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Austin & Marissa

We have dreamed of starting a family for a very long time. In the beginning of our relationship, we talked a lot about what that would look like for us. Adopting would give us the chance to share our home, our love, and our lives with a child. We want to dedicate our future to this dream, and to a child we already love so much, even though we haven't met them yet.

About Us

Operations Control Manager
Elementary Teacher
Bachelor's Degree in Supply Chain & Operation Managements
Master's Degree in Elementary & Special Education
Legally Married

Cultural Diversity

Traveling in Croatia

No matter where they come from, we hope to teach our child about their roots and heritage. We are glad to live in a community with people of all shapes, backgrounds, and faiths. Within our community, we would seek out opportunities for learning and establishing relationships that foster a sense of belonging. Our families too, are very accepting and welcoming.

Traveling is also a major value in our family. It's important for any child to grow up with exposure to new perspectives, places, and ideas. Of course, plenty of these values can be taught at home too. By reading books with diverse representation, we can expand everyone's empathy, world view, and imagination. Everyone deserves love and kindness, no matter their background, and we would put our whole hearts into sharing these values.

Qualities We Love, Admire and Respect in Each Other

Christmas Lights

Marissa About Austin: There are so many things that draw me in about Austin. First off, he is the funniest person I have ever known. He brings humor and laughter in every single thing he does. However, he is also the most thoughtful and generous person I know. He loves making people feel important, special and loved. This includes myself, but also his friends and family. He is the first person to celebrate your successes and the first to support you in your lows. He listens, understands and empathizes consistently. I trust him with absolutely everything, and I feel so lucky to be able to move through life with him.

Austin About Marissa: I fell in love with Marissa the first time I introduced her to my family. She fit in right away and my nieces and nephews gravitated towards her. Family is an important part of my life and knowing that my partner has the same perspective on family values makes it easy for us to make decisions together. Marissa has this amazing way of seeing the good in people and every situation. One characteristic that I love about Marissa and what I think will make her a great mother is how nurturing she is. She knows how to make sure everyone feels included and that they have every opportunity to make themselves successful in life. I admire everything Marissa has done to help further her education to make sure children have an equal opportunity.

Adoption in Our Family

Adoption is very near and dear to our hearts. Marissa's dad was adopted as a newborn, and grew up not knowing his birth family. Just four years ago, however, he reconnected with his biological sister. Ever since, her presence has brought so much light and joy. It's hard to believe they were separated most of their lives. This experience has truly shown us how important it is for a child to know who and where they came from.

Teaching students who are adopted has also brought a fresh perspective. Talking through the unique emotions and experiences that come with adoption has highlighted the significance of family. No two families look the same. It is crucial for the child and parents (both biological and adopted) to embrace what connects them. Working together to ensure a child is safe, happy, and loved is our top priority.


Made It to the Top of Mount Donner
Made It to the Top of Mount Donner
Marissa at the Eras Tour
Marissa at the Eras Tour
Austin & Our Nephew at a Soccer Game
Austin & Our Nephew at a Soccer Game
Visiting the Prague Cathedral
Visiting the Prague Cathedral
With Friends From Germany
With Friends From Germany
Trip to Tahoe
Trip to Tahoe
Sunset Cruise
Sunset Cruise
Our Pup, Koda
Our Pup, Koda
Out to Dinner
Out to Dinner
Marissa & Our Niece
Marissa & Our Niece
Playing Games With Our Niece
Playing Games With Our Niece
Exploring Germany
Exploring Germany
1 / 12
Made It to the Top of Mount Donner
Made It to the Top of Mount Donner
2 / 12
Marissa at the Eras Tour
Marissa at the Eras Tour
3 / 12
Austin & Our Nephew at a Soccer Game
Austin & Our Nephew at a Soccer Game
4 / 12
Visiting the Prague Cathedral
Visiting the Prague Cathedral
5 / 12
With Friends From Germany
With Friends From Germany
6 / 12
Trip to Tahoe
Trip to Tahoe
7 / 12
Sunset Cruise
Sunset Cruise
8 / 12
Our Pup, Koda
Our Pup, Koda
9 / 12
Out to Dinner
Out to Dinner
10 / 12
Marissa & Our Niece
Marissa & Our Niece
11 / 12
Playing Games With Our Niece
Playing Games With Our Niece
12 / 12
Exploring Germany
Exploring Germany

Our House and Neighborhood

Our Home

Ever since we moved here in 2017, we have loved this community. Both of us are proud to live and work here. One of the best things about where we live is the downtown area. There are so many local restaurants and shops you can't find anywhere else. Every weekend in the summer, they close the streets and have live music all over the city. We also love going to the farmer's market to get fresh produce and support local businesses.

Our neighborhood is diverse and family friendly, with many playgrounds and perfect hills for sledding. Being so close to several schools, our neighbors include kids of all ages. The kids and families in this area especially love Halloween traditions. Each year, every house goes over the top with spooky and silly decorations. People from all over the community come to check out our neighborhood during the fall.

We bought our current house in 2021, with the hopes of making it our family home. Since then, we have really made it our own. We love to be the hub for our friends and family gatherings. Whether it's game nights, or grilling out in the backyard, nothing makes us happier than having a home filled with love and laughter.

Our Extended Families

With Austin's Family

Believe it or not, our parents knew each other before we ever met. Austin's mom has been Marissa's family's hairdresser for over 20 years. In fact, she is the one that introduced us! Once a month, we all get together for a "New Country" dinner to try food from all around the world. They are some of our favorite nights with our parents. Austin has an older brother and sister, who have young families. We spend a lot of time with them, taking our nieces and nephews to our house for sleepovers. During the day, we will treat them to waterparks, playgrounds or any special activity they pick. Marissa also has a younger sister who recently moved only ten minutes away. Our favorite thing to do together is attend musicals. We've seen shows like Mamma Mia, Phantom of the Opera, and Moulin Rouge.

Marissa's Family

Since we all live close by, our families spend a lot of time together. As we move forward in this adoption process, it has become clear how excited everyone is to watch our family grow. We have a great support system, and parents who are over the moon about the chance to spoil their grandkids. Our family and friends are great role models that we know will have a positive impact on a child's life. Not to mention, our dog Koda loves our nieces and nephews so much. He's wonderful around kids, and would be the perfect "big brother" for any kid to grow up with.

From Us to You

This has been a very emotional and exciting time for the two of us. While writing this, we have been reminded exactly how we got to this point in our lives. All of the memories and lessons we've experienced have brought us here to start this next chapter. Adopting a child is what we want more than anything. The idea of growing a family in this unique and special way is something we have talked about for a very long time. We feel that we have never been more ready to welcome a child into our home, and give them a fulfilling and wonderful life.

If we are selected to be this baby's parents, we promise to give them all the opportunities and love that every child deserves. Our community has so much to offer for a child to grow up healthy and happy. The schools are diverse and inclusive, and the surrounding area is filled with parks and unique spaces to visit. Our families and friends will welcome this child with open arms, and they'll give us support and advice to help our growing family. They will grow up with grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins who will adore them and embrace them as one of their own.

The two of us have built a life that we are proud of and happy with, but we know that it is not complete. A baby will change our lives in so many beautifully challenging ways. Through every sleepless night, every new stage and adventure, we will show them complete and unconditional love. It has always been our biggest dream to raise a child with compassion, kindness, and understanding. We hope to instill these values, but also let them develop an identity of their own. Through adoption, we will grow and change in ways we cannot yet imagine. We will take the time to learn who the child is and incorporate their background and experiences into our everyday lives. They will grow up feeling confident and sure of who they are, with appreciation for how different people can blend together to make a family. We feel so lucky to have the chance to become first-time parents through adoption, and we will not take a single second of it for granted.

We want you to know how appreciative we are of you. It's hard to put into words just how much respect and admiration we have for you. We are sure that this path is confusing and difficult. However, it is also incredibly selfless and brave. If we are chosen to raise your baby, these traits of yours will be known to them from the very beginning. We will tell them that it was a decision you made completely out of love. Not only will they know who you are and all you have done for them, but they'll also know how you have changed our lives for the better too. Adoption is something that connects people in a very special way. We are very open to discussing forms of communication and visitation, if that is something you are interested in. It is clear that a child knowing where and who they came from is crucial to their sense of self. We want to support that in any way we can.

Again, thank you for taking the time to learn a little bit about who we are and why we want to build our family through adoption. It is something that we know will challenge us, but also something we cannot imagine living without. We are so grateful for your consideration, and we'd love the chance to welcome you and your baby into our lives. Thank you.

Love always,

Austin & Marissa


Matt Damon
Hugh Jackman
Halle Berry
Anne Hathaway
Steven D. Levitt
Emily Henry
Candy Bar
Milky Way
100 Grand
Winnie the Pooh
Childhood Memory
Going to the Gulf Shores
Going to the lake with family
Childhood Toy
American Girl Dolls
Children's Book
One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish
Kindness Makes Us Strong
Cologne, Germany
Portland, Maine
Classic Movie
Shawshank Redemption
When Harry Met Sally
Day of Week
Rhubarb Torte
Disney Movie
Monsters Inc.
Dream Car
Dream Job
Pro Soccer Player
Party Planner
Dream Vacation
Southeast Asia
European Cruise
Family Activity
Family Dinners
Game Nights
Flower / Plant
Pine Tree
Snake Plant
Form of Exercise
Granny Smith Apple
Holiday Song
"Do They Know It's Christmas?"
Last Christmas - WHAM!
Holiday Tradition
Thanksgiving Dinner
Decorating for Christmas
Ice Cream
Cookie Dough
Cookie Dough
Junk Food
Ice Cream
Jalapeno Chips
Leisure Activity
Watching TV
Memory with a Child
Godchild's Baptism
When my nephew was born
Memory with Spouse
Moving in together
When Austin proposed
Goodwill Hunting
Movie Munchie
Chocolate Covered Almonds
Movie Quote
People call these imperfections, but they're not.
The flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and beautiful of all.
Movie Type
Romantic Comedy
The Sound of Music
Mamma Mia!
Musical Group
Third Eye Blind
Nursery Rhyme
I'm a Little Teapot
5 Little Monkeys
Olympic Event
Figure Skating
Personal Hero
My Brother
To Kill a Mockingbird
Robert Frost
Maya Angelou
Quality about my Spouse
Her patience
His humor
Life is what happens when you're busy making other plans.
Look with kindness and you will always find wonder. - R.J. Palacio
Cooper's Hawk
Coopers Hawk
Grilled Cheese
Shopping Store
Home Goods
Cyclone - Sticky Fingers
Betty - Taylor Swift
Sport to Play
Pickle Ball
Sport to Watch
Sports Star
Lionel Messi
Michael Jordan
Sports Team
Chicago Bears
the Bucks
Subject in School
Thing to Cook
Anything on the grill
Banana Bread
Time of Day
Themed dinner with family
Visiting friends in New York
TV Show
That 70's Show
Gilmore Girls
TV Show Character
Type of Music
Vacation Spot
Video Game
Mario Party

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*Once you have filled out this form, an American Adoptions specialist will help you get in touch with this family. You can also call 1-800-ADOPTION (236-7846) to speak with an adoption specialist immediately.