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Kevin & Kristen

Thank you for taking your valuable time to view our profile and getting to know us. We hope to provide a glimpse into our lives, values, and the love we are eager to share with a child. We understand the immense significance of the courageous decisions you are making, and we approach this process with respect, gratitude, and open hearts. We hope by looking at our profile you will gain some comfort in knowing that we will provide a safe, loving, and stable environment for your child.

About Us

High School Agriculture Teacher/Football Coach
Middle School Curriculum Coach - Instructional Supervisor
Master's Degree in Secondary Education
Master's Degree in Middle Grades Education
Legally Married

What It Means to Become Parents

Visiting a Local Park

To become parents would mean the world to us! Unconditional love, unwavering care, and boundless joy are all descriptions of what parenthood would look like for our family. Parenthood means embracing the responsibility of shaping a future, instilling values, and providing an environment where a child can flourish. It involves late nights and early mornings, laughter that echoes through the house, and tears that are wiped away with tender care. We are committed to selfless giving and a promise to stand as a pillar of support through every triumph and tribulation.

We cannot wait for family time with a child full of dinners filled with grandma's cherished homemade recipes and game nights with endless laughter. The fun of learning the skills of many sports, and the outdoors, as well as baking and cooking, and embracing a child's own interests! We can only imagine the excitement of meeting Mickey Mouse for the first time at Disney World, stepping barefoot into the edge of the ocean while sand moves under their feet, walking through the outdoors to view a mountain waterfall, or learning about how the Hawaiian islands were formed while visiting Volcanoes National Park. It's also the small things that might seem routine to others that would mean so much to us. From reading a storybook at bedtime, waking up in the middle of the night to comfort a child who has had a bad dream, to swinging in our large walnut trees on a summer's evening and watching the fireflies appear as the sun sets, we look forward to being parents!

Our Favorite Vacation Spot

Disney World

We love to travel on vacation! Our favorite vacation spot is anywhere on the Gulf Coast with our family! The crystal clear water and serene beach atmosphere make for a wonderful, relaxing vacation with both of our immediate families. From jet skiing, sunbathing, making sand castles, playing family games such as putt putt, and eating seafood, we always have a great time at the beach!

Exploring Washington, D.C.

We also enjoy traveling throughout the United States! From Hawaii to Washington, D.C., we love to visit new places and enjoy new experiences! As educators, we love to also enjoy the history and uniqueness of the places we travel! From visiting the U.S. capitol building, gazing at Cinderella's castle at Disney World, swimming on the beach at Waikiki, Hawaii, eating new food at a restaurant, to zip lining through a cave, we enjoy learning about new places! We even have a map framed of the United States in our home that is "scratch off". When we visit a new state together, we scratch it off of the map as a visual of where we have visited. We have a goal to visit as many states together as possible! We would love to share this love of learning and vacation travel with a child! We want to provide as many experiences as we can give them. 

Education We Will Provide

We share a love for education and learning! We have both chosen careers as educators! We work with children and help inspire them to become life-long learners and create building blocks to achieve their dreams successfully! We believe our educational background provides a strong foundation for us to parent a child from the earliest stages of life into adulthood. We believe that education will give a child the tools needed to succeed.

Our careers as educators will allow us to support every step of a child's educational journey. We will be available to have an active role in providing support even outside of the classroom. From helping with homework to learning the history of places we visit while on vacation, to completing college applications, a child will always have our support and educational background to support all opportunities the child needs and desires. Even the smallest supports such as providing a nutritious breakfast, taking them to school, and providing positive encouragement to start a school day will help contribute to learning.


Enjoying Time at the Lake
Enjoying Time at the Lake
Kristen Loves to Bake Birthday Cakes!
Kristen Loves to Bake Birthday Cakes!
Learning About WWII History
Learning About WWII History
Teaching Bible School at Our Church
Teaching Bible School at Our Church
Celebrating Our Nephews' Birthday
Celebrating Our Nephews' Birthday
Watching the Summer Sun Go Down in Our Backyard
Watching the Summer Sun Go Down in Our Backyard
Enjoying the Beautiful Views Overlooking the Appalachian Mountains
Enjoying the Beautiful Views Overlooking the Appalachian Mountains
Enjoying the Snow-Capped Rocky Mountains on Vacation
Enjoying the Snow-Capped Rocky Mountains on Vacation
Kevin With Our Nephews
Kevin With Our Nephews
Happy Together
Happy Together
Putt-Putt on Vacation
Putt-Putt on Vacation
Hiking at a Local Park
Hiking at a Local Park
1 / 12
Enjoying Time at the Lake
Enjoying Time at the Lake
2 / 12
Kristen Loves to Bake Birthday Cakes!
Kristen Loves to Bake Birthday Cakes!
3 / 12
Learning About WWII History
Learning About WWII History
4 / 12
Teaching Bible School at Our Church
Teaching Bible School at Our Church
5 / 12
Celebrating Our Nephews' Birthday
Celebrating Our Nephews' Birthday
6 / 12
Watching the Summer Sun Go Down in Our Backyard
Watching the Summer Sun Go Down in Our Backyard
7 / 12
Enjoying the Beautiful Views Overlooking the Appalachian Mountains
Enjoying the Beautiful Views Overlooking the Appalachian Mountains
8 / 12
Enjoying the Snow-Capped Rocky Mountains on Vacation
Enjoying the Snow-Capped Rocky Mountains on Vacation
9 / 12
Kevin With Our Nephews
Kevin With Our Nephews
10 / 12
Happy Together
Happy Together
11 / 12
Putt-Putt on Vacation
Putt-Putt on Vacation
12 / 12
Hiking at a Local Park
Hiking at a Local Park

Our House and Neighborhood

Our Home

Our community is very special and unique! Filled with small businesses, shops, a court square, traditional festivals, seasonal decorations, parks, and frequent family-centered events, our town truly is "small-town America".

We live in a new, spacious, farmhouse-style home. With three bedrooms, three bathrooms, a large open kitchen-dining area- a living room, a laundry room, two bonus rooms, and a full-size garage, there is plenty of room to welcome a child into our family! In one of the bedrooms, we already have a baby nursery prepared and furnished with dressers, nightstands, and a crib bassinet, all full of baby essentials! Our favorite place to gather is our open kitchen dining and living room area. We love cooking, baking, and hosting family for dinner, celebrations, family game nights, and movies!

In the spring, summer, and fall, we love to enjoy the outdoors on our property. The view of the next-door farm, a creek running through the hay fields below, and the clear sunset from atop our hill are just some of the beautiful scenes we enjoy while sitting in the rocking chairs on our wrap-around front porch, swinging from the large walnut trees in the backyard, or roasting marshmallows over our firepit. We also love spending time outside with Bandit and Chip, our lovable and playful outside dogs. They are best friends and love to play fetch, go on walks, and make friends with anyone who visits! From gardening to viewing the amazing wildlife such as deer, rabbits, squirrels, and birds, we enjoy spending time outdoors at our home.

Our Extended Families

Kristen's Family

We are very close to both of our immediate and extended families. We have loving families that we speak with and see very often. They are a wonderful support system for us! Every holiday, birthday, and dinner spent together is cherished and full of love and laughter! They, too, cannot wait to welcome a child to the family to love! They have prayed many continuous prayers for us and our journey to become parents!

Both of our families are wonderfully connected! They cook dinner regularly for one another, enjoy celebrations of holidays, and travel on vacations together!

Kevin's Family

Kevin has a large, extended family. He has many aunts, uncles, cousins, nephews, brothers and a niece! He is the youngest of five boys! His entire family regularly spend quality time supporting one another in their daily lives. From sporting events, farm life, education, careers, to planned dinner once a week, family time and support is cherished.

Kristen has an older brother and a younger sister. Kevin and Kristen spend many holidays, vacations, and daily life with her parents, siblings, and brother-in-law. Kristen's sister and brother-in-law recently had a baby boy! Like all of our other nephews and our niece, we spend a lot of time with him watching him grow!

Needless to say, a child would have many children to grow up with and have close relationships with our families and many people to love and support them!

From Us to You

Our names are Kevin and Kristen. We want to start by thanking you for taking the time to get to know us a little better. Thank you for considering adoption! Without your selfless, courageous, and honorable choice, our opportunity to adopt a child would not exist.

We met through our careers as educators. We have been married for over ten years and are seeking adoption to expand our family. Due to fertility issues, we are not able to have a biological child on our own. The challenges we have faced have allowed us to develop a strong bond and relationship based on love, trust, and support. We view adoption as a double blessing in that we could have a child through the beauty of adoption and also adopt a child in need of a family and home. By being there in adoption, we can give you some comfort knowing that your child will be going to a home in which the child will be loved and cared for by two loving parents.

Kristen is a middle school curriculum and instructional specialist who loves working in the educational field to support teachers and students in school. She is an exceptional person who is strong in her faith and thorough in her dedication to her family. She is a loving wife, aunt, sister, daughter, and friend who very much longs to become a mother. Her best qualities are her love for others and her ability to maintain balance in our family.

Kevin is a high school teacher and football coach who continuously strives to make a positive difference every day in his career. He is also devoted to church and provides unwavering support for our family. He is a supportive husband, uncle, brother, son, and friend who wants to become a father to an adoptive child. His selflessness in helping others in times of need and day-to-day life shows his dedication to his family and the dedication he would show to a child. His best qualities are his love for helping others and his ability to maintain a calm attitude in times of stress.

Our qualities mesh well in our family and would only be highlighted by adding a child. The life we picture for a future adoptive child would include endless wonderful memories for them as they grow. From vacations and traveling as a family, game nights, outdoor activities like walking and playing, family gatherings around the dinner table, to endless hugs, snuggles, and "I love you's", we desire to provide a life surrounded by love.

Both of our extended families are very closely connected. Something wonderful about our family is that they will grow up close to parents, grandparents, uncles and aunts, and cousins who will always love and cherish them. Your child would have many children to grow up with, have close relationships with, and many people to love and support them!

If you choose us, we promise to raise your child under an umbrella of love, support, and safety, and to give them endless opportunities to thrive in life. Our Christian values and family-first mentality are what we can always provide as models for a child. We will welcome your child into our family for life and will always be there for them no matter the time, or circumstances in their life.

The gift you will give us will never be forgotten. We look forward to sharing your child's growth and milestones. We are happy to send letters and photos as well as texts and emails. We are also open to considering a visit when the time is right. We want what is best for your child and believe that, if desired, a healthy relationship with their birth parents is key.

We are grateful to have this opportunity and will always have you in our prayers.

Thank you,

Kevin & Kristen


Candy Bar
Reese's Peanut Butter Cup
Childhood Memory
Playing sports with my brothers (football, basketball, baseball, and track and field)
Childhood Toy
Hot Wheels
Birthday cake with buttercream frosting
Disney Movie
The Lion King
Beauty and the Beast
Dream Vacation
Family Activity
Traveling on Vacation-Visiting New Places Together-Learning the history of places we visit
Flower / Plant
Hydrangea and Peony
Form of Exercise
Board Games-especially Monopoly
Spending time outdoors
Ice Cream
Cookies and Cream
Junk Food
Grippos BBQ Chips
Movie Munchie
Movie Type
Action and Comedy
Thriller and Action
The Lion King
The Lion King
Quality about my Spouse
Loving, hard-working, and honest
Caring, supportive, and kind-hearted
Texas Roadhouse
The Cheesecake Factory
Philly Cheesesteak
Grilled chicken with lettuce, tomato, and mayonnaise
Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness. Isaiah 41:10
Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; And lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct thy paths. Proverbs 3:5-6
Shopping Store
Bass Pro Shop
Hobby Lobby
"I Can Only Imagine" by Mercy Me
"The Dance" by Garth Brooks
Sport to Play
Basketball and Football
Sport to Watch
University of Kentucky Basketball
Sports Team
University of Kentucky
University of Kentucky
Subject in School
Social Studies/History
Thing to Cook
Breakfast food
Chicken Georgia, chicken/steak vegetable stir fry, and many family homemade recipes
Type of Music
Country and Contemporary Christian
Country and Contemporary Christian
Video Game
Mario Kart
Mario Kart

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*Once you have filled out this form, an American Adoptions specialist will help you get in touch with this family. You can also call 1-800-ADOPTION (236-7846) to speak with an adoption specialist immediately.