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Peter & Katy

Thank you for taking the time to look at our profile and learn more about us. We know you are making a difficult and important decision about your baby's future and we will support your decisions. We love being parents to our daughter and hope that you will be able to help us make her into a big sister.

About Us

Senior Web Developer
Reportable Disease Coordinator
Bachelor's Degree in Mathematics
Master's Degree in Public Health
Legally Married

Adoption in Our Lives

Our Happy Family

Going through the process of adopting the first time clarified and strengthened our desire to be parents. We adopted our wonderful daughter Grace from birth. We were fortunate enough to have Grace's birth mother live nearby so we were able to get to know her and build a relationship prior to Grace's birth. Our daughter's open adoption has given us a new extended family, we regularly take Grace to see her birth mother and birth siblings. Seeing Grace and us has helped Grace's siblings understand Grace's adoption and become connected to her.

Grace will be a wonderful big sister! She regularly surprises us with her curiosity and kindness. We'll be putting away groceries and she'll take a big bite out of bell pepper or tell us she wants to eat a lemon. Anytime we're getting ready to go outside she insists on putting her own shoes on, zipping up her coat, and buckling herself into the stroller. When we're out walking and see other children in strollers Grace will walk up and start talking to them and give them a high five. When Grace sees another kid who is sad she will try and comfort them and ask us about why they are feeling sad. Everyone in the neighborhood knows Grace since she'll stop to wave to everyone showing them the stuffed animal she's carrying and excitedly greet them.

Our Lifestyle

Peter Gaming With Friends

We have an active lifestyle that is very supportive of each other's interests.

All three of us like to spend time enjoying the outdoors and try to spend time outside each day, weather permitting. When we can't spend time outside we try to go to a children's museum or an indoor activity place. Other family activities include cooking, dance parties, and going to the farmer's market.

Katy Knitting at Her Group

Peter works from home while Katy works outside of the home. While we are at work Katy's parents watch Grace three days a week and a sitter (who Grace absolutely loves) watches her two days a week.

We make time to spend together with each other as a couple, like Friday night date night, and time for our individual interests. Peter has game nights and Katy has craft nights.

Cultural Diversity

As a mixed-race family we already celebrate the different cultures we each come from. Katy grew up in a mixed-race home with multiple cultures. As a result, incorporating different cultures into everyday life is something we are very familiar with. We have continued these traditions with our daughter and will be adding traditions as we find out more specifics about her background. For now we make sure that she is exposed to people, books, and toys that represent her multiple races and cultures and seek out activities that are culturally specific to her birth parents background. We also have close friends who are from different cultures than us and we share our cultures and traditions with each other. Many times we do this by sharing how to cook different traditional foods from our cultures with each other. As a result Peter has become good at mixing the masa for tamales and our friends learned how to bake Katy's family icebox cookies from the 1800's.


In Our Backyard
In Our Backyard
Fun at the Pool
Fun at the Pool
Happy Together
Happy Together
Toes in the Pacific Ocean
Toes in the Pacific Ocean
At Haunted Wisconsin
At Haunted Wisconsin
Playing Basketball as a Family
Playing Basketball as a Family
Coloring With Grandma
Coloring With Grandma
Driving at a Children's Museum
Driving at a Children's Museum
Riding a Motorcycle With Mom
Riding a Motorcycle With Mom
Halloween Parade
Halloween Parade
At the Toledo Art Museum
At the Toledo Art Museum
Sliding at the Park
Sliding at the Park
1 / 12
In Our Backyard
In Our Backyard
2 / 12
Fun at the Pool
Fun at the Pool
3 / 12
Happy Together
Happy Together
4 / 12
Toes in the Pacific Ocean
Toes in the Pacific Ocean
5 / 12
At Haunted Wisconsin
At Haunted Wisconsin
6 / 12
Playing Basketball as a Family
Playing Basketball as a Family
7 / 12
Coloring With Grandma
Coloring With Grandma
8 / 12
Driving at a Children's Museum
Driving at a Children's Museum
9 / 12
Riding a Motorcycle With Mom
Riding a Motorcycle With Mom
10 / 12
Halloween Parade
Halloween Parade
11 / 12
At the Toledo Art Museum
At the Toledo Art Museum
12 / 12
Sliding at the Park
Sliding at the Park

Our House and Neighborhood

Our Home

We live in a one-story brick house with a finished basement, which is Peter's favorite part of the house. Katy's favorite part of the house is the good sunlight in the living room, the kitchen, and the three season room. Grace's favorite part is the large picture window in the living room. She likes to look outside at all of the people and dogs out for walks, along with watching for wild animals, cars, rain, and snow.

Our neighborhood is great for kids and families. There are music class, swim lessons, summer day camp, a lake, and lots of other activities within walking distance of our house. There are also multiple parks and lots of other kids around our daughter's age. Our street is very quiet, but we are a short walk from several restaurants, small grocery stores, and other businesses. The neighborhood has a very friendly atmosphere with community events like a fourth of July festival and summer concerts in the park.

Our Extended Families

Christmas Eve Dinner With Family

We both have large extended families, some close to us and others far away. Our local family likes to get together in a big group for holidays or special events, or as Peter says, "They will find any excuse to have a party." We will meet at someone's house or at a park and every one will bring some food to share, there is always lots of fun and good conversation. Two special holidays in Katy's family are St. Patrick's Day and Mardi Gras. Our family cooks lots of traditional Irish and Creole dishes on these days.

Listening to Great Grandma

For our family that lives out of town we like to take vacations to visit each other whenever possible. We have chances to visit family all across the country and internationally. This includes the annual Thanksgiving trip to visit Peter's Grandma, Aunts, Uncles, and Cousins. Since we can't spend all of our time traveling we also use video calls to stay in touch with our family that live out of town. This includes weekly video calls with Peter's parents when they are snowbirding and with Katy's cousins down south.

From Us to You

Thank you for reading our letter, we know you are making very important and difficult decisions. Please know that you have our full support no matter what you decide.

We met at a Sci-Fi club in college and got engaged after only five months of dating, fifteen years of marriage later we are still going strong. The core of our relationship is loving and supporting each other, this allows us to grow as individuals while staying strong as a couple and as parents. We support each other's interests and help each other accomplish goals. Peter supported Katy while she was in grad school and the local fire department, Katy supported Peter during his research and conference presentations.

Our daughter is two years old, she has lots of energy and is very curious about the world around her. She is very caring and compassionate towards younger children. At library story times she will bring toys over to younger kids who can't get around on their own yet to get the toy. If she sees a baby crying she wants to help comfort the baby with a hug or pacifier. She plays well with kids in our neighborhood and our friends' kids. Grace will be an amazing big sister. We both enjoy having siblings and we want to give Grace the chance to have a sibling relationship. We think it is very important for our kids to have a sibling with an adoption story. They will always have someone who understands what it is like on a level that we as parents can't provide.

The three of us have different cultural backgrounds that we have shared with each other, making diversity very important to us. Peter is White, Katy is Mixed with a Black parent and a White parent, Grace is mixed with an African birth parent and a White birth parent. Because half of Katy's family is black she is aware of issues our daughter will face as she grows up and will be able to help her prepare for them. We know the importance of acknowledging and celebrating our differences and being open to other cultures that we are not a part of. We plan to celebrate the cultures of all members of our family and make them part of our daily life. We also have close friends who are from different cultures than us and we share our cultures and traditions with each other. We feel this is a good way to learn about the world and other people, so we can understand where people from cultures and races different from our own are coming from.

We have a very open adoption with our daughter's birth mother. We have a photo sharing app for our extended family where we post pictures and videos weekly. Grace's birth mom is part of the family group on the app and can look at the pictures any time she wants. We also text from time to time, with updates on the kids. We live in the same area so it is easy to get together, once a month or every other month, and give our kids a chance to play together. It has really helped her bio brothers understand and process what happened. It also means that as she grows up if she has questions it will be much easier for her to get answers. We understand that this is more open than most open adoptions, and we understand if you are not open to this level of openness. We hope this adoption will be very open, but acknowledge it will depend on many things including geography and your level of comfort.

Thank you for taking the time to read our letter and consider our family.

With love and support,

Peter & Katy


Alan Rickman
James Earl Jones
Michelle Yeoh
Olivia Colman
Douglas Hofstadter
Neil Gaiman
Godel, Escher, Bach: an Eternal Golden Braid by Douglas Hofstadter
Population 485 by Michael Perry
Candy Bar
Milky Way
Phineaus and Ferb
Bob's Burgers
Childhood Memory
Making a dinosar video with my brother using dinosaur toys and my dsd's huge bulky camera
Eating chili on top of macNcheese with my brother while watching the Thanksgiving day parade.
Childhood Toy
Slip N SLide
Stitch (my teddy bear)
Children's Book
Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak
The Tomten by Astrid Lindgren
Minneapolis, MN
New Orleans, LA
Classic Movie
Guess who's Coming to Dinner
Day of Week
Ice Cream
Chocolate Cake
Disney Movie
The Emperor's New Groove
Dream Car
Electric Vehicle
Big red pickup truck with a chrome bumper
Dream Job
Translating academic research into functional computer programs
Proof reading journal articles
Dream Vacation
Trip to space
Staying in a fancy tree house
Family Activity
Tickle Fight
Cooking and eating together
Flower / Plant
Macaroni and Cheese
Form of Exercise
Fire fighter competency course
Arkam Horror
Table Top Gamming
Mardi Gras
Holiday Song
This is Halloween by Marilyn Manson from The Nightmare Before Christmas
Louisiana Christmas Day by Aaron Neville
Holiday Tradition
Katy making up sotcking for St. Nicholas Day because she is so happy about it
Getting together and eating King Cake for Mardi Gras
Ice Cream
Moose Tracks
Mint Chocolate Chip
Junk Food
Salt & Vinnegar Potato Chips
Leisure Activity
Memory with a Child
Putting "buffalo cookie houses" in the couch
First time Grace gave my a running tackle hug
Memory with Spouse
Giving wife hand written copies of emails we sent while dating long distance for six months
When I volunteered Peter for Audiance participation at the Renfaire, I laughed so hard I had tears streaming down my face and my sides hurt, Peter had fun too.
Galaxy Quest
The Hunt for Red October
Movie Munchie
Sour Patch Kids
Butter popcorn
Movie Quote
"I am terrified beyond the capacity for rational thought." -Ghost Busters
"You ever fire one gun whilst jumping through the air?" "No" "You ever fired two guns whilst jumping through the air?" "No!" -Hot Fuzz
Movie Type
Sci Fi
The Music Man
Musical Group
Trans-Siberian Orchestra
Foo Fighters
Nursery Rhyme
Three Blind Mice
The Goose Drank Wine
Olympic Event
Figure Skateing
Personal Hero
My Grandpa
My Granny and My Grandma
Lord of the Rings
Fences by August Wilson
Shel Silverstein
Maya Angelou
Quality about my Spouse
Determination and Work Ethic
Whimsy/Sense of humor
"I would not want to be part of an orginization that would have me as a member." -Richard Feynman
"Honey, I'm gonna hurt sitting here at home and I am gonna if I go out, so I'm gonna go out" My Great Aunt Irene
Red Sushi
PoBoy with fried crawfish tails
Shopping Store
Powell's Books
Any yarn store
Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen
The Pretender by Foo Fighters
Sport to Play
Ultimate Frisbee
Sport to Watch
Sports Star
Simone Biles
Sports Team
Subject in School
Darkwing Duck
Thing to Cook
Pork Vindaloo
Time of Day
Just before noon
Being reminded of our wedding anniversary by other people
Hanging the Christmas card on the wall by the front door
TV Show
The Good Place
Bob's Burgers
TV Show Character
Louise Belcher
Type of Music
Vacation Spot
Southern England
New Orleans, LA
Video Game
Mario Kart
Ultimate Chicken Horse

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