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Juan Carlos & Nicole

We believe there is no limit to the love that surrounds a child and that adoption expands our circle of love. We are so thankful that you are reading our profile and considering us to be your child's parents. We have a stable, thriving, and culturally diverse home full of love and fun and we look forward to the journey that lies ahead for us, you, and your child.

About Us

Juan Carlos
Data Scientist
Family Medicine Doctor
Master's Degree in Data Science/Artificial Intelligence
Doctor of Medicine
Legally Married

Our Individual Strengths

Our Family

We bring different strengths to the table, which really helps us manage everything from our careers to our growing family. Nicole has a special way of connecting with people. Whether it's comforting a patient or playing with our son, her ability to communicate and make everyone feel at ease is incredible. She's also very persistent - once she's set on a goal, there's no stopping her. Multitasking is also her specialty. She can juggle her job as a doctor along with parenting and managing all the daily chaos and somehow make it look easy.

Juan Carlos is the steady one - his calmness in stressful situations keeps us all grounded. He was the first in his family to graduate college and has carved out a successful path in the tech world, developing AI that can one day change how we live. His ambition to always better himself is something our whole family admires. And while he's often caught up in complex projects, he never misses a chance to have some silly time with our son or dive into a deep conversation that leaves us thinking a bit differently about the world. Together, we use these strengths to support each other and create a loving, balanced home.

Our Cultural Heritage

Happy Together

Nicole's family is Italian-American, and Nicole is third generation American. She grew up surrounded by Italian cooking and stories about Italy that made her feel connected to her heritage. Juan Carlos moved to the United States from Ecuador when he was seven years old. His childhood was filled with Ecuadorian traditions while he was also learning how to speak English and assimilate with American culture. One thing that is important about our family is that we love being from different cultures and blending these cultures together. Nicole learned Spanish to feel closer to Juan Carlos and his family. We speak both English and Spanish at home and we enjoy foods and traditions unique to our individual roots as well as our own unique blended culture. We have traveled to both Italy and Ecuador to explore and learn more about where our families came from. These trips helped us understand our own stories and appreciate our cultures even more. We think it's very important to know about different cultures and meet people from diverse backgrounds. As we get ready to adopt a baby, we're excited to share all of this with them. We are also excited to incorporate the culture you and your child bring to our family. We want to pass on the appreciation of knowing where you come from and the beauty of learning about others. It's all about celebrating both where you are and where you've been.

Our Family Traditions

New Year's Eve Crowns

Being from big families of Italian and Ecuadorian descent, we have a ton of family traditions that we love. Most of them revolve around food - Nonna's Sunday dinners filled with pasta and chicken cutlets, learning how to make bread and tamales with Abuela - but we also love to play games and just sit and talk and hear all about each other's lives. Our most favorite tradition would have to be Christmas Eve. Nicole always grew up having the Italian American Christmas Eve known as the feast of the seven fishes. Her family would eat seven different types of fish plus cookies and candies and pop Christmas poppers, wear paper crowns, and exchange small gifts. When we got married, Juan Carlos's family loved the tradition so much they added to it. Now we all have our fill of delicious Italian food and fish, still popping Christmas poppers and wearing paper crowns, but we've added in crazy games and competitions that Juan Carlos's family loves where we all fight for prizes. The games range from easy to hard, brain teasers to physical tests. We all participate - including the little ones! - and laugh hysterically the whole time while we fight for first place and the best prizes. Every year we're up past midnight, then fall asleep exhausted and wake up the next morning to open Santa's presents and start the fun over again. It's a tradition we all look forward to the whole year!


Autumn Hike Near Our Home
Autumn Hike Near Our Home
Nicole Snorkeling in Hawaii
Nicole Snorkeling in Hawaii
On the Beach in New Jersey
On the Beach in New Jersey
At a Local Farm for an Easter Celebration
At a Local Farm for an Easter Celebration
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
Hiking in Sedona, Arizona
Hiking in Sedona, Arizona
Our Wedding
Our Wedding
Our Wedding Day
Our Wedding Day
Our Family at the Beach
Our Family at the Beach
Exploring Montana
Exploring Montana
Luca's 3rd Birthday
Luca's 3rd Birthday
Juan Carlos Snowboarding
Juan Carlos Snowboarding
1 / 12
Autumn Hike Near Our Home
Autumn Hike Near Our Home
2 / 12
Nicole Snorkeling in Hawaii
Nicole Snorkeling in Hawaii
3 / 12
On the Beach in New Jersey
On the Beach in New Jersey
4 / 12
At a Local Farm for an Easter Celebration
At a Local Farm for an Easter Celebration
5 / 12
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
6 / 12
Hiking in Sedona, Arizona
Hiking in Sedona, Arizona
7 / 12
Our Wedding
Our Wedding
8 / 12
Our Wedding Day
Our Wedding Day
9 / 12
Our Family at the Beach
Our Family at the Beach
10 / 12
Exploring Montana
Exploring Montana
11 / 12
Luca's 3rd Birthday
Luca's 3rd Birthday
12 / 12
Juan Carlos Snowboarding
Juan Carlos Snowboarding

Our House and Neighborhood

Our Home

We live in Utah, which has the youngest population of all the U.S. states. That means there are lots of children here and so much family support!

We are blessed to live in a tight knit community where our neighbors are always looking out for each other. Our neighborhood does events for Halloween and Christmas as well as a big block party every summer. Luca has quite a few friends in our neighborhood that are a quick walk or drive away, and we live only four blocks from three different parks that we love to visit. We also live very close to beautiful hiking trails that we have been hiking with Luca since he was first born.

Our house has five bedrooms, two living rooms, a dining room, a kitchen, and two bathrooms. It was built in the 1920s and has beautiful wood details and lots of character, including a big beautiful fireplace in the living room. We have a front porch where we like to relax all year round, and our backyard has a big play space with a swingset, seesaw, and water table, plus lots of grass to play soccer and other games.

We are close to recreation centers and spend our time in the summer at splashpads and pools to cool off during the hot days. During the winter, we go snowboarding together and also spend time at the children's museum only ten minutes from our house.

Our Extended Families

Nicole's Family

We are both lucky to come from large families and are both the youngest of four siblings. Nicole has three older sisters who have become her best friends in adulthood. Her family is Italian and loves to be together, so even though they still live in New Jersey (where we moved from), we visit them often.

Juan Carlos's Family

Juan Carlos has two older brothers, and an older sister who over the years has been like a second mother to him. We are blessed to have Juan Carlos's mother (Mami Ruth) living with us currently, and Juan Carlos's sister right next door! Mami Ruth has taken care of all of the babies in his family until they were ready to start preschool, including ours. She was a teacher and loves teaching her grandchildren new skills and watching them learn and grow. All of her grandchildren cherish this time they had with her. Because we live next to Juan Carlos's sister and her family, we see each other very often to have family dinners and play games like Rumikub or our famous Christmas Eve games.

Our families are both so excited for us to pursue our adoption journey as they too were devastated when we were not able to get pregnant again. Our family has a whole lot of love to share with your child.

From Us to You

We hope this letter finds you well. We've been thinking a lot about the incredible decision you're making, and we wanted to reach out and share our heartfelt thanks and thoughts with you.

Even though we haven't met yet, we already feel a connection with you. We believe with all our hearts that there's no limit to the love a child can receive. From the moment we learned about you, we knew we wanted to support and keep open all avenues for that love, including a potential relationship with you.

Juan Carlos works at Google, where he helps build amazing things with technology, and Nicole is a doctor, helping patients every day. Our marriage is strong and we have loved being married for the last six years, and together for the last twelve. Together, we've built a secure foundation to provide for and nurture a child with all the love and care they deserve.

We've been dreaming about expanding our family for a while now. Our hearts are full of excitement at the thought of welcoming another child into our home. Our son, Luca, can't wait to share his toys and teach his new sibling all his favorite games. He's already imagining all the adventures they'll have together.

Life took an unexpected turn when our plans to have another child on our own didn't work out. But then we learned about you, and everything fell into place. Your courage and generosity are giving us a chance to fulfill our dream of giving Luca a sibling to grow up with.

Adopting a child is a journey filled with profound emotions and responsibilities, and for us, it's about embracing family in all its forms. When we decided to adopt, we knew that our future child would not only have our love but also the love of their birth family and that they would know and understand this love from the start. We promise to always share their adoption story with openness and respect. Their history is a vital part of who they are, and we will always help them to explore and understand it as they grow. Finally, we will tell them that this journey is not just about us being their parents; it's about us growing together, learning from each other, and creating a future filled with love, respect, and understanding.

We understand that this decision is incredibly personal and important, and we want you to know that we're here for you every step of the way. We'll give you the space and time you need to consider everything. In the meantime, we'll send you letters and pictures so you can see how your baby is growing and thriving in our home, and we welcome future visits if that is something that you'd want.

Thank you again, from the bottom of our hearts, for considering us as potential parents for your precious baby. We're filled with gratitude and hope, and we look forward to possibly starting this journey together with you.

Sending you lots of love and warm wishes,

Juan Carlos & Nicole


Juan Carlos
Johnny Depp
Roald Dahl
Great Gatsby
Await Your Reply
Candy Bar
Milkyway Midnight
Steven's Universe
Rick and Morty
Childhood Memory
Getting french fries with my oldest brother
Family trips to New Hampshire every summer
Childhood Toy
My bike
American Girl Doll
Children's Book
I'll Love You Till the Cows Come Home
New York City
Jersey City
Classic Movie
Cinema Paradiso
Day of Week
Anything dark chocolate!
Disney Movie
Dream Job
My current job
Dream Vacation
Big Island, Hawaii
Family Activity
Walking the dog together
Flower / Plant
Elkhorn Fern
Rose of Sharon
My mother in law's fried pork
Form of Exercise
Tropical fruits
Holiday Song
Carol of the Bells by Transiberian Orchestra
Oh Little Town of Bethlehem
Holiday Tradition
Christmas Eve games
Italian Christmas Eve - feast of the 7 fishes
Ice Cream
Haagen Dazs Caramel Cone
Ben and Jerry's Milk and Cookies
Junk Food
Boba Tea
Leisure Activity
Memory with a Child
Singing songs in the car
Riding together on my bike
Memory with Spouse
Camping on the beach
Traveling to Italy
Meet Joe Black
Garden State
Movie Munchie
Blue Slurpee
Movie Type
Musical Group
Mumford and Sons
Manchester Orchestra
Nursery Rhyme
Los Pollitos
Itsy Bitsy Spider
Olympic Event
Speed skating
Personal Hero
My best friend's dad
Phantom of the Opera
Pablo Nerudo
Quality about my Spouse
Her banter
His humor
Eva, downtown Salt Lake City
Anything Italian
Shopping Store
Ordinary People
No Hard Feelings
Sport to Play
Sport to Watch
Sports Star
Subject in School
Thing to Cook
Mac and Cheese
Any pasta dish
Time of Day
Early afternoon
Saying what we're thankful for before eating
Christmas party games with Juan Carlos's Family
TV Show
Avatar: The Last Air Bender
Modern Family
TV Show Character
Rintaro Okabe
Type of Music
Classic guitar
Vacation Spot
Banff, Canada
Anywhere in the mountains (but especially Yosemite)
Video Game
Zelda Breath of the Wild
Donkey Kong

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