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Luis & Mike

We heartily appreciate your decision to place your child for adoption. No doubt you haven't taken this choice lightly, and we admire your strength. We hope that through reading our profile and watching our video, you will see our plan to provide endless love and care to your child.

About Us

Finance Director
Director, Talent Acquisition
Bachelor's Degree in Finance
Master of Business Administration, Master of Education
Legally Married

Adoption in Our Lives

Sky With Her Birth Mom & Half Sister

We have a beautiful daughter named Sky, whom we adopted at birth. We both flew same day across the country when we heard our birth mother was getting induced. We stayed a night in the hospital, nervous new parents, and got to hold "skin to skin" and feed Sky from a formula bottle as soon as she was born. Our bond started then and has only grown stronger.

Since she was a baby, our daughter Sky has known about her birth mother - we have pictures in our family photo albums of Sky's birth, with her birth mother and birth family. When Sky was four we flew across the country for a handful of days to visit Sky's birth mother and her family. It was a wonderful visit! We went to a trampoline park, a swimming pool, a playground, and enjoyed several meals together. Visiting is something we would like to do every few years, and perhaps Sky's birth mother can visit us as well. We also share photos, videos, Christmas cards, gifts, and occasional catch up calls.

We are very open to helping both Sky and our second adopted child - should we be so lucky to have one - understand where they came from and why.

Cultural Diversity in Our Lives

Luis & a Friend at a Soccer Game

Luis grew up in Colombia in a culture of love and family. He has no fewer than 15 aunts and uncles and over 30 cousins! Several members of his close family live in the USA now and some still live in Colombia so we visit both. Speaking Spanish, eating arepas and bunuelos, celebrating holidays like December 7 "Day of Lights," and cheering for Colombia in the soccer world cup are regular family traditions, which Mike and Sky now love as well.

Mike grew up in the United States in a very diverse city, learning about differences in race, culture, and religion early on. It's been exciting for Mike to teach some American traditions to not only our daughter Sky but also Luis, such as carving a pumpkin at Halloween, dying and hiding eggs on Easter, being with family on Thanksgiving, and lighting off Fourth of July fireworks.

We embrace cultural diversity in our family. On our honeymoon in South Africa, after a safari we visited the island where Nelson Mandela was imprisoned and spend a day in the apartheid museum learning about the fight to bring equality to black people in that country. Luis works for Disney and our daughter enjoys Disney movies and we select the newer ones for her to see that are more culturally sensitive. She's got a good amount of adult and kid friends and role models (and dolls) who look like her - half white, half black. And she - just like her brother or sister will be - is fluent in Spanish and English.

What It Means to Be Parents

Trip to Palm Springs

We both knew at a young age we wanted to have children. It's a huge commitment, to constantly be thinking of and acting in the best interest of someone other than yourself. Parenting takes patience, and we always make sure that we are doing activities our child benefits from.

What we like most is seeing such a wonderful child grow and develop and enjoy life so much. When Sky accidentally ripped a window curtain, it was hilarious - when we asked what happened and why she did that, she said smiling, "Oh, it wasn't me. It was a fox! He came in this room and ripped it." She learned to joke young.

We didn't realize we would love so much the first couple baby years. They can't talk or do much, they cry, there are so many diapers and laundry!. But surprisingly, the baby years were a great opportunity for all of us to build bonds of love and trust, and we wouldn't trade those years now for anything.


Dinner Date in Cabo San Lucas
Dinner Date in Cabo San Lucas
Love Being Silly
Love Being Silly
First Trip to Japan
First Trip to Japan
Mike & Sky
Mike & Sky
Out to Dinner
Out to Dinner
Work Holiday Party at Disney!
Work Holiday Party at Disney!
Relaxing Between Water Polo Matches at the Beach
Relaxing Between Water Polo Matches at the Beach
Our Courtyard
Our Courtyard
Sky's Birth Family
Sky's Birth Family
Ski Trip & Sky's First Ski Lesson
Ski Trip & Sky's First Ski Lesson
Family Thanksgiving Gathering
Family Thanksgiving Gathering
1 / 12
Dinner Date in Cabo San Lucas
Dinner Date in Cabo San Lucas
2 / 12
Love Being Silly
Love Being Silly
3 / 12
First Trip to Japan
First Trip to Japan
4 / 12
Mike & Sky
Mike & Sky
5 / 12
Out to Dinner
Out to Dinner
6 / 12
Work Holiday Party at Disney!
Work Holiday Party at Disney!
7 / 12
Relaxing Between Water Polo Matches at the Beach
Relaxing Between Water Polo Matches at the Beach
8 / 12
9 / 12
Our Courtyard
Our Courtyard
10 / 12
Sky's Birth Family
Sky's Birth Family
11 / 12
Ski Trip & Sky's First Ski Lesson
Ski Trip & Sky's First Ski Lesson
12 / 12
Family Thanksgiving Gathering
Family Thanksgiving Gathering

Our House and Neighborhood

Our Home

We live in a 3 bedroom house in a suburb of a large California city. We picked our neighborhood because of the excellent school a half block away, many families with young children, huge trees, and our central location - we are a short drive to downtown, to the beach, to Disneyland, and to many family members. We love walking to restaurants and stores near our home.

Our town has a Pride Parade, a Fourth of July parade, and is one of the most popular spots in the city for Halloween parties and haunted houses - we visit many of these within a couple blocks as well as trick or treating and handing out candy (over 1000 pieces of candy are handed out each year!.)

We bike or scooter to her friends' houses nearby or the park with deluxe playground, as well as to Sky's soccer classes and swim lessons. Our house has a big pool that we all enjoy most days in the summer, and we often have friends and their kids over to swim as well. We eat outside regularly thanks to our wonderful weather, mild even in the wintertime.

Besides the beautiful yard and hammock we enjoy year round, Mike's favorite room is the living room with a wood-burning fireplace and lovely bay window letting in tons of light. Luis' favorite is the Family/TV room for relaxing, and Sky's is her bedroom full of toys, dolls, and stuffed animals.

Our Extended Families

Family Christmas Gathering

We love spending time with our family! Luis' mom Luz visits several times per year and really enjoys her granddaughter Sky. She speaks in Spanish which helps Sky and Mike learn the language. A favorite spot of theirs is Disneyland a short drive away. Mike's sister Kelly and her husband also live nearby and we always spend July 4 holidays with them. We go on bike rides together - even Sky! - play with their cat, build sand castles at the beach, and swim in the waves. They stay at our house when there is a birthday party, which is often since Mike's 3 step-siblings all live in town and have kids Sky's age. Luis' two brothers (a flight away) also have young kids and Sky loves seeing her cousins. We usually do either a summer or a Christmas trip all together, and some of the best activities have included hikes, riding horses, and walking their dogs.

Sky & Her Grandfather Love Art!

Our families are good cooks, and we like to pitch in - Mike bakes chocolate chip and oatmeal raisin cookies for the visits and parties, and Luis is great at baking bread, sometimes with walnuts and raisins or olives. We love grilling chicken, fish, and vegetables near our pool especially during the summer. We are famous for green salads and rainbow fruit salads. Luis has many awesome cookbooks and frequently tries out new recipes. Thanksgiving varies between traditional turkey dinners and delicious tamales!

From Us to You

We promise to always pay attention to your baby, keeping them safe. We vow to have fun with your future child, teach life's important lessons, embrace their curiosity, and always support them in whatever they do. Just like our daughter Sky has, your child will become our first priority. We will frequently show affection and love your child no matter what.

You probably will hear something similar from others like us, but we are unique in a few ways - we have experience parenting a newborn, adopted baby who is a different race than both of us. We aren't just saying we will send letters and pictures, talking on the phone as well as visiting (if you are comfortable with that) - we actually have done all of those things with Sky's birth mother and her family already and are happy to continue to do so. It's a win-win. Sky's birth mother can see how happy we are, how happy Sky is, and Sky feels more fulfilled knowing where she came from and why. We visited Sky's birth mother and family recently and it was very much worth it, and we plan on going again in a year or so.

We live in a very diverse city - certainly being an adopted child will be something that's different from a lot of children around, but at Sky's preschool and neighborhood there are many same sex couples, adopted and surrogate children, mixed race families, and folks who celebrate different types of diversity.

We have known each other for 15 years and have been together for 12, married for 7. We meant our wedding vows and love each other at least as much now as when our relationship was newer. We are committed to each other and committed to our family.

We value education and hard work - we both have performed well at school and at our jobs to make a good and honest living. Sky attends and loves a wonderful preschool for Disney employees' children. We make sure our jobs don't get in the way of us being great parents. We hope to teach our children to kind, good people, to help others, to pursue the profession and hobbies they enjoy the most, and to hold dear relationships with family and friends.

We also value healthy food, sleep, and exercise - sure we enjoy ice cream and treats from time to time, but we have a lot of energy as a family, don't get sick too often, and will hopefully live long happy lives because of our good habits. Luis and I were Varsity athletes in college (water polo and swimming) and we still compete and train even as adults! Your child will learn to appreciate athletics, academics, as well as art and music with us.

Please choose us because Sky will be the best big sister ever. Please choose us because you can rely on our family to provide a wonderful home and upbringing for your baby.

Thank you so much for reading and considering us!

Luis & Mike


Timothee Chalamet
Robin Williams
Scarlett Johansson
Whoopi Goldberg
Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Madeline Miller
The Love Songs of W.E.B Du Bois
A Game of Thrones
Candy Bar
Heath bar
Stan Smith (American Dad)
Donald Duck
Childhood Memory
Sunday's ice cream runs!
Camping with my family
Childhood Toy
Children's Book
Adventures of Tintin
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Barcelona, Spain
Paris, France
Classic Movie
Star Wars & The Princess Bride
Olive green
Day of Week
Mixed berry pie
Ice Cream
Disney Movie
Lion King
Dream Car
A flying car!
Tesla (and we have one!)
Dream Job
Professional back up dancer
Host of Rock N Roll Jeopardy
Dream Vacation
New Zealand
Summertime sailing through the Greek islands
Family Activity
Trips to the zoo
Biking to the beach
Flower / Plant
Fiddle Fig
Cedar tree for the smell
Form of Exercise
Magic: The Gathering (card game)
Coaching water polo
Holiday Song
El Burrito Sabanero
Christmas Wrapping by The Waitresses
Holiday Tradition
Candle day (December 7)
Ice Cream
Too hard to choose just one!
Junk Food
Ice Cream
Leisure Activity
Going to music concerts
National Geographic
Memory with a Child
First bike ride without training wheels
Teaching Sky to bike, to swim
Memory with Spouse
Wedding day
Wedding day with Luis
Star Wars / The Princess Bride
Movie Munchie
Jalapeno Kettle Chips
Homemade popcorn with real butter
Movie Quote
The past can hurt, but the way I see, you can either run from it of learn from it - Lion King
"Do or do not. There is no try." -Yoda
Movie Type
Romantic comedies
Les Miserables, followed by Wicked
Musical Group
The Police
Nursery Rhyme
Los pollitos dicen
This little piggy went to market
Olympic Event
Water polo
Water Polo
Personal Hero
Nelson Mandela
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Book of Mormon
A Midsummer Night's Dream
Pablo Neruda
Bob Dylan
Quality about my Spouse
Hard worker
c'est la vie
Love Conquers All
Pitfire Pizza
Turkey sandwich
Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.
Shopping Store
Barnes and Noble books
Piez descalsos
In Your Eyes (Peter Gabriel)
Sport to Play
Water polo
Water Polo
Sport to Watch
Water Polo
Sports Star
Simone Biles
James Rodriguez (soccer star from Colombia)
Sports Team
Los Angeles Dodgers and Los Angeles Lakers
Los Angeles Dodgers and Los Angeles Lakers
Subject in School
Thing to Cook
Chicken and vegetable roast
Time of Day
Late afternoon
Yearly family vacations
Visiting my sister on Fourth of July
TV Show
Derry Girls
The Last Kingdom
TV Show Character
Jake Peralta (Brooklyn 99)
Paul Hollywood on Bake Off
Type of Music
Various (pop, latin)
Alternative / Indie Pop
Vacation Spot
Whistler Canada
Video Game
Zelda series

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