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Shane & Kenzie

We are childhood sweethearts hoping to have our biggest wish of becoming first time parents finally come true! We are beyond excited to begin our adventure of parenthood and so happy that you are giving us some of your time to get to know us! Becoming parents means absolutely everything to us and our promise to you is to never take for granted this opportunity. We would be grateful for the chance to meet you!

About Us

Desktop Support Specialist II
Stay at home wife
Associate's Degree in Information Technology
Some College Credit in Child Psychology
Legally Married

Our Pets

Kenzie and Sophie at the Drive-In

Other than us two our family is made up of our little dog Sophie (age 8) and our two cats Mia and Sparx (both age 2). Sophie is playful, so gentle and incredibly loving and will sit on your lap or fetch toys forever if you let her. Mia has long grey fur, she is sassy, sweet, and loves snuggles. Sparx who is our fluffy orange boy who loves everyone and everything (but especially food and getting in to mischief). They are all a very special part of our family and day to day lives. They have given us so much happiness and everyday have filled our lives with laughter.

They have taught us so much and bettered us as both individuals and partners in the time we have had them together. Because of them we gained important skills such as pausing and enjoying the small moments and working together when one of them gets sick taking turns caring for them through the day and night. They have helped us stay positive when it was difficult to do so during the hard times. We feel pets are so important for children to have for countless reasons such as teaching gentleness not only for humans but all beings of the world. Pets teach us how to care for one and other in a selfless way. We know our pets will love having a child to play with and be around everyday.

What it Means to Become Parent

At Our Childhood Friends Wedding

To us being parents means showing up for your child both physically and emotionally whether that be to an event or being willing to listen to the highs and lows of everyday. We feel it means being selfless and giving them your attention and energy even when you’re exhausted or already have your plate full with your own personal struggles. For us being parents means holding them close until they finish crying or patiently waiting it out together and being the calm one when they are angry.

We look forward to being silly just to hear them laugh whether by using spaghetti during dinner to make noodle mustaches, or creating fun stories about dancing bugs in the grass just for no reason besides having them smile. We can’t wait for spontaneous ice cream trips and excited giggles while we help put their shoes on. We look forward to teaching them by example how to be kind, confident, respectful, and trying their best and knowing it might not always work out how they hoped but knowing we are always here for them to fall back and depend on no matter what.

Qualities We Love, Admire and Respect in Each Other

Holding a Younger Photo of Us at Our Wedding

Kenzie About Shane: Kenzie has many qualities she loves about Shane but a particularly admirable one is that he is an excellent motivator and teacher to anyone struggling to understand a concept or task. He also has a knack for explaining things in an easy way that makes sense, all the while being incredibly patient. Additionally she has the utmost respect that he is someone truly who is dependable, loyal, and is willing to drop everything to help someone in need no matter the person or circumstances.

Shane About Kenzie: Shane loves many things about Kenzie but the biggest one is being how empathetic she is to those hurting or struggling. She is a very good listener and willing to help in any way she can. She is creative and a problem solver when needed. Shane admires that she is incredibly passionate about going over and beyond what’s necessary to make someone feel safe, valued, and comfortable no matter who they are, where they are from, how old they are and any other form of differences between them and her.


Family Photography Session
Family Photography Session
Mia Being Playful
Mia Being Playful
Our Disneyland Trip!
Our Disneyland Trip!
Solving Computer Issues with Assistant Sparx
Solving Computer Issues with Assistant Sparx
Playing Dominos
Playing Dominos
Playing with Sparx
Playing with Sparx
Talking About Bugs with Cousins
Talking About Bugs with Cousins
In Arizona to Visit Kenzie's Family
In Arizona to Visit Kenzie's Family
Kenzie Taking Her Nephew Trick-or-Treating
Kenzie Taking Her Nephew Trick-or-Treating
Cannon Beach Trip
Cannon Beach Trip
Taking Care of Succulents
Taking Care of Succulents
At a Baseball Game
At a Baseball Game
1 / 12
Family Photography Session
Family Photography Session

Our Extended Families

Christmas Eve with Shane's Family

Our families are so incredibly happy for us to adopt and welcome the first child into our family to love and create memories with together. Both of our parents live about 15 minutes from our home so we get to enjoy spending time with them frequently! We are so lucky that Shane’s sister even lives a 4 minute walk from our home too!

When everyone gathers we love playing all sorts of board games, watching movies or football and making big meals as a family together. During the Summer time everyone joins in together for backyard games and barbecues.

With Kenzie's Parents

Exciting things are always happening throughout the year with our family. Shane’s parents live at his childhood home on an island, where fun seasonal fairs and holiday festivities are constantly happening. There are always children's activities going on at the community center on the island to enjoy which is where originally Shane met Kenzie during the summertime in middle school.

Kenzie’s parents have two houses one in her childhood home nearby in a small coastal beach town during the Summer, Fall and Spring. The second house is in Arizona which is always a blast to enjoy during the cold months each year here in the Pacific Northwest. Another fun part of Arizona is Kenzie’s other half of extended family also lives there (Abuela, Tia's, and many cousins)!

Our House and Neighborhood

Our Home

We live in Western Washington in the beautiful Pacific Northwest! Our two bedroom home has a nice outside area where we have made so many wonderful memories hosting our family and friends. Spending time together relaxing on the back deck in our down time reading or coloring is definitely one of our favorite activities! We are so lucky to be able to see the sunsets and views of Mt Rainer just outside our own back door! Our living room is another area we love. Often we find ourselves snuggled up with our pets having movie nights, hanging out with family, or having fun playing some co-op video games together. Outside of our home we are very fortunate to live in a town that is very family focused, because of that there are frequent events happening throughout the year. We feel very grateful to live in a area that is so inclusive of all families of different races, religions, and walks of life. In particular, the schools we have in our area are always busy holding summer carnivals, Halloween parties, dance classes, language immersion clubs and a large variety of sports to join in for kids and their families. Outside of the schools we live a short walk from the local swimming pool and many different parks with large play areas and plenty of shady trees for picnic spots to enjoy lunches together.

From Us to You

Hello there!

We are Shane and Kenzie and we are happy to get the chance to introduce ourselves to you and give you a small glimpse into our lives with this letter. We have been married 3 years but together for almost 9. We have known each other for over 15 years initially meeting as children at only 12 and 13 years old. Our friendship and love has truly endured the test of time and hardships. We are no strangers to overcoming the impossible together; in the first year of our lives as partners Kenzie required a hysterectomy at only 20, which was the culmination of her fight against endometriosis. Most of her life from 15-20 was spent fighting endometriosis with constant treatments, tests, hospital stays, and seven surgeries. She never gave up knowing she could one day become healthy and pain free to still achieve her biggest dream in life by adopting, and at 19 Shane joined the battle, and we set our dreams together of one day starting a family. Together, we knew whatever may come that our stead fast and unconditional love for each other would get us through anything.

We say this not only to give you a better insight into our own journey but also so that you will know that never ending dedication and commitment for each other that we have will always include your child if you choose us. You will never have to doubt our love for your child, we will fight by their side with them through whatever hardship they may experience. We will celebrate all of the little things in their life and show up for every moment. We will never expect perfection but always encourage them to try their best and help stand by them, supporting them when they struggle. We promise to teach them by example; things like kindness towards others, respect and inclusion. We will take every opportunity to help them grow self confidence so they never question their worth. We will teach them the importance of learning both in the classroom and in the world outside of it. They will never lack in the best possible educational support if the need arises or medical care. We will always be there for them no matter the circumstances.

Our guarantee for you is to give your child all the love, attention, and life experiences we have longed for so many years to give to a child. Although we don’t know your circumstances or can even begin to understand what emotions you may be experiencing we want you to know we will never judge what life you have lead, your past, your struggles, your desires for the future or your aspirations. No matter what, you will forever have an irreplaceable place in our hearts and our utmost gratitude and respect for being the one to give us the greatest gift of all, the chance to love this child with our whole hearts.

You have our word that you will never be unknown or forgotten in your child’s life we will talk often of you, because you truly will be our hero if you choose us. Also we will be more than happy to send photos and letters and exchange emails. We love taking photos (especially Kenzie) so there will be plenty to share but no matter what we will respect your boundaries and choices and give you space whenever you wish. We both thank you so much for taking the time to read our letter and hope that we get the opportunity to get to know you and allow us to introduce ourselves so you can truly meet us and get to know us as individuals and as a couple.

With love and gratitude,

Shane & Kenzie


Paul Rudd
Robert Downey Jr
Anne Hathaway
Emma Watson
I really love all animals but I'd say dogs, cats, manatees, and otters!
Brandon Sanderson
Hadley Vlahos
Oath Bringer by Brandon Sanderson
"The Art Of Racing In The Rain" by Garth Stein
Candy Bar
3 Musketeers
Anything of the reeses variety
Avatar the last air bender
Gotta Catch em' all ! Pokemon!
Childhood Memory
Camping at Big Lake Oregon with the extended family. Our family has done it for over 50 years!
Baking different cookies with my mom and sharing them with my family especially my grandparents who lived 5 minutes away
Childhood Toy
My pink razor scooter I used it every day when I was a kid!
Children's Book
Chikka Chikka Boom Boom
"I love you to the moon and back" by Tim Warnes
Bend, OR
Cannon Beach Oregon we go there every year together and I have myself since I was two! I can't wait to continue the tradition with our growing family!
Classic Movie
Jurassic Park
Princess Bride
Forest green
Green or pink
Day of Week
Saturdays for spontaneous beach adventures !
Double chocolate chip brownies
Peanut butter Cookies with chocolate chips
Disney Movie
Fox and the Hound
Coco because I really loved seeing my paternal sides family's heritage in a fun but meaningful way.
Dream Car
2003 Honda HRV (my first car and the car my spouse and I started dating in)
2003 Honda HRV (in green)
Dream Job
System Administrator
Being a long term stay at home mom and giving my whole attention , support, love, and time to embrace every stage of their life
Dream Vacation
A trip around Europe
I'd love to visit Florida to see a Manatee wildlife conservation
Family Activity
Going to the drive ins
Walking our dog around the neighborhood or to the weekend farmers market
Flower / Plant
Ferns are the best !
Sunflowers or tulips
Pastas! macaroni, spaghetti, tortellini any of them are amazing
Form of Exercise
Watermelon and it is also one of my favorite foods!
Cooking, Reading, and Building model kits
Painting, crafting and taking lots and lots of photos!
Christmas because every year all the extended family gets together to celebrate and be together
I really like Halloween because of dressing up and of course handing out and eating candy
Holiday Song
The Christmas song 'Silver bells'
"I want a hippopotamus for Christmas"
Holiday Tradition
Christmas Eve dinner with my whole extended family
Visiting Oregon and spending Christmas Eve at Shane's aunt's home with all of his extended family. She does amazing decorating and has a whole room just dedicated for the little kids of the family with crafts, foods, beautiful moving decorations
Ice Cream
Mint chocolate chip
Peanut buster parfait at DQ or strawberry flavor in Summer at the ocean
Junk Food
Tortilla chips
Sour Cream and Onion chips
Leisure Activity
Watching sunsets together with Shane on our back deck
National Geographic
I don't frequently read magazines but I'd choose national geographic
Memory with a Child
Listening to music with my younger cousin when he was ten helping him discover new types of music
My favorite memory was with my nephew when he was three. We had 'berry parties' every weekend where I used to get all these different berries and i'd cut them up and put out a big plastic table cloth and we'd make a mess and eat them.He still remembers!
Memory with Spouse
When I proposed and saw her eyes light up with excitement
My husband and I have so many special memories since we were friends since 7th grade it's hard to pick just one but when he asked me to date him he asked in French (he can barely speak it minus a few words from a high school class he had.) It was so sweet
Howl's Moving Castle
Movie Munchie
Runts candy
I have a real problematic weakness to mozzarella sticks and cherry icees
Movie Quote
"There is some good in this world, Mr Frodo and it's worth fighting for"
"You know, sometimes all you need is twenty seconds of insane courage. Just literally twenty seconds of just embarrassing bravery. And I promise you, something great will come of it." - We Bought A Zoo
Movie Type
Disney, Marvel , and Studio Ghibli are my absolute go tos
Sound of Music
"Annie" the dancing is so fun and how it all progresses to a happy ending is really sweet
Musical Group
Taylor Swift, Ed Sheeran , Dan+ Shay , and almost any early 2000s pop punk bands
Nursery Rhyme
'A bear with tennis shoes'
Old MacDonald because I used to make up the silliest craziest 'animals' with my nephew when he was little it was so funny he used to belly laugh so loud
Olympic Event
The curling event
Skate boarding I definitely admire the time they put into their sport, I am sort of clumsy so I think they look super cool!
Personal Hero
My dad who is a Firefighter and EMT. He spends every day helping others.
My endometriosis surgeon who saved my life and gave me the opportunity to live my life to the fullest without pain
"Spirited Away" the characters and the sets were really nostalgic and well done
Maya Angelou
Quality about my Spouse
She is empathetic and kind to everyone no matter who they are or what their background is
Shane is always willing to be there for someone at a moments notice and is never judgmental under any circumstances. He is so patient and funny and can almost always make anyone smile even in hard times
"Always remember you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, smarter than you think, and loved more that you will ever know."-Winnie The Pooh
Red Robin
Spaghetti Factory
Reuben sandwiches !
Peanut butter and jelly
"The pain that you've been feeling can't compare to the joy that's coming." Romans 8:18
Shopping Store
Radio Shack
Michaels Craft stores ! I really enjoy doing different art projects!
Come sail away by the Styx
Sport to Play
Unsure if it qualifies a sport but I really like water frisbee
Sport to Watch
Football or Baseball
Football because we go over to both our parents for game days!
Sports Star
Joey Harrington
Sports Team
Oregon Ducks!
Oregon Ducks or Seahawks!
Subject in School
Science or Math
Psychology was my favorite in high school and college. It really was so amazing to be able to better understand how different parts of the brain functions affect us.
Goku from Dragon Ball Z
Thing to Cook
Fried rice
I have fun cooking different types of pasta focused meals with garlic bread and vegetables
Time of Day
Midnight/Past dark
Golden hour for taking photos of nature, people, animals anything that creates good emotions or memories when you see them!
Planting flowers every spring
I love at Christmas time making and decorating sugar cookies and gingerbread houses with my nephew every year
TV Show
Dr House
TV Show Character
JD from 'Scrubs'
Olivia Benson
Type of Music
Drum and base
punk pop, country pop or regular pop
Vacation Spot
Big Lake in Bend Oregon
I really love going to Cannon Beach OR. It's so incredibly beautiful and holds a very special place in my heart since I've gone there for so long and we got engaged there!
Video Game
Zelda Twilight Princess
I enjoy farming games or playing multiplayer games with friends when they come over

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