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Kyle & Nikki

We believe adoption is an amazing gift and something that has been close to our hearts from the beginning. We are grateful to you for taking the time to read this and for considering adoption for your child. We believe that the love we have to share, and the support of family around us, will help us to be good parents. We are excited to welcome your child into our family, and for the journey ahead.

About Us

Store Manager
BA physics, BA electrical engineering
Some College Credit in Vetinary Education
Legally Married

How We Met

Celebrating Our 5th Anniversary!

We had some mutual friends and our paths crossed here and there. One summer our friend mentioned to Kyle that we should grab coffee. we did and it turned into a great 4 hour experience where we just talked and talked; our coffee date was so fun that it led to another date. Our second date was a picnic with the dog (Jasper had to approve of Kyle)down at the beach.

Afterwards we introduced each other to our parents. We continued dating for 2 months before we got engaged in front of family and best friends. Some people think our dating was quick, but our journey of dating, engagement and then our marriage has always gone at the speed of right. We never wanted to rush anything but took the next step when it felt right to do so. In spring of 2019 we got married in Hawaii with our family and it was amazing.

The last years have been a joy and we are excited to see what the future holds!

Discussing Adoption

Just the Two of Us!

We understand that adoption will be a consistent topic throughout the child's life. Our goal is to make the discussion a regular occurrence that feels normal. We want them to know that they are incredibly loved by us as well as their birthparents. They were cared for, and for whatever circumstances their birthparents found themselves in, they loved them enough to give them another family. starting the conversation when they are young with age appropriate concepts is very important as well to us.

Talking about adoption is already very normal in our family with my siblings. We would love for the child to have the opportunity to contact their birthparents on milestones like birthdays and holidays, and be able to ask questions firsthand but understand that may not be comfortable or possible with their birthparents. We are also open to trying to setup a visit where the child could meet their birthparents.

Our/My Passions

Visiting Iceland

Kyle's passions are to continually grow as an individual and the outdoors. He enjoys studying, reading, learning, and getting to ask questions/perspective from others. When he wants a little relaxation, he finds that hiking, kayaking or fishing refreshes him and he is happy to share his outdoor adventures with others. Nikki's passions are people, cooking and traveling. Every home we have lived in, she has made friends with the neighbors and cooked meals for them. At church when someone has a baby or major life disruption, her friends and her often start a meal train to help make things easier for a time. She serves in the Ronald McDonald House helping with meals and fundraising for the families that use the house while their child goes through treatment. Finally traveling is a delightful adventure that she enjoys! Her favorite trip was 3 years ago, we were able to take Nikki's parents and Kyle's parents to Norway and Iceland to check off dream bucketlist things. for her mother-in-law. Kyle's mom always wanted to see the northern lights and for Nikki's dad always wanted to go to his Grandfather's old farm in Norway. She was so blessed to be able to experience that time with them and share in their joy.


Kyle Making Chocolates with His Parents
Kyle Making Chocolates with His Parents
At a Christmas Market
At a Christmas Market
Visiting Paris
Visiting Paris
On a Boat Trip
On a Boat Trip
Nikki Loves to Cook!
Nikki Loves to Cook!
Nikki's Family
Nikki's Family
Jasper in a Blanket Fort
Jasper in a Blanket Fort
Celebrating Nikki's Birthday
Celebrating Nikki's Birthday
Hiking with Family
Hiking with Family
Kyle Fishing
Kyle Fishing
Visiting the Alps
Visiting the Alps
Out for a Boat Ride
Out for a Boat Ride
1 / 12
Kyle Making Chocolates with His Parents
Kyle Making Chocolates with His Parents
2 / 12
At a Christmas Market
At a Christmas Market
3 / 12
Visiting Paris
Visiting Paris
4 / 12
On a Boat Trip
On a Boat Trip
5 / 12
Nikki Loves to Cook!
Nikki Loves to Cook!
6 / 12
Nikki's Family
Nikki's Family
7 / 12
Jasper in a Blanket Fort
Jasper in a Blanket Fort
8 / 12
Celebrating Nikki's Birthday
Celebrating Nikki's Birthday
9 / 12
Hiking with Family
Hiking with Family
10 / 12
Kyle Fishing
Kyle Fishing
11 / 12
Visiting the Alps
Visiting the Alps
12 / 12
Out for a Boat Ride
Out for a Boat Ride

Our Extended Families

Nikki Having Fun with Her Family

We have Nikki's family close by. Next door is her parents, across the field is her brother/sister in law, and 10 minutes away in town are her 3 sisters. One brother lives in Florida. Nikki's siblings were adopted later in life when a close family friend (their birthmother) passed from cancer. We regularly see them at church and on Wednesdays for family game night. Kyle's parents and siblings live in Indiana, and trips to visit happen nearly every year.

With Our Parents

Our home is often frequented by various family members and food is always a big part of it. we eat a lot of Belizean dishes as that is Nikki's siblings cultural background; our favorite dish is dirty rice and stewed chicken.

Birthdays and holidays are always well celebrated. On Christmas and Easter it is typical that we have an "open house" and upwards of 50 people come and join us. We also always take a family vacation for a week in January. the location changes but it is always all the siblings (and their kids)s and our parents that come.

Our family is very excited to have an addition of a child. Our parents are beyond excited to have another grandbaby, and our siblings are so happy to welcome another child into the family.

Our House and Neighborhood

Our Home

We live in Washington state on an island. We are on a family farm with Nikki's parents, and her brother living there. The house we reside in was actually Nikki's grandparents family home. On the farm we have fruit trees, a handful of cows, a horse, some rabbits and our dog Jasper. The house is a 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom cozy brick house, Nikki loves the living room because of the fireplace and memories with her grandparents. Kyle loves the old wood paneling throughout the house as it adds character.

There is a beach about 5 minute drive that is lovely for walks and within 10 minutes of a beautiful state park where Kyle enjoys kayaking. The other families living on our dead end road are spread out and it is not uncommon to see kids riding bikes along it. The child would be living nearby cousins within walking distance and in view of the home.

We installed a fire pit in the backyard when we moved in; it has been very fun in the spring/fall to have a nice fire with smores and everyone is hanging out and laughing around the fire.

From Us to You

Hi there! We would like to start by saying thank you. Thank you for making such a difficult decision, and for loving your child(ren) so, so much. We don't know what circumstances brought you here, but we are grateful to you and your decision. We hope that you and your child(ren) find happiness, and hope in your journey.

We have been married for 5 awesome years and our excited to welcome new additions to the family. We have been blessed to be near many family members, to have a home with land, and jobs that allow us to provide for our family. We each come from moderate to larger families; Kyle has 3 older sisters and Nikki has 5 younger siblings; our goal was always to have children and to adopt. We had a miscarriage and then, 2 years ago, she had a tubal pregnancy that required emergency surgery and it has made it difficult/improbable to get pregnant. We decided that adoption would be our next journey. Our family, especially Nikki's sisters, were extremely excited when we told them that were planning to adopt. Nikki's brother and her sister-in-law are expecting their first child and are thrilled with the idea that our kids would be close in age, living nearby and be able to grow up as cousin BFFs; her sister-in-law was that way with her cousin who was a year older.

Adoption is a journey that looks different for everyone and on paper we can paint what that journey would ideally look like. We know we want our adopted child(ren) and us to be able to write/ email you, to share milestone pictures/videos and potentially be able to meet you in person one day. We want them to know your name, what you look like and that you cared about them. While that is our ideal, we understand that it may not be your ideal scenario or that you are unsure of what you would like connection to look like. It is okay to know, it is ok to be unsure and it is okay to change your mind on things as the journey progresses. We do not want you to feel pressured to be in more contact than you want; we just want you to know that we desire for there to be contact if you are open to it. We would love to get to know you and learn things about you that we can share with the child(ren) as they grow.

Adoption in our family is always just a normal conversation, and it happens often. My siblings are not biologically related to me (family friends that we took in as teens/young adults when their mom passed) and cousins adopted internationally. Our family pictures are a beautiful snapshot of colors from light skinned to deep bronze, blues eyes to brown eyes, and light red hair to black hair. Each of us is unique with different likes and hobbies; a brother like fishing and listening to reggae while another sister likes k-pop and dance choreography. Nikki likes cooking and listening to jazz music while Kyle prefers kayaking and classical music. Any child would be welcomed, loved and be able to blend right in with us while being encouraged to find what they enjoy.

Thank you for reading about us and our hopes. We wish you the very best in life as you navigate your journey. If we are to be a part of that journey, we are excited and feel honored to be able to come alongside you and the child(ren).

Kyle & Nikki


Harrison Ford
Steve Carell
Cate Blanchett
Meryl Streep
Napoleon Hill
J.R.R. Tolkien
The Bible
The hobbit
Candy Bar
Cow Tails
Road Runner
Avatar the last Airbender
Childhood Memory
Snowball fights
Christmas eve. Always a big get togother of family, and friends
Childhood Toy
a stuffed brown bear
Simba stuffed lion. he went everywhere with me and was pretty worn out.
Children's Book
Dr. Suess books
I loved the Nancy Drew books as a pre-teen. as a littler kid my favorite was if you give a mouse a cookie.
Oak Harbor, WA (Florence Italy is a close second :-)
My favorite city I ever visited was Edinburgh Scotland. it was gray and rainy but the buildings were so old and cool and I got to meet the nicest people.
Classic Movie
Star Wars (the original)
Disney Sleeping beauty. I still love it.
Pink followed closely by green and blue
Day of Week
Sunday - I like days I gets to sleep in
Chocolate Ice-cream
Ice Cream, preferably some form of chocolate
Disney Movie
Sleeping beauty but I will add that Mulan (animated) and Pixar's Up are also faves
Dream Car
Jeep Wrangler so I can have a practical convertible
Dream Job
One that allows me to provide for my family (Becoming McDonalds owners)
Got it! I love being a McDonalds supervisor and the people I get to work with.
Dream Vacation
Cool location with people I love
traveling across on the trans-Siberian railway through Russia, Mongolia and ending in China
Family Activity
Scenic family car rides
Game night. Wednesday night my siblings and our spouses pick a board game or Just dance on the switch. we have a blast!
Flower / Plant
Apple Trees
I love Thai food
Form of Exercise
Running / Gym workouts
walking or hiking. Jasper (dog) loves it too
apples or pineapple. both are delicious!
Dutch Blitz (fast pace card game)
Superfight or roll for it
cooking, I love to cook and experiment with recipes. the clean-up is less fun
Holiday Song
Oh Holy Night
Carol of the bells
Holiday Tradition
Waking up at 4am on Christmas
Christmas eve everyone in the family gets a new set of pjs which we wear for Christmas day.
Ice Cream
mint chocolate chip
Junk Food
Gummy Bears
corn nuts for the crunch or flaming hot Cheetos for the yummm
Leisure Activity
listening to music
Travel magazines
national geographic travel edition
Memory with a Child
Smiling different ways and have them start laughing at me
honorary neice (6) was learning to read and write, and I helped with homeschooling on Tuesdays while her parents worked. fast forward to my birthday 6 months later and she ran up to me with a birthday card she had made me..She was so proud and excited abo
Memory with Spouse
Hard to pick there are lots of them (when she gets really excited about something :-)
hiking with him up in the cascades up to this beautiful waterfall. onour way back we found the bridge had broken over the creek so we wended up wading through to the other side. we were so wet but it was a great experience. so pretty and we had fun.
Big Hero Six
I like action films or honestly animated films.
Movie Munchie
Chocolate covered raisins
A soda with popcorn.
Movie Quote
Fallallalla (When doing the hand shake in Big Hero Six)
"Adventure is out there" from Up
Movie Type
Kids movies (you can watch them with anyone and have fun together)
action or animated
High School Musical
Fiddler on the roof
Musical Group
I enjoy most music (light rock has a fun beat, classical has neat sounds instruments)
green lads
Nursery Rhyme
Hey Diddle Diddle
only one I can think of is humpty dumpty
Olympic Event
Soccer and Skiing
skiing or volleyball
Personal Hero
Martin Luther King Jr / John Maxwell
my papa
wizard of oz seems to be a repeat often at our community playhouse
Robert Frost
elizabeth Barrett Browning
Quality about my Spouse
Caring / good hearted person
genuine care for others
A smile remains the most inexpensive gift I can bestow on anyone and yet its powers can vanquish kingdoms - Og Mandino
"Life is 10% of what heppens to me and 90% of how I react to it" John Maxwell
Sweet Rice (thai)
cucumber and cream cheese or peanut butter and banana
Proverbs 3:1-13, Psalms 37:3-7,
1 Corinthians 13:1-8
Shopping Store
Barns & Noble
walgreens as my favorite stop in. for clothes it is usually online
This is the Great Adventure
Sleeping beauty waltz
Sport to Play
Sport to Watch
ping pong (sports are way more fun to play)
football (soccer)
Sports Star
Michael Jordan
not sure. not super into sports
Sports Team
Indianapolis Colts
we always root for US or Brazil during world cup
Subject in School
Superman (old school, good person, always helped people, and really cool powers)
Thing to Cook
feijoada (bean stew)
Time of Day
Time with my wife (usually evenings)
Larger family vacations & yearly vacation with just (me, Nikki, my parents, and her parents - they have so much fun together)
taking shoes off before going through the house. I love clean floors
TV Show
Red Green Show
nature documentaries or taskmaster
TV Show Character
Road Runner
not sure
Type of Music
I like most music
nearly all
Vacation Spot
Hawaii, Iceland, Florence
Florida for seeing my brother and for theme parks
Video Game

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