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Paul & Beth

We want to share how deeply we're committed to providing a loving, stable, and joyful home for your baby. We promise to support their dreams and values, and cherish every moment together as a family. We are excited about the opportunity to offer a nurturing environment filled with love and care. Thank you so much for taking the time to consider us.

About Us

Human resources Manager
Director of Marketing
Master's Degree in Rehabilitation Psychology
Bachelor's Degree in Psychology
Legally Married

Our Professional Lives

All Dressed Up

We have both dedicated our lives and careers to professions that have personal meaning to each of us in organizations that we can believe in. Paul has worked most of his career providing supports to disabled teenagers and adults who are looking for a path towards employment. A huge aspect of the work is to empower these individuals and support them to advocate and make decisions for themselves. More recently Paul has shifted into working at the local Big 10 university in career development and enrichment, helping early career professionals gain valuable work skills and experiences to better prepare them for a job in higher education.

Beth is the Director of Marketing at a non-profit cultural arts center. She has a passion for the arts and helps get the word out to the community and larger metro area about theater and other enrichment opportunities that are available to the public. Beth believes in the mission of her organization to bring cultural experiences to the community and providing more equitable access to artistic entertainment.

What It Means to Become Parents

Cooking With Our Nephew

Being parents to us means nurturing a child and providing a safe and comfortable home. However, we also feel it's so much more than that.

We believe being a parent means that we will adapt our lives around your child and provide the love and support they need to grow into a strong, independent, and fun adult. Parents provide the foundation for a child to learn about and build trusting relationships throughout their lives.

We are both excited to share our interests and passions with a child and in return learn about their interests and what makes them happy. We are looking forward to providing a child with opportunities to discover who they are and help build their identity.

We are also excited for the little things like playing in the park, birthday parties, and going to the lake!

Adoption in Our Family

We have several family members and close friends whose lives have been affected by adoption.

Beth's father learned that he was adopted by his mother's husband at the age of 2. He doesn't remember his adoptive father ever not being a part of this life, although Beth's dad has mentioned that the fact that he never knew his biological father is something that has weighed on him throughout his life. Beth's cousin also recently adopted an infant, who we get to see regularly at family get togethers.

We have two close friends who have adopted two children, now aged 4 and 1. We are very close to this family and we are grateful that our child will have a support network of other adopted family and friends that they can share stories and feelings with. We know that building a network of resources will be extremely helpful for our child when they are ready to begin exploring their adoption.


Together in Casablanca
Together in Casablanca
Meeting a New Friend
Meeting a New Friend
Exploring North Carolina
Exploring North Carolina
At a Mosque in Morocco
At a Mosque in Morocco
Out to a Show!
Out to a Show!
Go Badgers!
Go Badgers!
Adopting Hilde
Adopting Hilde
Cabin Vacation
Cabin Vacation
With Friends & Family
With Friends & Family
At a Fundraiser
At a Fundraiser
Our Wedding Day
Our Wedding Day
Exploring Spain
Exploring Spain
1 / 12
Together in Casablanca
Together in Casablanca
2 / 12
Meeting a New Friend
Meeting a New Friend
3 / 12
Exploring North Carolina
Exploring North Carolina
4 / 12
At a Mosque in Morocco
At a Mosque in Morocco
5 / 12
Out to a Show!
Out to a Show!
6 / 12
Go Badgers!
Go Badgers!
7 / 12
Adopting Hilde
Adopting Hilde
8 / 12
Cabin Vacation
Cabin Vacation
9 / 12
With Friends & Family
With Friends & Family
10 / 12
At a Fundraiser
At a Fundraiser
11 / 12
Our Wedding Day
Our Wedding Day
12 / 12
Exploring Spain
Exploring Spain

Our House and Neighborhood

Our Home

We live in a safe, vibrant community that is full of families of all ages, including many families with younger children.

Our home is within walking distance of several schools, parks and playgrounds which are frequently used by families. We also have a large aquatic center in our community with slides and an area for very young children to play.

Hanging Outside

Our town hosts a lot of large festivals, a farmer's market, and other family-friendly events annually that we have enjoyed in the past and look forward to sharing with a child in the future.

Our house is a 3-bedroom/2-bathroom bi-level home. Beth's favorite room in the house is the living room due to the wide open design and natural light of the space. Paul's favorite part of the house is the lower level because it's the best spot to watch movies.

We have a spacious fenced-in backyard with a patio and deck where we like to have friends over for dinner, sitting around a fire, and watching our friends' kids running through the sprinkler.

Our Extended Families

Christmas With Family

We are extremely lucky to live near both of our extended families. Paul's family is larger, including his parents, two siblings, their partners, and a niece and nephew. Beth's family includes her mom, dad, and sister as well as many aunts, uncles, and cousins nearby. We love getting together for pool days, baseball games, and family cookouts when the weather is nice.

Beth's Cousins

We love having the opportunity to spend holidays with both of our families. For Thanksgiving, we get to see everyone on both sides for several Thanksgiving dinners. For Christmas Paul's family has a huge get together with gifts and brunch at his parents' house and then we go to Beth's grandmother's house to celebrate with her family. Beth's family often celebrates their Hispanic heritage by making traditional Mexican foods for family gatherings and holidays.

Our families were very excited to hear when we shared our plans for our family to grow through adoption. Both sides of grandparents are excited for a new grandchild! Both of our sisters are especially excited to be aunts to our child. We are grateful to have such strong support and connections with both of our families and for that to grow as our family does.

From Us to You

We hope this letter finds you well. We're writing to you with deep respect and an open heart, as we imagine you are navigating one of the most significant decisions of your life. We want to thank you for considering adoption and for taking the time to read this letter. It is not lost on us how incredibly important and personal this journey is for you, and we want to share a little about who we are and why we believe that adoption could be a beautiful path for you and your baby.

Our names are Beth and Paul, and we have always dreamed of becoming parents. We have been together for five years and married for three. After much thought and reflection, we have come to the decision that adoption is the right path for us to start our family. We are eager to provide a loving, stable, and nurturing home for a child, and we are committed to ensuring that your baby grows up in an environment filled with love, support, and opportunities.

We want to share a bit about our lives with you. We live in a suburb of a large city in Wisconsin, where we both enjoy fulfilling careers. Working for a performing arts center and a large university are both challenging and rewarding, but our greatest joy comes from the time we spend with family and friends. We have a close-knit circle of loved ones who support us wholeheartedly and share in our excitement about becoming parents.

Our home is a warm and welcoming place, filled with laughter and kindness. We live in a safe and vibrant community with excellent schools and parks where a child can grow and explore. We value education, creativity, and the importance of a well-rounded life, and we are committed to providing opportunities for your baby to discover and pursue their own passions.

Family is central to our lives. We have a wonderful support system, including all of our parents and siblings, who are eager to welcome a new member into our family. We have regular gatherings and cherish the time we spend together, and we know that a child would be surrounded by love and positive influences. We also have friends and family members with adopted children as well, which we have already learned so much from.

We also want you to know that we understand the gravity of the decision you are making. It is a decision made from a place of deep love and consideration, and we honor that. We believe in open communication and transparency, and if you are open to it, we would love to establish a relationship with you that honors your wishes and maintains the best interests of your child. We are open to discussing what level of contact you would like to have, whether it be through letters, pictures, or occasional visits.

Your courage and selflessness in considering adoption are deeply admirable. Please know that your baby will be cherished and loved beyond measure. We are committed to providing a life full of opportunities and joy, and we promise to honor and respect the incredible decision you have made.

Thank you for taking the time to read this letter and for considering us as potential parents for your baby. We are here to answer any questions you may have and to support you in any way we can. Your baby's future is incredibly important, and we are dedicated to ensuring it is filled with love, stability, and happiness.

With heartfelt gratitude and respect,

Paul & Beth


Ewan McGregor
Cillian Murphy
Anne Hathaway
Nicola Coughlan
Red Panda
JRR Tolkien
Emily Henry
House of Leaves
Pride & Prejudice
Candy Bar
Peanut Butter Snickers
Childhood Memory
Christmas Morning
Spending a week in the Wisconsin Dells every summer
Childhood Toy
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Children's Book
The Beast in the Bathtub
Purple, Green and Yellow
New York City
San Francisco
Classic Movie
Star Wars
Day of Week
Chocolate Chip Cookie
Chocolate Eclair
Disney Movie
The Lion King
Dream Car
A DeLorean
A Lexus SUV
Dream Job
Board Game Designer
Jewelry Maker
Dream Vacation
New Zealand
Family Activity
Cook Out
Pool Day
Flower / Plant
Mango Curry
Form of Exercise
Dungeons & Dragons
Phase 10
Holiday Song
It's Christmas Time
Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas
Holiday Tradition
Thanksgiving Dinner
Going to Iowa to visit my grandma
Ice Cream
Peanut Butter Chocolate
Junk Food
French Fries
Leisure Activity
Playing Games
The New Yorker
Memory with a Child
Painting miniatures with our niece and nephew
Going to the arcade with our niece and nephew
Memory with Spouse
Proposing to Beth
Renting a cabin in the winter for vacation together
The Matrix
Pride & Prejudice
Movie Munchie
Movie Quote
We are what they grow beyond
There's no crying in baseball!
Movie Type
Musical Group
Lake Street Dive
Chappel Roan
Nursery Rhyme
Does Eat Oats
Wheels on the Bus
Olympic Event
Closing Ceremony
Personal Hero
Mitch Hedberg
My Grandma
Death of a Salesman
JRR Tolkien
Walt Whitman
Quality about my Spouse
Her Honesty
His Nurturing Nature
People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.
Be the Change you Want to see in the World.
Le Colonial
Grilled Cheese
Roast Beef
Shopping Store
Buddy Holly by Weezer
Harvest Moon by Neil Young
Sport to Play
Sport to Watch
Sports Star
Jordan Love
Jordan Love
Sports Team
Wisconsin Badgers
Green Bay Packers
Subject in School
Social Studies
Thing to Cook
Time of Day
Early Morning
Going to football games in the fall
Going to the Farmer's Market on Saturday Mornings
TV Show
Battlestar Galactica
The Office
TV Show Character
Coach Taylor from Friday Night Lights
Leslie Knope from Parks & Rec
Type of Music
Indie Pop
Alternative Pop
Vacation Spot
Video Game
Super Mario Bros. 3
Crash Bandicoot

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*Once you have filled out this form, an American Adoptions specialist will help you get in touch with this family. You can also call 1-800-ADOPTION (236-7846) to speak with an adoption specialist immediately.