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Shon & Ashley

Thank you so much for taking the time to read our profile! We know that this road for you requires a lot of strength, and we applaud you for your selflessness and courage. Please know that we are so excited at the prospect of becoming parents and can't wait to share our love, joy, and faith with a child.

About Us

Financial Advisor
Future Stay-at-Home Mom
Bachelor's Degrees in Finance & Accounting
Master of Education Leadership/Principalship
Legally Married

Our Life Priorities

Enjoying the Day Together

Shon runs a financial advising practice. He spends his workdays meeting with clients in person and over the phone. Ashley transitioned from being an elementary school teacher to Shon's full-time assistant so she could work from home. Being that we make our own schedules, we have a lot of flexibility during the day to do things like take walks with our dog in the park or run errands.

Ashley With Our Dog, Charlie

In our free time, we love to be outside as much as possible. We have a newly landscaped backyard that we spend a lot of time in either lounging on the patio, enjoying our garden, playing with the dog, or having a BBQ with family and friends. We are also finishing up a whole house remodel, and Shon likes to spend time woodworking and finishing projects around the house. When we can, we love to travel and look forward to being able to do that with a child one day as well!

Cultural Diversity

With Our Nieces

We feel that it is important to acknowledge a child's cultural background.

We are very lucky to have a diverse extended family. Being that our brother-in-law is Black, and our nieces and nephews are biracial, we have watched how their family has navigated cultural diversity in their world. We have had the chance to ask genuine questions about racism, and how they navigate those challenges and support their kids. We know that they will be a good resource for us if needed, and they would also be positive role models for what a diverse and loving family looks like.

Mostly, we feel it will be critical for us to continue to ask questions and be open to learning about how to make our child feel as loved, accepted, and supportive as possible. We don't have all the perfect answers for what that will look like, but we are committed to supporting our child in whatever way we can.

Our Family Traditions

Decorating Cookies With Our Nieces

Family traditions are very important to us. Currently, we trade off spending major holidays with each side of our family. Holidays right now are very "kid focused" due to having six nieces and nephews! We enjoy taking the kids sledding at Christmas, decorating cookies, and looking at Christmas lights. One year for Easter when our first niece was two, we dyed Easter eggs and did an egg hunt. It was so much fun it became a tradition, and we host an egg hunt for all the kids every year now. Another tradition we have started is serving a special dish from each adult's childhood at Thanksgiving. It's a way for us to make sure we are including each other's heritage and gives us a chance to celebrate that too. Additionally, because Ashley likes to bake, she tends to make cupcakes or cakes for all the kids' birthdays which is always a lot of fun to celebrate as a family.


Enjoying the Beach
Enjoying the Beach
Shon Sailing
Shon Sailing
Ashley in Her Garden
Ashley in Her Garden
A Walk in the Park
A Walk in the Park
Spending the Day With Our Niece
Spending the Day With Our Niece
All Dressed Up
All Dressed Up
Visiting a National Park
Visiting a National Park
Spending Time Together
Spending Time Together
A Cake Ashley Made for Our Nephew
A Cake Ashley Made for Our Nephew
Summertime Fun!
Summertime Fun!
Together on Vacation
Together on Vacation
1 / 12
Enjoying the Beach
Enjoying the Beach
2 / 12
Shon Sailing
Shon Sailing
3 / 12
Ashley in Her Garden
Ashley in Her Garden
4 / 12
5 / 12
A Walk in the Park
A Walk in the Park
6 / 12
Spending the Day With Our Niece
Spending the Day With Our Niece
7 / 12
All Dressed Up
All Dressed Up
8 / 12
Visiting a National Park
Visiting a National Park
9 / 12
Spending Time Together
Spending Time Together
10 / 12
A Cake Ashley Made for Our Nephew
A Cake Ashley Made for Our Nephew
11 / 12
Summertime Fun!
Summertime Fun!
12 / 12
Together on Vacation
Together on Vacation

Our House and Neighborhood

Our Home

We live in Washington state. We have lived in our current house for almost five years and absolutely love our community.

Our home has four bedrooms, two bathrooms, and a large backyard. Our neighborhood has a community swimming pool, tennis and basketball courts, lots of playground areas and splash pads for the summer, and beautiful public gardens to walk through year-round. We chose to move to this area because there are four major parks very close by, one directly across the street from us! Our local parks also host summer concerts and art festivals, and during the wintertime there are holiday lightshow walking tours.

We also love that we have a museum not too far from us that has a lot of events for young kids and families. Within walking distance there are ice cream shops and coffee houses as well as a few small local markets.

Our neighborhood is mostly made up of younger families with children, and there are great schools nearby our house. We specifically chose this area of Washington state because we felt it was the best possible place to raise a child and we look forward to having that opportunity one day.

Our Extended Families

Shon's Family

Shon grew up with his mom, dad, and twin sisters. His sisters are older by two years, and all his family currently live about an hour away from us. One sister has four kids; two boys and two girls who range in ages from 1 to 10 years old. Shon's other sister just had their second child. They now have a boy who is 2 and a baby girl. Growing up, Shon's dad worked for the family business as a mechanic for farming equipment. Shon's mom worked at the elementary school he and his sisters attended.

Ashley With Her Parents

Ashley is an only child, and her parents live right next door in an apartment above the garage. Ashley's Dad worked as a salesman for building products, and her mom worked in a pediatric dentist office for 35 years. They both recently retired and have been traveling the world and enjoy having a home base so close to us.

We are lucky to be able to spend a lot of time with both sides of our family, and we always make a point to celebrate holidays together and other special events like birthdays. Our extended family is diverse and we are open to the idea of a transracial adoption, especially since we have biracial family members. Everyone in our family is excited at the idea of adding a new child to love and cherish… especially our four-legged child, our dog Charlie, who loves kids so much!

From Us to You

Firstly, thank you so much for taking the time to consider us on your journey. We are grateful you have allowed us to share a little more about ourselves, and the love we want to be able to give to a child. We can only begin to image how difficult this process is for you, and we deeply admire you for your strength and courage. While we may not know each other yet, you are in our prayers while you navigate this journey.

We have been married for almost eight years and together for ten. Being a parent was something we hoped and dreamed would happen. We have always been open to the idea of adopting a child. Initially, we thought we would have a biological child first and then look more seriously into adoption. After several years of trying to conceive, we discovered that we cannot have children ourselves. We felt like this was God's way of telling us adoption is, and always was, the way we were meant to be parents… even if it took us a little while to see that plan. We have so much love to give and feel blessed to be able to pursue adoption as a way of growing our family.

Our hope for a future child is that we can provide them with as many opportunities as possible to grow into the person they were meant to become. Given that Ashley was a teacher, we very much value education. We want to be able to give a child as many opportunities to learn about their world, and themselves, as possible. We want to be the kind of parents that encourage a child to try new things, travel to new places, and experience a sense of wonder about who they will become. We are excited at the possibility of watching a child grow up, surrounded with love and care.

Our extended families are also thrilled at the idea of bringing a new child into the family. We have six nieces and nephews and are very close with both sides of our family. We know that this child would be loved and cherished by everyone, and we love to think about them getting to grow up playing with their cousins and spending holidays with the family.

We feel strongly that you are, and always will be, an extremely important part of this child's story. We hope to be able to share letters and pictures with you over the years, if you would like, so that you can feel confident and comfortable with your decision in the years to come. Our hope is that a child knows its roots, and you are forever an important part of that aspect of their life.

We know that this decision requires a lot of courage from you. It is difficult to express the gratitude we have for your consideration in such a short letter. Please just know that our hearts are praying for you, your child, and your decision as you navigate through this process.

With deep gratitude,

Shon & Ashley


Ryan Reynolds
Denzel Washington
Jessica Chastain
Margot Robbie
John Grisham
Roald Dahl
Candy Bar
Reece's Peanut Butter Cup
Reeces Peanut Butter Cups
Tom & Jerry
Childhood Memory
Family reunions every Memorial Day
Going to Disneyland with my family
Childhood Toy
Tree house
Children's Book
Little Bear's Trousers
Chicago, IL
Victoria, BC
Classic Movie
Dumb and Dumber
Christmas Vacation
Day of Week
Banana Split
Chocolate cake
Disney Movie
Lion King
Lady and the Tramp
Dream Car
Rolls Royce
Range Rover
Dream Job
Professional basketball player
Being a mom
Dream Vacation
Maldives Islands
Europe with my family
Family Activity
Going to the lake
Picnics in the park
Flower / Plant
Form of Exercise
Playing basketball
Playing tennis
Arts and crafts
Holiday Song
I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas
That Spirit of Christmas
Holiday Tradition
Candy Advent calendar
Hosting an Easter egg hunt for all our nieces and nephews
Ice Cream
Cookie Dough
Campfire Peanut Butter Cup
Junk Food
Nutty Buddy
Leisure Activity
Watching a movie
Family Handyman
National Geographic
Memory with a Child
Being there when my first niece was born
Having our niece for a weekend and taking her to the lake
Memory with Spouse
Our first date picnic
Our first trip to Hawaii together
Meet the Parents
Movie Munchie
Movie Quote
"You're killing me, Smalls" - The Sandlot
"Am I just eating because I'm bored? - The Grinch
Movie Type
Action comedy
Mary Poppins
Musical Group
Boyz II Men
Destiny's Child
Nursery Rhyme
Itsy Bitsy Spider
The Wheels on the Bus
Olympic Event
Beach volleyball
Personal Hero
Michael Jordan
My mom
Edgar Allen Poe
Shel Silverstein
Quality about my Spouse
Her compassion
His patience
Whatever will be, will be
"Everything you are going through is preparing you for what you asked for."
Club sandwhich
"For many are called but few are chosen"- Matthew 22:14
"Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours." Mark 11:24
Shopping Store
Home Depot
"Joy to the World"- Three Dog Night
Thriller- Michael Jackson
Sport to Play
Sport to Watch
College football
College basketball
Sports Star
Michael Jordan
Serena Williams
Sports Team
Oregon Ducks
Arizona Wildcats
Subject in School
The Flash
Wonder Woman
Thing to Cook
Mexican food
Time of Day
Christmas ornament exchange
Buying a new coffee mug for each place we travel to visit
TV Show
Big Bang Theory
Marvelous Mrs. Maziel
TV Show Character
Joey Tribbiani
Sheldon Cooper
Type of Music
Any and all types!
Vacation Spot
Video Game
Mario Cart

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*Once you have filled out this form, an American Adoptions specialist will help you get in touch with this family. You can also call 1-800-ADOPTION (236-7846) to speak with an adoption specialist immediately.