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Sam & Savannah

We are grateful for the opportunity to partner with you as we grow our family through adoption! Our pups have begged for a human sibling, and we are eager to grow our loving, playful pack. We promise to maintain an open and accepting home, where your child will have a safe place to land as we encourage their curiosity about the world. Thank you for your thoughtfulness and courage as you navigate the adoption process.

About Us

English Teacher
Immigration Attorney
Master's Degree in Teaching Writing
Law Degree
Legally Married
North Carolina

Our Lifestyle

Touring the Cotswalds in England

We are extroverted introverts, and our lifestyle reflects it. Our home life includes a lot of time with the two of us and our pups, reading on a Saturday afternoon or relaxing with a movie on a Friday night. Savannah frequently redecorates while Sam completes a house project. Our home is our sanctuary, and we hope it can become the same for our child. In the evenings, we have yard time with the dogs, where everyone plays and enjoys the sunset. Our dog Calvin recently "discovered" and barked at the moon for about a minute, which was hilarious to watch.

We also cherish time with our people, getting together for dinners downtown and spending Thursday nights catching up with our closest friends.

We love to travel and create new memories--like the time we visited a sea turtle hospital! Traveling is also an opportunity to spend time with loved ones. In the past year, we've traveled to the UK and Ireland for a wedding, Seattle for a birthday party, Napa for a birthday trip, Mexico and Florida for our anniversary, and Savannah's hometown to see her family.

Regarding work, we have chosen people-focused careers. Sam teaches high school English and Savannah practices immigration law. We're fortunate that both of our jobs allow us to prioritize our marriage and family over work. While the work itself is challenging, we enjoy a great deal of flexibility and leisure time, which will allow us to be very present in our child's life.

Paisley, Calvin & Lemon

Lemon's First Christmas

It's no secret that we take pet parenting VERY seriously! We've both had a deep, spiritual love for animals from the beginning, and as a couple, it's only intensified. For Savannah, pets have always been family (rescue pets in particular). In fact, it's difficult for her to recall special memories from her childhood that do not involve a dog or cat…or two or three. For Sam, his childhood dog and turtle were steadfast friends.

We became pet parents in 2016 when we adopted our precious Paisley, a black-and-white pup who quickly became our soulmate. Calvin, our beautiful hound boy, joined us later that year. Paisley picked him out, and they have been best friends ever since! Finally, Lemon, our fiercely affectionate girl, joined us in 2022, bringing a big personality and tons of laughs with her.

Our adventures with and care for our pets have strengthened our marriage, whether it's been jointly teaching them to swim, playing silly games, or helping Paisley recover after her three knee surgeries. We're happiest when we're all together, partly due to the ridiculous dog voices we've invented for them. We're so excited to watch our future child build their own relationships with our pets!

Cultural Diversity

We love the breadth of cultural diversity in our neighborhood and our jobs--it's what drew us to where we live. Through the relationships we've established, we know the importance of putting assumptions aside and listening to others' experiences in order to understand them. We also know how essential it is for young people to be surrounded by role models who look like them and come from the places they do. We will consistently seek to understand our child's heritage, share this knowledge with our child, and because of where we live, immerse our child in experiences and relationships tied to their background. We will also encourage them to be curious about their cultural heritage and provide them resources to explore, especially as they grapple with their identity in later adolescence.

It's important to acknowledge that there will inevitably come a time in our child's life when someone intentionally or unintentionally hurts them out of ignorance or prejudice. When this happens, we will be by our child's side to support them through this experience, which could mean connecting our child with someone who will be able to identify with our child through shared experience. As with all things, we approach cultural diversity from a place of open-mindedness, humility, and discovery and we will strive to learn as much as we can to support our child in appreciating their cultural background. We will celebrate what makes them who they are!


Picnic in Central Park
Picnic in Central Park
Hairstyling Our Cute Friend
Hairstyling Our Cute Friend
Kayaking With Lemon
Kayaking With Lemon
Dressing Up for Halloween
Dressing Up for Halloween
Celebrating Sam's Birthday
Celebrating Sam's Birthday
Clifftop View in Montenegro
Clifftop View in Montenegro
Adventuring in Athens
Adventuring in Athens
College Homecoming Football Game
College Homecoming Football Game
Dressing Up Like Our Favorite Eras
Dressing Up Like Our Favorite Eras
Pool Day With Our Family Friends
Pool Day With Our Family Friends
Snuggled Up With Lemon & a Good Book
Snuggled Up With Lemon & a Good Book
Sunset in Santorini
Sunset in Santorini
1 / 12
Picnic in Central Park
Picnic in Central Park
2 / 12
Hairstyling Our Cute Friend
Hairstyling Our Cute Friend
3 / 12
Kayaking With Lemon
Kayaking With Lemon
4 / 12
Dressing Up for Halloween
Dressing Up for Halloween
5 / 12
Celebrating Sam's Birthday
Celebrating Sam's Birthday
6 / 12
Clifftop View in Montenegro
Clifftop View in Montenegro
7 / 12
Adventuring in Athens
Adventuring in Athens
8 / 12
College Homecoming Football Game
College Homecoming Football Game
9 / 12
Dressing Up Like Our Favorite Eras
Dressing Up Like Our Favorite Eras
10 / 12
Pool Day With Our Family Friends
Pool Day With Our Family Friends
11 / 12
Snuggled Up With Lemon & a Good Book
Snuggled Up With Lemon & a Good Book
12 / 12
Sunset in Santorini
Sunset in Santorini

Our House and Neighborhood

Always Great to Be Home

We live in a vibrant mid-sized city in North Carolina, full of history and character. Our neighborhood's diversity enriches our lives and would offer your child a wonderfully inclusive environment. We love spending time with our best friends and their kids, who live just down the street. We consider them family.

Given our proximity to downtown, we have easy access to our favorite restaurants, city parks, and playgrounds. We enjoy spending time with our nephew at the local science and nature museum, which has wolves, bears, a replica moon lander, and so many other cool exhibits!

We have loved restoring our 1915 home over the past four years, turning it into our own little oasis. We consider ourselves caretakers of this historic home, and we love working together on house projects. Our large fenced-in backyard offers ample space for fun and games (our dogs can attest!) as well as a basketball court that we know your child would enjoy.

As a teacher, Sam is deeply involved in the school community. Your child would have the opportunity to attend the school where Sam works from K-12, benefiting from a consistent and supportive educational environment and ensuring your child would have a strong sense of belonging and community at home and school. Savannah's office is five minutes from our house, and she enjoys the ability to work from home multiple days a week.

We love our home and neighborhood and can't wait to share what makes it special with our future child!

Our Extended Families

With Goodie & Choo Choo

We both come from large families. Sam, the youngest of four siblings, lives close to his family and frequently visits his parents, known by their grandchildren as "Goodie" and "Choo Choo." While Savannah's family lives a bit further away, we make concerted efforts to spend time with them. Known as "Sas" by her family, Savannah is the third of four siblings. The grandkids call her dad "Coach," a nod to his love of sports, and her mom "Mimi." Our entire families are excited for us to adopt a child!

Braves Game With Mimi & Coach

Both families share a love of spending time outdoors--and a little friendly competition. At Sam's family beach house, we all gather to enjoy good food, often cooking locally caught seafood together. Sam enjoys gardening alongside his mom and bonding with his dad over basketball, especially their favorite game: "H-O-R-S-E."

Savannah and her family enjoy hiking, kayaking, and lake time. Just recently, we met up with Savannah's brother and sister-in-law to go whitewater rafting. In addition, her family loves game nights, in particular word games requiring strategy and quick thinking. We're all excited for the adventures we will share with our child, fostering a love of nature, fun, and exploration!

From Us to You

We hope this is the start of a lifelong relationship with you and your child! Thank you for the wisdom and thoughtfulness you're giving to the adoption process. We know there are many great families looking to adopt, and you probably have many questions as you determine the best path forward. Our goal is to make you feel comfortable and confident as you weigh the opportunities before you. If you select us to adopt your child, you can feel secure knowing that we will love them deeply just as we will cherish our relationship with you and value your insight as our child's birth mother. We're excited to communicate with you through updates, letters, photos, visits, and all the little traditions we'll create together! Sharing the joy of our parenthood with you will be our humble attempt to thank you for what you've given us.

As hopeful first-time parents of humans--we already have three fur babies--we're exhilarated by the possibilities! We won't pretend to know everything, but we are avid learners who will always do our best and seek the counsel of our community. Fortunately, we have no shortage of mentors and experience! Between us, we're the lucky aunt and uncle to eight nieces and nephews and are the honorary aunt and uncle to several more. Watching our siblings and friends become parents has been life-changing, and building our own relationships with their kids is better than we ever imagined. We can't wait for those same people to fall in love with our child, to form their own inside jokes, and to encourage and support us as we embark on parenthood.

Our loving foundation as a couple offers the support a child needs to grow. We met as college freshmen at a student-led ministry, and now--in our thirties and nine years into our marriage--we've grown and changed in ways we never expected. Our relationship has been both a constant and the catalyst for much of our growth. Savannah admires the way Sam shows up for our family, like how he makes sure we're always fed delicious meals. Sam appreciates Savannah's funny, playful personality, and how reliable and steady she is under pressure.

As a father, Sam will take great joy in teaching our future child new things. He'll be supportive and open-minded, helping our child solve problems while fostering a sense of independence. As a mother, Savannah will be a great listener and advocate for our child and will encourage their interests, whether it's memorizing Taylor Swift's entire Eras Tour setlist or playing a sport she's never even heard of. As siblings, our three pups will be the most attentive, affectionate nanny dogs you've ever seen, as evidenced by their obsession with their cousins. There's no shortage of love in our house, and we promise to express that love to our future child every chance we get.

We are passionate believers in the value of education. It's why we each pursued advanced degrees to help us build careers we're proud of: Sam as an educator and Savannah as an immigration lawyer. Our educational backgrounds gave us the tools to make our passions for justice and helping others a reality. We'll ensure our child receives a world-class education founded on diverse perspectives and commitment to service.

Last but certainly not least, we'll give our future child a life full of discovery, humor, and joy. When we look back on our lives, the best memories center on laughter and adventure. Fun isn't a bonus in our house: it's a priority. Whether it's playing Taboo, throwing absurdly specific theme parties, or traveling abroad for a family vacation, we promise the party won't stop!

We're honored that you've taken an interest in our family, and we pray you will experience peace and clarity as you make this decision.

Sam & Savannah


Will Ferrell
Steve Carrell
Anne Hathaway
Meryl Streep
Ken Follett
Lucy Foley
The Overstory by Richard Powers
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince by J.K. Rowling
Candy Bar
Reese's Christmas Trees
Reese's Pumpkins
SpongeBob SquarePants
Childhood Memory
Learning to cook southern food with my grandma, mom, and older brother
Spending the Fourth of July with my family at my grandparents' lake cabin
Childhood Toy
Children's Book
The Rainbow Fish
Because of Winn-Dixie
London, United Kingdom
Florence, Italy
Classic Movie
Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back
The Parent Trap
Day of Week
Warm Pecan Pie with Vanilla Ice Cream
Homemade Chocolate Chip Cookies
Disney Movie
Monsters, Inc.
Dream Car
James Bond's Aston Martin
Arthur Weasley's Flying Ford Anglia
Dream Job
Food Critic
Sitcom Writer
Dream Vacation
Family Activity
Going to the farmer's market down the street on Saturday mornings
Playing hide-and-seek with our dogs
Flower / Plant
Malai Kofta
Potatoes (all preparations)
Form of Exercise
Interior design
Holiday Song
The Christmas Song by The King Cole Trio
Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas by Frank Sinatra
Holiday Tradition
Dressing up in themed family costumes (dogs included) at Halloween
Ice Cream
Salted Caramel
Junk Food
Kettle Salt and Pepper Krinkle Cut Chips
Chips and Salsa
Leisure Activity
Reading by the water
Reading/napping on the beach
Bon Appetit
Architectural Digest
Memory with a Child
Reading books to my nephew as part of his nightly routine
Watching my nephew and puppy become best friends
Memory with Spouse
Traveling down the coast of Greece together
Traveling down the coast of Greece together
The Devil Wears Prada
Movie Munchie
Movie Quote
"Words are, in my not-so-humble opinion, our most inexhaustible source of magic." - Albus Dumbledore
Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light. - Albus Dumbledore, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Movie Type
Space Drama
Les Miserables
Musical Group
The Beatles
Nursery Rhyme
The Itsy Bitsy Spider
The Itsy Bitsy Spider
Olympic Event
Personal Hero
My favorite high school English teacher
Ruth Bader Ginsburg
To Kill A Mockingbird
Billy Collins
Taylor Swift
Quality about my Spouse
Her support of others and sense of humor
His drive and love of learning
I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. - Maya Angelou
As long as you are learning, you are not failing. - Bob Ross
Local Indian spot
Local sushi joint
BLT with Pimento Cheese
Grilled Cheese
May the Lord bless you and protect you. May the Lord smile on you and be gracious to you. May the Lord show you his favor and give you his peace. - Numbers 6:24-26
Romans 8:38-39
Shopping Store
The Wolves by Mandolin Orange
Invisible String by Taylor Swift
Sport to Play
Sport to Watch
College Basketball
College Basketball
Sports Star
Roger Federer
Simone Biles
Sports Team
Wake Forest Demon Deacons
Duke Blue Devils
Subject in School
English Literature
Doctor Strange
Iron Man
Thing to Cook
Breakfast Potatoes
Homemade pizza
Time of Day
Catching up every Thursday night with our best friends
Traveling to Seattle to see my best friend every spring
TV Show
The Office
The Office
TV Show Character
Ron Swanson from Parks and Recreation
Kelly Kapoor from The Office
Type of Music
Vacation Spot
Turks & Caicos
Video Game
Stardew Valley
Bueno Rufus (the Disney Kim Possible online computer game from the early aughts)

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