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Fredrick & Shelby

We are so grateful you are taking the time to read our profile. For many years, we have been looking forward to expanding our family through adoption. We have so much love and joy to share with a child and we know we will give any child a wonderful home. You are in our thoughts as you go through this difficult journey and we approach this process with the utmost gratitude and humility.

About Us

Data Management
Director at an Education-Focused Nonprofit
Master's Degree in Public Administration
Master's Degree in Social Work
Legally Married
New Hampshire

Education We Will Provide

Ready for Apple Picking With Friends

Education is extremely important to both of us. Shelby's mother read to and with her constantly throughout her youngest years, which instilled a lifelong love of learning and reading. Fredrick is also dedicated to his education, especially his formal studies of music from the age of 6 into adulthood. We have both achieved Master's degrees and deeply appreciate the power of education to lead to success.

Since we are both products of public school education, we are firm believers in its value. However, Shelby's social work background makes us aware that every child needs to be in the right environment for them to succeed; if that means private school, we are open to that. We will enroll a child in preschool to ensure access to a classroom as soon as possible, and we will supplement with reading, activities, and play at home. We also plan to take an active role in ensuring the child's academic success, while also being involved in the school community.

Even though we have both pursued college and beyond, we are committed to supporting any passions and pathways this child has interest in. In fact, it is Shelby's profession to guide and support students on their journey to education and career success, so we are very prepared for these later steps as well. We believe education is a lifelong journey and we will support this child every step of the way.

Our Lifestyle

In the Garden

We lead our lives with balance as a guiding principle. We enjoy fun, exciting activities as well as just relaxing. We love being outdoors and we take advantage of all four seasons. While we live in a rural community, we also balance our lifestyle by going to cities to experience cultural opportunities. We especially love Boston, which is only a short drive away.

We are very proud of the work-life balance we have developed. We have dedicated our professional lives to careers that are valuable to ourselves and our community, but we prioritize the important people in our life and making memories together.

Food also plays a big role in our life - growing it, sourcing it from local farms, and cooking fresh, healthy meals, for ourselves or with friends and family. We also embrace diverse cuisine; Shelby is always learning new recipes and we love exploring new restaurants.

Music is also very important to us. Most evenings, Fredrick plays jazz or classical piano as the soundtrack to Shelby making dinner. Other times, he's filling our home with sounds of his other instruments, like the guitar, organ, or accordion. We also enjoy listening to live music and going to shows with friends. On a typical Sunday, we stream music while we make pancakes in the morning, but afternoons are for watching sports.

Finally, we are guided by our strong family values including communication, respect, problem solving, supporting each other, and unconditional love.

Our Pup, Mocha


Both of us have always had pets in our lives. Growing up, Fredrick had an aquarium in his room. Taking care of fish taught him responsibility and gave him an appreciation for living things. Shelby's family always had dogs who were loved and cared for like any family member. Now, we have an adorable dog of our own, a 2.5 year old German Shepherd mix, named Mocha. 

We adore Mocha and nothing brings us more joy than showering her with love and affection - which she seems not to mind! From the moment we wake up, she is all tail-wags and happiness. She elevates our mood and makes us laugh with her goofy personality. Mocha is the definition of loyalty and brings us comfort and security. As an added bonus, Mocha also helps us get more exercise through daily playing and walks.

To put it simply, Mocha is a member of our family. We know we will always want a dog to share our life with.


Hiking Near Our Home
Hiking Near Our Home
Cheering on Our Favorite Team
Cheering on Our Favorite Team
Snuggles With Our Nephew
Snuggles With Our Nephew
Cutting Down Our Christmas Tree - An Annual Tradition!
Cutting Down Our Christmas Tree - An Annual Tradition!
We Love Taking Out Our Canoe - Even Our Little Shark!
We Love Taking Out Our Canoe - Even Our Little Shark!
A Beautiful Sunny Winter Day
A Beautiful Sunny Winter Day
All Dressed Up
All Dressed Up
Giving Our Nephew a Shoulder Ride
Giving Our Nephew a Shoulder Ride
Skiing at Our Local Mountain
Skiing at Our Local Mountain
Exploring a Local Trail
Exploring a Local Trail
A Night Out at a Comedy Show
A Night Out at a Comedy Show
Enjoying a Summer Day
Enjoying a Summer Day
1 / 12
Hiking Near Our Home
Hiking Near Our Home
2 / 12
Cheering on Our Favorite Team
Cheering on Our Favorite Team
3 / 12
Snuggles With Our Nephew
Snuggles With Our Nephew
4 / 12
Cutting Down Our Christmas Tree - An Annual Tradition!
Cutting Down Our Christmas Tree - An Annual Tradition!
5 / 12
We Love Taking Out Our Canoe - Even Our Little Shark!
We Love Taking Out Our Canoe - Even Our Little Shark!
6 / 12
A Beautiful Sunny Winter Day
A Beautiful Sunny Winter Day
7 / 12
All Dressed Up
All Dressed Up
8 / 12
Giving Our Nephew a Shoulder Ride
Giving Our Nephew a Shoulder Ride
9 / 12
Skiing at Our Local Mountain
Skiing at Our Local Mountain
10 / 12
Exploring a Local Trail
Exploring a Local Trail
11 / 12
A Night Out at a Comedy Show
A Night Out at a Comedy Show
12 / 12
Enjoying a Summer Day
Enjoying a Summer Day

Our House and Neighborhood

Our Home

We live in a beautiful, rural town in New Hampshire. Our community is made up of individuals and families who enjoy activities that can only happen in a peaceful rural area - everyone has some kind of garden! There's also a strong culture of helping your neighbor, like checking in after a storm.

One of the reasons we chose this area was the strong school system and many families have made the same decision. The community has a library with children's story time and activities, playgrounds, and two state parks complete with trails, picnic areas, and a lake. Our town also hosts a summer carnival, fall harvests at the local farm, and ice skating in the winter.

We also love that bigger cities are only a short drive away, which provide access to shopping, restaurants, and arts and culture. We really feel we have the best of both worlds!

Our house is newly constructed four-bedroom, 2.5 bathroom, two-story Colonial with a basement, sitting on just over 4 acres of property. The main floor is open-concept with sight lines from the kitchen into the living room and plenty of open space for a child to play. Because music is such a strong tradition in Fredrick's family, we have converted the dining room to a music room, complete with Fredrick's grand piano, organ, record player, and several other instruments.

We also have a fenced-in backyard and acres of forest for any child to let their imagination run free.

Our Extended Families

With Frederick's Parents

Both sides of our family are incredibly supportive of our adoption journey. They are looking forward to sharing their love with this child and making them part of the family.

Fredrick's family is based in New York City where he grew up. He has two older sisters who each have two children. We see them occasionally and always know we have their support.

With Shelby's Family

Shelby's parents live nearby and we are fortunate to see them frequently. She has one younger sister who lives with her husband and their 1-year-old son in Florida. We are very close with them and talk and video chat frequently. We see each other throughout the year, but we most look forward to our annual extended stay at the family lake house in Maine. We always have so much fun whenever we're together, whether we're sightseeing in new places or just gathered in the family room to watch a movie. Whatever we're doing, the atmosphere is always full of love, joy, and laughter.

In addition, we both have large extended families full of aunts, uncles, and cousins and more. We love small visits and big reunions and treasure celebrating life's milestones like weddings, birthdays, and graduations.

Growing up, we were raised with similar family values, which we hope to pass on to this child as well. We were taught to put family first, work hard, and love unconditionally.

From Us to You

Thank you for taking the time to learn more about us. We deeply admire your courage and strength as you consider adoption for your child. We hope that learning more about us and the life we could offer your child might give you comfort and peace of mind. We can't imagine how difficult a decision this must be for you and are grateful you are even considering our profile.

We have been together for 10 years, married for 6, and are incredibly eager to grow our family through adoption only. Our journey to become parents began many years ago. One of the experiences that prepared us for this moment was the brief time we had with our biological child. Tragically, we lost our baby at seven months of age. That experience shattered our world, but working through it together has given us strength and resilience we never thought possible.

When we were ready to begin trying to have a second biological child, Shelby experienced severe medical complications. As a result, we can no longer have biological children. When we heard that news, we knew that we were destined for adoption, a process we have welcomed with open arms and open hearts.

Even before these experiences, we actually have always been open to adoption. In fact, we openly discussed our feelings about adoption early on in our relationship and we were on the same page, always imagining it would be a part of our life together.

One factor that helped us be aware of the beauty of adoption is our careers in public service. Shelby is a social worker and has always felt a calling to support children to reach their full potential. Fredrick's nonprofit work connected him with diverse communities and exposed him to all the different ways to make a family. Together, we continue to uphold these values of education, empathy, inclusion, and human dignity. We will raise our child with these same principles, while encouraging them to discover their unique strengths and pursue their own passions.

Our extended family could also not be more excited and supportive for us to welcome a child through adoption. With grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins on both sides of our family, this child will be absolutely showered with love and affection. In particular, Shelby's parents live very close and are eager to take an active role in the child's upbringing.

We are very excited for what the future holds for our family. We have so much love and joy to offer a child and are eager to create a life with them. We are especially looking forward to sharing the things that bring us so much joy, including music, food, the outdoors, our dog, and quality time with our friends and family.

We will always be grateful for the incredibly special role you will play in making it possible for us to grow our family. We will share with you your child's milestones and experiences through letters, photos, and emails. We will always be open and honest with a child regarding their adoption story. We will make sure your child knows how much you love them and what a difficult and brave decision you made. You will always be reflected positively to them.

More than anything, we are so grateful that you are considering us as potential parents for your child. That you are even considering this process demonstrates your courage, your commitment to your child, and your selflessness. We hope that sharing our story and learning how you can make our dream of growing our family come true brings you some comfort as you make this incredibly difficult decision. You will be in our thoughts and forever have our respect.

Fredrick & Shelby


Al Pacino
Christian Bale
Jessica Chastain
Margot Robbie
Grizzly bear
E.M. Forster
JRR Tolkein
Pride & Prejudice - Jane Austen
Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte
Candy Bar
Scooby Doo
Childhood Memory
Going to Disneyworld
Road trips from Florida to Maine
Childhood Toy
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Tinker Toys
Children's Book
Goodnight Moon
If You Give a Moose a Muffin
Washington, D.C.
Classic Movie
Singing in the Rain
Raiders of the Lost Arc
Day of Week
Chocolate chip cookies
Disney Movie
Beauty and the Beast
Dream Car
Dream Job
Furniture maker
Puppy Snuggler
Dream Vacation
New Zealand
Family Activity
Holiday dinners
Shopping on vacation
Flower / Plant
Calla lilies
French fries
Eggplant parmesan
Form of Exercise
Hanukkah & Christmas
Holiday Song
Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire
All I Want for Christmas is You - Mariah Carey
Holiday Tradition
Cutting down our Christmas tree
Opening presents together
Ice Cream
Rocky Road
Chocolate chip cookie dough
Junk Food
Cheez Its
Leisure Activity
Sitting by our fire pit
Watching The Great British Baking Show
Family Handyman
Yankee Magazine
Memory with a Child
Playing piano with my niece
Watching my nephew's first steps
Memory with Spouse
Proposing to her
Building our home
The Mask
Return of the King (Lord of the Rings)
Movie Munchie
Movie Quote
"I know Kung Fu" - The Matrix
"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us." - Gandalf, LOTR
Movie Type
Singing in the Rain
The Producers
Musical Group
Art Blakey and the Jazz Messengers
Nursery Rhyme
London Bridge
Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star
Olympic Event
Merchant of Venice
Langston Hughes
Quality about my Spouse
Her sense of humor
"Education is the most powerful weapon which we can use to change the world." - Nelson Mandela
Olive Garden
Legal Sea Food
Roast beef
Shopping Store
Home Depot
Uptown Funk - Bruno Mars
Dog Days are Over - Florence and the Machine
Sport to Play
Sport to Watch
Sports Star
Michael Phelps
Tedy Bruschi
Sports Team
New England Patriots
New England Patriots
Subject in School
Wonder Woman
Thing to Cook
Family recipes
Time of Day
Christmas Eve Dinner
Christmas morning
TV Show
This Old House
30 Rock
TV Show Character
Niles Crane - Fraiser
Leslie Knope - Parks and Recreation
Type of Music
Afro-Cuban Jazz
Soul Pop
Vacation Spot
Family lake house in Maine
Family lake house in Maine
Video Game
Need for Speed

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