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Kevin & Megan

We are so thankful to you for taking the time to read our profile. We have always wanted to adopt a child. We are ready to be thoughtful, caring, compassionate parents who value a warm, loving environment full of laughter and fun. We would be honored to be considered as adoptive parents and we are excited to see what lies ahead for us all in this journey.

About Us

Senior Software Engineer
School Counselor
Master's Degree in Computer Science
Master's Degree in School Counseling
Legally Married

Our Love of Travel

Summer Trip to Paris

We love travelling and going to any new place! Kevin wasn't able to travel much as a kid, so he especially is really excited about going to new places and introducing our future child to the world around them.

Some places we have been recently are Paris and Bordeaux, London and Dublin, Antigua for some sun and sand, and also many places in the U.S. We love going to Universal Studios in Florida and can't wait to discover all the amazing vacations you can take with children. We are also so excited to go to Disney World, the beach, and all the fun places that are made for kids to enjoy.

We love to learn on our vacations, going to museums and cultural sites. If our child is of another background than our own, we are especially excited about taking them to the place of their ancestry and helping them see the full picture of their amazing story.

We haven't repeated a trip yet because there is so much to see and do! We are so excited to grow our family and have even more joy and fun on our trips around the world.

Our Leisure Time

Megan With One of Her Paintings

We have many hobbies and we are so thrilled to share our passions with our future child! We both love to read and read a variety of different books. We are both excited to stock our child's room with our favorite books from childhood like Dr. Seuss, The Hungry Caterpillar and Winnie the Pooh. Kevin also loves playing soccer and can't wait to share his love of soccer, football, and other sports. Megan has always loved painting, drawing, and any kind of art. We can't wait to explore these things with our future child. Our weekends currently consist of Kevin reading outside with our pets while Megan is painting upstairs and we can't wait to shift our focus to sharing our love of art, learning, and exercise with our family. When the weather is nice, we love to take our dog Max on a hike of all the beautiful nature in Middle and East Tennessee. We can't wait to revisit our favorite hiking trails as a family. We also love going to our neighborhood pool and attending fun events in town like PumpkinFest and the lighting of the Christmas Tree in the town square. We love spending time in our community and also enjoying time at home nurturing our interests and we can't wait to do this with a child.

Our Pets, Max & Penny

Reading With Max & Penny

We have two pets that we love dearly and think will be such wonderful companions to our future child. Our dog, Max, is a 3-year-old Brittany Spaniel who loves to play, but also loves to cuddle and watch birds. Max works hard to alert us to anything he thinks could be a bird, from squirrels in the trees to hot air balloons. Max has brought us such joy and we truly love caring for him. He is a wonderful, sweet, smiling face to come home to. We know he will be our future child's best friend and of course, protector from squirrels.

We also have a 5-year-old cat named Penny. Penny is a sweet, social, affectionate cat who loves to meet people, sit on the couch watching a movie, or sit out on our deck in the sunshine. Most nights, we are all 4 cuddled up on the couch together watching a show or a movie, and we are very excited and hopeful to add a new best friend to the pack.


Enjoying the Beach in France
Enjoying the Beach in France
Trip to Chicago
Trip to Chicago
Cheering On the Tennessee Volunteers
Cheering On the Tennessee Volunteers
Fall Vibes
Fall Vibes
At the Grand Canyon
At the Grand Canyon
Hiking at Machine Falls
Hiking at Machine Falls
Sharing a Laugh
Sharing a Laugh
A Fall Walk
A Fall Walk
We Love the Bird Sanctuary at the Zoo
We Love the Bird Sanctuary at the Zoo
Boat Tour in Antigua
Boat Tour in Antigua
Visiting Washington, D.C.
Visiting Washington, D.C.
Nashville Soccer Game
Nashville Soccer Game
1 / 12
Enjoying the Beach in France
Enjoying the Beach in France
2 / 12
Trip to Chicago
Trip to Chicago
3 / 12
Cheering On the Tennessee Volunteers
Cheering On the Tennessee Volunteers
4 / 12
Fall Vibes
Fall Vibes
5 / 12
At the Grand Canyon
At the Grand Canyon
6 / 12
Hiking at Machine Falls
Hiking at Machine Falls
7 / 12
Sharing a Laugh
Sharing a Laugh
8 / 12
A Fall Walk
A Fall Walk
9 / 12
We Love the Bird Sanctuary at the Zoo
We Love the Bird Sanctuary at the Zoo
10 / 12
Boat Tour in Antigua
Boat Tour in Antigua
11 / 12
Visiting Washington, D.C.
Visiting Washington, D.C.
12 / 12
Nashville Soccer Game
Nashville Soccer Game

Our House and Neighborhood

Our Home

We live in a wonderful, big neighborhood filled with families. One of the reasons we loved our house when we first saw it was the many trees, safe sidewalks, and great community. One of our favorite things to see during the school year is the families and little kids at the bus stop in the morning being greeted by music, cheers, and excited hellos. We have an awesome neighborhood club house with a swimming pool, activities, and a playground. Directly outside our house, we have a section of beautiful trees that the kids in the neighborhood call "the forest." Watching these trees change color or be covered in snow is always such a joy for us.

Nearby Park

Our home has 4 bedrooms, including a guest bedroom for when we have friends and family visit, a room for Megan's painting studio, and of course another room perfect for a child. We also have a large bonus room that will hopefully serve as our playroom. We love our fenced in backyard (so does our dog, Max!).

We love living in our neighborhood for so many reasons, but especially the neighborhood events and activities held regularly. From Easter egg hunts and neighborhood yard sales to 4th of July and Christmas parades, we think our neighborhood would be a wonderful place for a kid to grow up!

Our Extended Families

Megan's Family

We both are very close with our families and are excited to include them in the adoption process. Megan's family includes her parents, grandparents, her older brother and many aunts, uncles, and cousins. Kevin's family is a tight-knit group of just himself and his parents, but he has loved being accepted into Megan's extended family. Megan's parents are wonderful, kind people with her mother working as an accountant and her father working as a teacher and school principal for many years. Her brother works as a nuclear physicist. We see Megan's parents and grandparents very often as they live close by. Kevin's parents live slightly farther away but we love taking road trips to go see them, especially now that they are fully retired from working. When we see our family, we love to play board games, watch movies, and go on outings to the many events in the Nashville area. We especially enjoy catching up with Megan's grandparents in their home, playing cards with them, and listening to their many stories. Our families are so excited to welcome the first grandchild into the family and are as deeply passionate about adoption as we are. We know that our families will support us throughout this journey and we feel they will be a great family for our child, helping them feel loved, embraced, and cared for.

Megan & Her Grandmother

From Us to You

We are so thankful to you for taking time to consider us. We are writing to you with the deepest respect and admiration. We cannot imagine how difficult the decision is that you are making. Although we don't know you or your story yet, we wholeheartedly value you as an individual and we want every birth mother to be able to pursue their goals and aspirations in life. Should we be fortunate enough to be chosen, we hope to have an ongoing relationship you, at whatever level you are comfortable with. We would love to update you with letters, pictures and phone calls and keep you informed of how your wonderful child is growing up. We cannot express enough gratitude for taking the time to consider us.

We have been together for 10 years and have been married for 3. Throughout our entire relationship, adoption has always been a part of the plan. Although we could conceive a child naturally, we want to provide a loving home to a child who needs one. We cannot wait to be parents and give all the love and care we have to a child. We feel we will be great parents and we hope to focus on compassion, laughter, and fun while fostering a love of learning and working to raise a thoughtful, kind person.

Education is important to both of us. We both have always loved learning. Megan has been working as a school counselor for 6 years and has worked in the high school, middle school, and now elementary school setting. She is currently working with children ages 5-8 and it has only made her more excited to have a child of her own. In Megan's career as a school counselor, we both have learned so much about children's mental health, development, and social-emotional well being. We'll use this knowledge to support our child's emotional well-being and foster independence and resilience. Kevin has also worked so hard in his career and loves to learn new things. He works from home as a software engineer for Google. Kevin is very excited about sharing his passion for math and science with our future child and helping them understand the joy that comes with learning new things.

We are so excited to have a child grow up in the community we call home. The schools are the best in the state, our neighborhood is full of kids and fun events, and our town is a beautiful small town that has lots of community events and things to do. We are excited to spend time at home, having fun in our community, but also travelling. We love to explore new places and hope to have our future child experience so many new places and things. We can't wait to travel the world as a family.

Should we be chosen in adopting a child of a race other than our own, we are so excited to connect them with their ancestry. We love the idea of travelling with our child to help them understand their rich background and beautiful story. We intend to be completely honest with our child from the beginning about their adoption story. We hope to show them that so many people have loved them and that all that love has led to their amazing story. We really want to love and cherish our child as their own unique person and celebrate the amazing person they are going to become.

We are so thankful to you for taking the time to consider us as possible parents for your child. We've been dreaming of expanding our family, and we're ready to be loving, dedicated parents. We are excited to learn and grow with our child and to have you be a part of that process if you would like. We cannot wait to share all the love we have with a child.

Kevin & Megan


Leonardo DiCaprio
Robert Redford
Carrie Fisher
Julie Andrews
J.R.R. Tolkien
Margaret Atwood
Count of Monte Cristo
Educated by Tara Westover
Candy Bar
Jimmy Neutron
Childhood Memory
Playing soccer
Spending time at my grandparents house
Childhood Toy
Hot Wheels
Zoo playset
Children's Book
Where the Red Fern Grows
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Classic Movie
12 Angry Men
Now, Voyager
Day of Week
Ice Cream
Disney Movie
Finding Nemo
Dream Car
Porsche Taycan
Range Rover
Dream Job
Bakery owner
School Counselor
Dream Vacation
Family Activity
Going to the zoo
Flower / Plant
Chicken Parmesan
Form of Exercise
Holiday Song
Rockin Around the Christmas Tree
It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year
Holiday Tradition
Giving my wife a gift on Christmas Eve
Making chicken parmesan together for Christmas Eve dinner
Ice Cream
Cookie Dough
Junk Food
Salt and vinegar chips
Leisure Activity
New Yorker
Smithsonian Magazine
Memory with a Child
Leading vacation bible school
Dancing every morning with a student who didn't want to come to school
Memory with Spouse
Proposing while on a hike
Traveling to Paris
The Prestige
Singing in the Rain
Movie Munchie
Sour Patch Kids
Popcorn with Reese's Pieces
Movie Quote
You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
"After all, the wool from the black sheep is just as warm." - Sound of Music
Movie Type
Sound of Music
Musical Group
Simon and Garfunkel
My Chemical Romance
Nursery Rhyme
Itsy bitsy spider
Hickory Dickory Dock
Olympic Event
100m sprint
Personal Hero
Gordon Ramsay
My grandmother
Walt Whitman
Sylvia Plath
Quality about my Spouse
If we don't succeed, we run the risk of failure. - Dan Quayle
Things change rapidly and life gets better in an instant - Jon Stewart
Cheesecake Factory
Panda Express
Chicken Salad
Matthew 22:39
Isaiah 40:30-31
Shopping Store
Dicks Sporting Goods
American Pie
Tomorrow's Gonna Be a Brighter Day - Jim Croce
Sport to Play
Sport to Watch
Sports Star
Peyton Manning
Peyton Manning
Sports Team
Tennessee Volunteers
Tennessee Volunteers
Subject in School
Wonder Woman
Thing to Cook
Time of Day
Early morning
Early Morning
Dressing my dog in his Tennessee jersey on game day
First cool day of Fall sitting outside in the hammock with my dog
TV Show
Ted Lasso
Family Ties
TV Show Character
Ted Lasso
Natalie Green from Facts of Life
Type of Music
Folk singers
Vacation Spot
Hilton Head
Anywhere new
Video Game
Animal Crossing

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