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Edgar & Leyla

Thank you for taking the time to review our profile. We are two people who have always known that they want to be parents. One of the things solidifying that we were meant to be together was our desire for a family, our desire to provide a life full of love, security, and opportunity for a child. We have so much to offer and are ready to be parents! We understand that you have a difficult decision ahead of you and we hope that you will consider us.

About Us

Director of Purchasing
Academic Advisor
Bachelor's Degree in Engineering & Master's in Business Administration
Bachelor's Degree in Psychology & Master's Degree in Counseling
Legally Married

Our Cultural Heritage

Enjoying a Sunset Sail

Edgar is a native of Mexico. While Edgar was born and raised in Mexico City, he lived in over 6 different countries throughout Europe and South America pursuing his education and consulting career. Edgar was exposed to all sorts of cuisines and climates before moving to the United States to work as an Engineer in the auto industry. While Edgar's whole family is now in Texas, he grew up in the largest city in Mexico, one of the largest cities in the world, one immersed in culture and strong heritage. Being bilingual has provided Edgar the opportunity to travel the world. He's working on teaching Leyla Spanish and looks forward to a household of more than one language.

Leyla was born and raised in Michigan, but both of her parents immigrated to the United States from Europe. While growing up, Leyla and her family would visit their relatives overseas during the summertime, this allowed Leyla to not only visit her cousins, but to connect with her Eastern European heritage as well. While we may come from parts of the world that are significantly different in traditions and language, we were raised to appreciate and embrace heritage and cultural diversity.

Our Leisure Time

Annual Trip to Chicago

We work hard during the week, but we know how to not let our jobs absorb our lives once the work week is over. Edgar and Leyla love to travel, we explore new areas, new cultures, and try some new things (and food) that we may never have before. We relax, but we also come home refreshed and are able to feel balance and happiness in our everyday lives. Living in Michigan, we appreciate the water that surrounds us. A nice Saturday afternoon for Edgar and Leyla can be renting a boat and enjoying some lake life! Leisure time doesn't always have to mean a vacation, Edgar and Leyla find leisure in philanthropy. We rescue animals that are without a home, and we make sure they are healthy, fed, and get them to a safe place. Edgar and Leyla are members of the St. Jude Partners in Hope. Helping children who need medical care is perhaps one of the most valuable things that we do. Edgar and Leyla pray that soon they will have a son or daughter, or both! Their leisure time may end up being a little different, but it will always incorporate things that provide balance to a family and efforts that will help humanity.

Our Pets

When getting to know one another, one of things that stuck out the most about Edgar to Leyla was just how passionate he is about animal welfare. Being an animal lover herself, Leyla felt so excited to share that connection with him. Leyla knew that someone as humane and caring as Edgar would make an amazing father. As donors to the ASPCA and Michigan Humane Society, helping animals is a priority in our lives. We have a white Persian kitty cat named Papacita, and until just about a year and a half ago, we had a black Pomeranian mix named Beau. Unfortunately, Beau has passed away. While it has taken time for our family to adjust, Papacita is enjoying having her food all to herself now. We love all kind of pets, but our favorite breed is rescued! Whether it's just 1 cat like today, or more than 1 pet, our pets are our family, and family is everything. We take care of them every single day making sure they are safe, healthy, engaged, and happy little creatures who feel the love. Our pets are important not only because we are animal lovers, but because it is our nature to nurture, and we have the opportunity to do that with pets. We pray for the opportunity to do that with a child very soon.


Having Fun at the Sand Dunes
Having Fun at the Sand Dunes
Hot Air Balloon Adventure
Hot Air Balloon Adventure
We Love Boating Together as a Hobby
We Love Boating Together as a Hobby
Visiting Castles in Napa Valley
Visiting Castles in Napa Valley
Santa Fe
Santa Fe
Touring a Michigan Vineyard
Touring a Michigan Vineyard
Detroit Lions Game
Detroit Lions Game
Boating at the Lake
Boating at the Lake
From the Top of a Lighthouse
From the Top of a Lighthouse
Enjoying Dinner Together
Enjoying Dinner Together
Niagara Fun
Niagara Fun
Visiting a National Park on Vacation
Visiting a National Park on Vacation
1 / 12
Having Fun at the Sand Dunes
Having Fun at the Sand Dunes
2 / 12
Hot Air Balloon Adventure
Hot Air Balloon Adventure
3 / 12
We Love Boating Together as a Hobby
We Love Boating Together as a Hobby
4 / 12
Visiting Castles in Napa Valley
Visiting Castles in Napa Valley
5 / 12
Santa Fe
Santa Fe
6 / 12
Touring a Michigan Vineyard
Touring a Michigan Vineyard
7 / 12
Detroit Lions Game
Detroit Lions Game
8 / 12
Boating at the Lake
Boating at the Lake
9 / 12
From the Top of a Lighthouse
From the Top of a Lighthouse
10 / 12
Enjoying Dinner Together
Enjoying Dinner Together
11 / 12
Niagara Fun
Niagara Fun
12 / 12
Visiting a National Park on Vacation
Visiting a National Park on Vacation

Our House and Neighborhood

Our Home

We live in the suburbs of Michigan's largest city. A place that is thriving in diversity and acceptance, a place where there is no shortage of activities allowing individuals and families to engage, learn, and have fun. We live down the street from some of the top schools in the state. There may be some snow days during the winter seasons which the kids don't mind, but there are amazing opportunities for learning and development. Who says the whole Midwest is flat? One of the favorite winter activities where we live is skiing. For a Texan, Edgar sure does know how to snowboard and he can't wait to teach his family how to ski and snowboard, he'll make sure to start on the bunny slope. We live in a quiet neighborhood where the community has a pool and a huge park right behind our neighborhood They call it the Great Lakes State for a reason, we are surrounded by water, so thankfully the seasons do change in Michigan. A 30-minute drive and we are at the beach making sandcastles and taking boat rides. We bring our sunscreen, but we sure love being on the boat. It's adventurous but also very relaxing and allows for some time to recharge. Living in an area that is safe, full of culture, and opportunities, it truly is a water and winter wonderland.

Our Extended Families

With Edgar's Parents

We are both blessed to have strong relationships with our families, and both our families are so excited for our plans to adopt. They have all been supportive and are eager to be grandparents, aunts, and uncles! We are fur parents who have love for all animals. While our dog Beau is now in doggy heaven, that just means that our cat Papacita doesn't have to think about her brother stealing her cat food.

With Leyla's Mom

Leyla's mother and sister live nearby which allows for everything from quick visits for a cup of coffee, getting together for some weekend grilling, and holiday celebrations as well. While Edgar's side of the family lives in Texas, we remain close and have frequent visits throughout the year. We always make a trip deep in the heart of Texas during the Christmas and New Years holidays where we spend quality time with Edgar's parents, brother, niece, and nephew, San Antonio style.

Leyla's mother was a nanny for over 12 years and worked in the childcare industry before then. Leyla has always said that when it comes to children, her mother is a natural and there is no situation that her mother can't handle, Being retired now and living just a few minutes away will benefit all of us, she can't wait to be a grandmother and shower the child with love, and we can't wait to have her support as we go through the journey of raising a family.

From Us to You

We are so incredibly thankful for you taking the time to learn more about us through our profile. You are in the process of making a significant decision that we understand can be difficult and overwhelming at times. We respect you and whatever decision you choose to make. If adoption is the path you choose and consider us further, please know that we are two nurturing people who will provide a child with love, protection, stability, and opportunity in a safe and compassionate environment. We have always wanted to be parents and would love the opportunity to tell you some more about us.

Our relationship began over 6 years ago, and we got married in 2019. Thankfully we were able to get married and have an intimate wedding that took place in the same spot where we got engaged. From the very start of our relationship, when discussing children and what our hopes are for a family, adoption was always discussed. For us, the importance of being parents was not about having a child that we created, but about creating an amazing life for a child. While some of our philanthropic efforts allow us to do that now for children who need support such as health care, food, and basic goods, we are meant to be parents. We have always felt that adoption is not a last resort for people who have no other choice in how to become parents, but a way to connect and provide for a human being who is on this earth for a reason. We are a couple who come from different ethnic backgrounds and plan to be parents who not only provide a child with a loving home, but with security, structure, opportunities to embrace culture, and so much more.

We are incredibly blessed to be approaching our 5 year wedding anniversary. We are in a loving and stable marriage and have built a solid relationship. After being together for as long as we have, our relationship is perhaps even stronger than it was in the beginning, and we feel that now is the right time to build our family. Our daily lives have good balance of work, wellness, and maintaining a strong relationship. Edgar holds a leadership position in the automotive industry while Leyla works as an advisor in higher education. The fields are quite different from one another which is good as it ends up promoting the balance in our lives. Life can be hectic and have many responsibilities, but for us, being parents to a child will always be our first priority. We see it not so much as a responsibility, but as a way for us to provide unconditional love and support to another human being. It is our dream to have a family, one where the child will be raised in an environment based on strong morals and values and will be taught to accept and respect others, regardless of their backgrounds or beliefs. We pray for this opportunity every day.

As adoptive parents to a child, we plan to be open and honest with him or her about their adoption. We plan to share that with them at an age where they can understand and communicate. He or she will know that their birth parent(s) went through a difficult decision-making process, a very brave decision that shows your love and selflessness for them. You will always be respected and recognized for your courage. We are happy to send emails and write letters with pictures and updates if you so choose. We are open to visits when the time is right.

Thank you again for taking the time to learn more about us. We know that there is so much more to people than a letter and some pictures, and if you are interested we would love to be able to speak with you. Thank goodness for technology these days where we can "meet" over Zoom. God bless you and the baby inside of you.


Edgar & Leyla


Al Pacino
Bryan Cranston
Charlize Theron
Susan Sarandon
All of them
Can't pick just one
Edgar Allen Poe
J.D Salinger
The Great Gatsby
Whatever Happened to Baby Jane
Candy Bar
Chocolate Truffles
Top Cat
Tom and Jerry
Childhood Memory
Traveling with my parents
Visiting family in Europe every summer
Childhood Toy
Toy cars
Children's Book
El Principito
Charlotte's Webb
Santa Fe
Classic Movie
Life is Beautiful
The Wizard of Oz
Day of Week
Ice cream
Gluten free brownies
Disney Movie
The Jungle Book
The Little Mermaid
Dream Car
Dream Job
Professional race car driver
Own an animal shelter
Dream Vacation
Family Activity
Getting together for coffee and dessert
Flower / Plant
Oak Tree
Lavender plant
Form of Exercise
Car racing
Holiday Song
All I want for Christmas
Rudolph the Red-Nose Reindeer
Holiday Tradition
Eating 12 grapes at midnight on NY Eve
Gathering together as a family and eating traditional meals
Ice Cream
Dulce de Leche
Mint chocolate chip
Junk Food
Leisure Activity
Being on the water
Car magazines
Real Simple
Memory with a Child
Playing with my niece and nephew
Going to the beach
Memory with Spouse
Our honeymoon
Scent of a Woman
A Christmas Story
Movie Munchie
Movie Quote
You only live once but if you do it right, once is enough
Nobody puts baby in the corner
Movie Type
Musical Group
Nursery Rhyme
If You're Happy and You Know it Clap Your Hands
Mary had a little lamb
Olympic Event
Track and field
Personal Hero
My mom
My mother
A Streetcar Named Desire
Pablo Neruda
Maya Angelou
Quality about my Spouse
His caring nature
Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results
If at first you don't succeed, try, try again
The Whitney
The Whitney
Turkey Rueben
Gluten free french dip
I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you
Can't quite say I have one
Shopping Store
Mont Blanc
What a Wonderful World
Imagine by John Lennon
Sport to Play
Riding horses
Sport to Watch
Formula One
Sports Star
Michael Shumacher
Kareem Abdul -Jabbar
Sports Team
Barcelona Soccer
Detroit Pistons
Subject in School
Iron Man
Wonder Woman
Thing to Cook
Bacalao fish
Turkey meatballs
Time of Day
Christmas dinner
Holiday traditions with family
TV Show
Breaking Bad
TV Show Character
Axe from Billions
Jesse Pinkman
Type of Music
Popular music
Vacation Spot
The beach
Video Game
Gran Turismo

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*Once you have filled out this form, an American Adoptions specialist will help you get in touch with this family. You can also call 1-800-ADOPTION (236-7846) to speak with an adoption specialist immediately.