Count Basie Jazz Orchestra
Foo Fighters
Olympic Event
400m run
Personal Hero
My dad
Justice Sonya Sotomayor
A Raisin in the Sun
T. S. Elliot
Emily Dickinson
Quality about my Spouse
Her adventurousness and joy
His compassion
Little Havana
My husband's grilled cheese sandwich
Isaiah 41:10
Psalm 91
Shopping Store
T. J. Maxx
Vintage stores
"Bendita la Luz" by Mana
Sport to Play
Ultimate frisbee
Sport to Watch
Sports Team
Chicago Cubs
Subject in School
Captain Marvel
Thing to Cook
Grilled chicken
Latin Food
Time of Day
Early morning
Weekend coffee on the deck
TV Show
Brooklyn 99
Downton Abby
Type of Music
Vacation Spot
Upstate New York
Video Game
Kingdom Rush
Final Fantasy

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