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Jack & Savanna

As educators with a passion for living and learning, we long to welcome a child into our home. We can't want to share with them our love of reading, traveling, community, and the great outdoors. We're committed to helping them live a happy, fulfilling, exciting life and to be the best they can be. Most of all, we offer our love. Thank you for considering us.

About Us

Assistant Professor
Managing Director
Doctoral Degree in History
Masters Degree in Economics and Sustainable Agriculture
Legally Married

How We Met

Jack with His Strawberry Harvest

People joke that the story about how we got together sounds like a Hallmark movie, but it’s the truth. Fifteen years ago, we were both young, idealistic kids who got involved in programs to help our rural communities. We lived a couple of counties apart and we both ended up managing farmers markets.

Around that time, we met each other through mutual friends. We had a friendly competition going about whose farmers market was better. Savanna tried to impress Jack with her home-made sauerkraut. Jack tried to impress Savanna with his gardening know-how.

Finally, Jack delivered a crate of apples for Savanna that contained a love letter. Savanna was so excited about the apples that she almost forgot to read the letter. But the rest was history. Our lives have not always been as idyllic as this story sounds, but caring about our communities and loving good food has always kept us together.

Education We will Provide

Jack with Friends from College on a Hike

We value education, a value passed to us by our families. Jack has a PhD and is a history professor at a small college. He cares a lot about his students, who often knock on his door when they need advice or a shoulder to cry on. He loves introducing them to new places and ideas, and has led students on several trips to other countries. Savanna went to college at Harvard and is now finishing a doctorate in adult education. In her work life she used to run a program for first-generation college students and now she runs a nonprofit that trains adults in business skills. Studying adult education has helped Savanna appreciate how people of all ages learn.

We both went to public schools for K-12 and our parents were very involved. Jack’s parents were teachers, and Savanna’s parents did so many activities with her that her extended family thought she was homeschooled. We believe that school is important, but we also believe in the “classroom of life:” learning by doing things in the real world, like sports, scouting, and community service. Savanna loves doing creative projects with young people, like theater. With our passion for learning, we want to be as involved in our child’s education and activities as our parents were in ours. We hope to give them a firm foundation so they can thrive in the real world. We will support them emotionally and financially in whatever directions they wish to explore.

Qualities We Love, Admire and Respect in Each Other

Visiting Germany

Savanna About Jack: Jack is the wisest and most thoughtful person I know. He listens, gives great advice, and challenges me to see things from a different point of view. He is extremely kind, caring, and loyal. He acts with humility, respects women, and quickly earns people’s trust. As a result, he attracts devoted friends from every walk of life, and he has taught me a lot about how to maintain good friendships. Not a day goes by that I don’t learn something from Jack or feel that he has helped me become a better human.

Jack About Savanna: Savanna is the most caring person I know, and especially cares about people being treated with respect and fairness. She is able to see a situation from another person's perspective, and has taught me to try to do so as well. She is an incredibly hard-working and driven individual who could have taken a path to prestige and wealth, but instead has sought out connection and community in her work and her life. She often is ready with a joke, a silly song, or a smile to brighten everyone's day. Those who know her or work with her are just as dedicated to her as she is to them.


Jack Hiking with Conwy
Jack Hiking with Conwy
At a Local Library
At a Local Library
Visiting New Orleans
Visiting New Orleans
Savanna Visiting New York City
Savanna Visiting New York City
Our House and Dog Conwy Decorated for Christmas
Our House and Dog Conwy Decorated for Christmas
Savanna Proudly Showing Off Her Garlic Harvest
Savanna Proudly Showing Off Her Garlic Harvest
Savanna Out to Lunch with Friends
Savanna Out to Lunch with Friends
Jack's Birthday Dinner on a Riverboat Cruise
Jack's Birthday Dinner on a Riverboat Cruise
Jack Reading with Conwy on a Camping Trip
Jack Reading with Conwy on a Camping Trip
Jack Hard at Work in the Garden
Jack Hard at Work in the Garden
Hiking in Florida
Hiking in Florida
At a Music Festival
At a Music Festival
1 / 12
Jack Hiking with Conwy
Jack Hiking with Conwy
2 / 12
At a Local Library
At a Local Library
3 / 12
Visiting New Orleans
Visiting New Orleans
4 / 12
Savanna Visiting New York City
Savanna Visiting New York City
5 / 12
Our House and Dog Conwy Decorated for Christmas
Our House and Dog Conwy Decorated for Christmas
6 / 12
Savanna Proudly Showing Off Her Garlic Harvest
Savanna Proudly Showing Off Her Garlic Harvest
7 / 12
Savanna Out to Lunch with Friends
Savanna Out to Lunch with Friends
8 / 12
Jack's Birthday Dinner on a Riverboat Cruise
Jack's Birthday Dinner on a Riverboat Cruise
9 / 12
Jack Reading with Conwy on a Camping Trip
Jack Reading with Conwy on a Camping Trip
10 / 12
Jack Hard at Work in the Garden
Jack Hard at Work in the Garden
11 / 12
Hiking in Florida
Hiking in Florida
12 / 12
At a Music Festival
At a Music Festival

Our Extended Families

Savanna with Her Mom in the Mountains

We are lucky to come from two loving families who care a lot about kids, learning, community, and each other. Savanna is an only child and very close with her mom. An artist by training, Savanna’s mom gave Savanna a wonderful childhood full of nature walks, science projects, and creative activities. Savanna’s mom is now excited to help take care of her first (and only!) grandchild. She is retired, but is very active volunteering in community organizations, and visits often.

With Jack's Mom and Oldest Brother

Jack’s immediate family includes his mom and two older brothers. Jack’s mom, a former elementary school teacher, is now retired and fills her days with volunteering and church activities. She lights up whenever she sees little kids, and is very good with them. She loves doing read-alouds and is also a great language teacher, having taught both English and French. She too is excited to welcome and help babysit her first grandchild. Jack’s oldest brother owns his own pet care business and is one of the kindest people you will ever meet. Jack’s middle brother lives in Utah with his wife and works in the outdoor industry; we always see them a few times each year. Both our families enjoy traveling the world and love gathering together to tell stories and cook delicious food. Everyone is incredibly excited to surround a child with love and affection and welcome them into our family.

Our House and Neighborhood

Our House from Outside

We live in a small but vibrant community in Tennessee, close to two major cities and a very popular national park. Our house, which is cheery and bright and full of windows, is perched on a hillside looking over the Smoky Mountains. It sits on our five acres of farmland in a residential and farming community. We keep a big vegetable garden, fruit trees and berries. We also have a small flock of hens who lay eggs for us, and our neighborhood includes several friendly cattle and sheep. We have very nice neighbors, some of whom have young children and who are already excited about the new addition to our family. Our tiny town is famous for holiday parades and creative community activities. One year, the Easter Bunny came to visit the town's kids in a hot air balloon! We are five minutes from a large lake that is popular for swimming, fishing, and boating. Although our life is rural, we live close to a small city that is more culturally diverse and has many activities, like a playground, a splash pad, an amazing library, our favorite farmers market and an ice cream parlour. Just beyond that are are two larger cities where we look forward to taking our child to museums, concerts, and other cultural events.

From Us to You

We are so thankful to you for taking the time to learn more about us. While we can’t imagine all the feelings you are having right now, we want you to know that you and your baby are in our thoughts and prayers. Even though we haven’t met you yet, you matter to us and you deserve all the love in the world during this tough time.

The two of us first met in 2008 while both of us were working on projects to help our communities in Appalachia. Back then, our commitment to helping others was what really brought us together. 15 years later, and still happily married, it’s hard to believe we’ve been together this long because every day still feels new. Our lives together have been full of travel and adventures. Yet, we’ve always known we wanted to raise children, the ultimate adventure. We have good friends who are adoptees and adoptive parents, so we always welcomed the idea of adoption. Now that we’ve settled into a lovely home and community with lots of space for a kid to romp in, we know it’s time.

Both of our life paths have been about service and care. Jack is an educator, and loves opening his students’ minds and hearts to the world. Savanna has led several different community organizations, and now runs a nonprofit that helps small business owners. Even though we live in a rural community, we both work and hang out with people from many different cultural backgrounds and walks of life. If there’s anything we’ve learned, it’s that communication is everything, and you get out of life what you put into it. We communicate with each other a lot and we put a lot of energy into the people and places that matter to us. Maybe that’s why we have a lot of love in our lives, with plenty to spare for a little one.

We believe that love and safety are the basis of raising a happy, confident, and compassionate person. We both had great parents who kept us safe and secure but gave us room to discover who we were, and loved us unconditionally through the whole messy process of growing up. We too look forward to providing a safe and loving home that values curiosity, education, care for others, and creativity. We can’t wait to pass on the lessons we’ve learned from our families, and from each other, how to give and receive love, work hard for what you care about, treat others with respect, stand up for what’s right, and enjoy the little things in life. We’re so excited to watch a little person’s life unfold, and to walk alongside them in their journey.

We know that what you are going through is very difficult, and it’s very important to us that you feel respected in the adoption process. We are also committed to making sure that our future child has a strong sense of themselves and their family roots. We will support them to have as much of a relationship with you as you’re comfortable with. We will also share their growth and experiences with you through photos, letters, emails, and whatever forms of sharing work best. If you would like to meet before the birth, we are open to that too.

Thank you for considering us as potential parents for your child! We have waited for so long to get to share our love, curiosity, and care for others with a little one. We are keeping you in our thoughts as you navigate this journey.

Jack & Savanna


Humphrey Bogart
Billy Porter
Ingrid Bergman
Sarah Lancashire
Border collie
Agatha Christie
Toni Morrison
The Hobbit
All the Light We Cannot See
Candy Bar
Kit Kat
Princess Mononoke
Childhood Memory
Receiving my first bike on Christmas
Watching my mom work in the vegetable garden
Childhood Toy
Tonka truck
Children's Book
Mike Mulligan and his Steam Shovel
The Elephant's Airplane and Other Machines
Vienna, Austria
New Orleans
Classic Movie
It's a Wonderful Life
Day of Week
Rhubarb pie
Passion fruit cake
Disney Movie
Robin Hood
The Little Mermaid
Dream Car
Antique Model T
Classic Ford Truck
Dream Job
College Professor
Trombone player
Dream Vacation
The Scottish Isles
Family Activity
Flower / Plant
Raspberry bush
Climbing rose
Form of Exercise
Treasure hunts
Growing & cooking food
Holiday Song
Silent Night
The Sans Day Carol
Holiday Tradition
Christmas caroling
Ice Cream
Junk Food
Anything crunchy & salty
Leisure Activity
Hiking in the mountains
The London Review of Books
Memory with a Child
Going to the playground with my friends' kids
Planting seeds with my friend's daughter
Memory with Spouse
Watching summer thunderstorms together
Bringing home our dog as a new puppy
The Great Escape
Movie Munchie
Sour Patch Kids
Homemade popcorn
Movie Quote
"That'll do, pig. That'll do." - Babe
"That'll do, pig. That'll do." - Babe
Movie Type
Historical drama
Les Miserables
Les Miserables
Musical Group
Pete Seeger
Florence + the Machine
Nursery Rhyme
Humpty Dumpty
Itsy Bitsy Spider
Olympic Event
Personal Hero
Albert Schweitzer
Ella Baker
The Cherry Orchard
Camino Real
Dylan Thomas
Wendell Berry
Quality about my Spouse
Sense of humor
He truly sees and listens to people.
"The tragedy is not that things are broken, it's that they haven't been mended again." - Cry Beloved Country
"All that you touch you change. All that you change changes you." - Octavia Butler
Any authentic Italian place
Popeyes chicken
The Beatitudes
Shopping Store
Neighborly Books
Secondhand stores
O Freedom
I Can't Help Myself (The Four Tops)
Sport to Play
Ice hockey
Sport to Watch
Ice hockey
Sports Star
Mike Modano
Sports Team
Pittsburgh Pirates
Subject in School
Environmental science
Wonder Woman
Thing to Cook
Italian food
Roast chicken
Time of Day
Farmers markets
Campfire singalongs
TV Show
Twin Peaks
TV Show Character
Geralt of Rivia
Type of Music
Funk / Motown
Vacation Spot
The woods
Camping in the mountains
Video Game

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