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Seth & Emily

Becoming parents has been the greatest joy of our lives and it would be an incredible gift to grow our family through adoption! We have so much love in our hearts and want nothing more than to share it with another child. We recognize your decision is the ultimate sacrifice as a parent and we have so much respect for you. Thank you for considering us as your child's potential family.

About Us

Airline Pilot
Retired Pilot/Stay-at-Home Mom
Master of Business Administration
Master of International Relations
Legally Married

Our Favorite Vacation Spot

Doing Chores on the Family Farm in Minnesota

Our most cherished place to visit is Seth’s childhood home in Minnesota. The family farm is an oasis of adventure, relaxation and love. Their home is on 100 acres of rolling hills and forests and has a picturesque red barn full of animals. Our family spends at least one week there each season because the area offers so many amazing experiences throughout the year. Summers are spent relaxing on the hammock in the breeze. The best hikes are during the fall when the woods are transformed by every shade of yellow, orange and red. During the cold winters we sled for hours before heading inside for hot chocolate and a warm blanket. Spring brings sweet baby lambs that run around with the rest of the sheep, chickens and kittens. We love to help out in his brother’s apple orchard, walk the many wooded trails, and help with farm chores. Rarely are we the only ones there, especially during the holidays when Seth’s siblings and their families come home as well. Even Emily’s family has made the trip out to the farm when our daughter Ellie was baptized at the family church. We love that Seth’s childhood home is such a warm, inviting place where we can all make new memories together. This vacation spot will soon become our home as we move closer to our family!

Our Child

Crafting at Ellie's Art Station

We have one child, our daughter Ellie. She is our best friend! She is the best parts of both of us and yet so unique. Ellie is a fun, outgoing four-year-old who loves princesses, unicorns, and crafts. Her artistic creativity is astounding and we recently built her a full at-home art center to let her creativity blossom. It has been fun to introduce her to activities we love like reading, swimming, hiking and traveling. These things are all made better when we do them together. Last fall we took her to Yellowstone National Park and introduced her to kayaking! At age four she has already played soccer and T-ball, learned to swim, and completed three seasons of ballet. But there is nothing she loves more than our Pizza Fridays when we stay home, make homemade pizza, cuddle up and watch a movie together.

Our Family

One of the hardest parts of our infertility journey has been Ellie’s desire for a sibling. She so badly wants a little brother or sister to become best friends with, just like our siblings are to us. Our sweet girl has taught us how to be parents and encourages us to grow every day. We look forward to another child adding their own unique traits to our family unit.

What it Means to be a Parent

Reading Before Bed

Becoming parents has been the greatest joy of our lives. We believe the greatest thing we can offer children is unconditional love and acceptance, because it allows a child to feel safe and secure enough to step out of his or her comfort zone to learn, grow and make mistakes. Kids should be afforded endless opportunities to do just that. Our goal as parents is to be positive role models to our children and help them develop as unique individuals with a strong moral compass. We firmly believe in the importance of trust, respect for ourselves and acceptance of others. We do our best to teach these values to our daughter every day. It isn’t quite possible to pick a favorite part of being a parent because it is all so rewarding but we sure have loved to watch Ellie grow, hit each milestone and become a unique individual. We cannot wait to see how unique another child will be and how they will challenge us to be better parents.


Sunset Dinner in Hawaii
Sunset Dinner in Hawaii
On Our Way to Yellowstone National Park
On Our Way to Yellowstone National Park
Date Night at a Concert
Date Night at a Concert
Ellie Shares Our Love for PLanes!
Ellie Shares Our Love for PLanes!
Grand Canyon
Grand Canyon
Ellie's First Time Kayaking
Ellie's First Time Kayaking
A Walk in Minnesota
A Walk in Minnesota
Visiting a Kid's Barnyard in a Nearby City
Visiting a Kid's Barnyard in a Nearby City
Ellie's First Trip to Disney World
Ellie's First Trip to Disney World
A Family After Dinner
A Family After Dinner
At Afternoon Tea in London
At Afternoon Tea in London
Baking Bread Together
Baking Bread Together
1 / 12
Sunset Dinner in Hawaii
Sunset Dinner in Hawaii
2 / 12
On Our Way to Yellowstone National Park
On Our Way to Yellowstone National Park
3 / 12
Date Night at a Concert
Date Night at a Concert
4 / 12
Ellie Shares Our Love for PLanes!
Ellie Shares Our Love for PLanes!
5 / 12
Grand Canyon
Grand Canyon
6 / 12
Ellie's First Time Kayaking
Ellie's First Time Kayaking
7 / 12
A Walk in Minnesota
A Walk in Minnesota
8 / 12
Visiting a Kid's Barnyard in a Nearby City
Visiting a Kid's Barnyard in a Nearby City
9 / 12
Ellie's First Trip to Disney World
Ellie's First Trip to Disney World
10 / 12
A Family After Dinner
A Family After Dinner
11 / 12
At Afternoon Tea in London
At Afternoon Tea in London
12 / 12
Baking Bread Together
Baking Bread Together

Our House and Neighborhood

The Playroom

We live in a small, close-knit community and our home is one of our favorite places to be! Our newly built house has an open floor plan that allows the three of us to spend the majority of our time together. Often Emily and Ellie are crafting in their art center as they keep Seth company while he cooks, a passion of his! Our large backyard gives Ellie and her friends space to run and play. We love to spend our evenings walking through the neighborhood or biking around town. We work with many of the families in our neighborhood and Ellie attends school, dance or sports with their children.

Our Home

Cookouts, pool parties and water balloon fights are a common occurrence with our neighbors. Our town has one of the best school districts in the state and we are only minutes away from a splash pad, pool and multiple playgrounds. We are also within driving distance to three large cities where we spend weekends visiting the aquarium, zoo or science center. We soon plan to move our family to a similar community in Minnesota where we will be closer to Seth’s parents. We have loved all the places the Air Force took us, but Minnesota holds a special place in our hearts. The bike trails, hiking, pools and playgrounds make it the perfect place to raise a family, but most important is the strong sense of community and support of family nearby.

Our Extended Families

With Emily's Family

Our families are our best friends! Seth has three siblings and Emily has two. Between us we have 12 nieces and nephews! Our daughter is very close to her grandparents and cousins. Our extended family is scattered throughout the US, Canada and the UK. We spend most vacations visiting these family members or taking group trips together. This past spring, we travelled with Seth’s entire family to Disney World for the grandkids’ first Disney adventure. Most recently, we visited England to see Emily’s parents, Grandmom and Pop Pop.

With Seth's Family

Christmas is usually spent with the whole family at Seth’s childhood home in Minnesota. Nonna and Papa’s farm is where we spend the holiday playing in the snow, laughing together, and enjoying cherished traditions. Our favorite tradition is enjoying delicious homemade soups after Christmas Eve church service.

In addition to our parents and siblings, the military blessed us with an extensive group of friends who have become family. We affectionately call them our “framily”. We have been able to stay connected to these lifelong friends through each move we have made with the military. We are so thankful for their love and support, no matter how many miles stretch between us. When we aren’t visiting relatives, we are usually vacationing with these friends, spending Thanksgivings together, hiking and kayaking through national parks, or renting beach houses during the summer. Family and friends mean everything to us, and they all anxiously await a new little one to include in our adventures together.

From Us to You

We are so thankful to be given the opportunity to share a bit about ourselves as you make this difficult, selfless choice. We admire your incredible bravery, strength and dedication to your child.

We met eleven years ago as classmates going through Air Force Pilot Training. The program was difficult and we learned early on in our relationship to lean on each other for support and encouragement. After pilot training we navigated a long-distance engagement due to being stationed at separate bases. We were married shortly after on the best day of our lives. Since getting married we have lived in several states, added a beautiful daughter, Ellie, to our family and navigated countless challenges and adventures.

Both of us have been pilots for the past eleven years and have faced many challenges during our military careers. These challenges have allowed us to develop a deep bond and strong relationship based on love, trust and respect. We have also been given amazing opportunities to travel the world together and meet lifelong friends. We feel very lucky to have been able to share this journey together!

Our Air Force careers are at an end and we look forward to what our future holds. Seth is now an airline pilot, which allows him to continue doing what he loves while giving him more time at home with our family. Emily has retired from the Air Force and is taking time off from work so that she can be available to provide Ellie and any future children with extra quality time and attention.

Our greatest blessing was the birth of our daughter, Ellie, who is now a loving, artistic, outgoing four-year-old. She brings so much joy to our hearts and keeps our home full of laughter. Our little social butterfly has been asking for a sibling since the moment she could talk. We’ve always known we were meant to have a big family. We both grew up with large families and we can’t wait to give Ellie the same experience we had. After Ellie’s very difficult birth we have had to navigate infertility. Thankfully our strong bond has supported us through these hard years, helped along by the love from our daughter. Our biggest desire is to add another little one to our family. We feel adoption is the path we have been called upon to do and are so grateful for the opportunity!

If you choose us, we promise to raise your child under an umbrella of love, compassion and safety. We have challenged ourselves as parents to provide Ellie with a stable and nurturing home that puts love above all else. We do our very best to model the importance of trust, selflessness and acceptance of others while giving her space to learn and grow into her own unique self. No role in our lives has meant more to us than being parents. We will treasure every moment with another little one and provide them with the same love, stability and endless opportunities we have provided for Ellie.

We cannot imagine what you are going through, but we want you to know that we respect and admire your decision. We feel nothing but love for you and your child. The gift you could give us will never be forgotten and we look forward to sharing your child’s growth and milestones. We are happy to send letters and photos as keepsakes, as well as email and text updates. We are even open to considering a visit when the time is right. We want what is best for our adoptive child and believe that a healthy relationship with their birth parents is key. Your child will always be reminded of your bravery and love for them.

Thank you so much for considering us!

Seth & Emily


Hugh Jackman
Tom Hanks
Scarlett Johansson
Sandra Bullock
J.R.R. Tolkien
Guy Gavriel Kay
Count of Monte Cristo
10,000 Doors of January
Candy Bar
Kinder Bueno
Childhood Memory
Going to amusement parks
Childhood Toy
TMNT action figures
Children's Book
The Hobbit
Amelia Bedelia
Paris, France
Lajes, Portugal
Classic Movie
The Sting
Forrest Gump
Day of Week
Angel Food Cake
Oatmeal Raisin Cookies
Disney Movie
Robin Hood
Dream Car
Jeep Grand Cherokee
Range Rover
Dream Job
UN Ambassador
Dream Vacation
New Zealand
Machu Picchu, Peru
Family Activity
Board Games
Flower / Plant
Weeping Willow Tree
Form of Exercise
Card Games
Card Games
Holiday Song
Carol of the Bells
Christmas Canon
Holiday Tradition
Homemade soups on Christmas Eve
Homemade soups on Christmas Eve
Ice Cream
Salted Caramel
Junk Food
Tortilla Chips
Bagel Bites
Leisure Activity
National Geographic
National Geographic
Memory with a Child
Ellie's first Disney World trip
Teaching our daughter to ride a bike
Memory with Spouse
Honeymoon in Hawaii
Honeymoon to Hawaii
Jurassic Park
Movie Munchie
Gummy Bears
Movie Quote
"You is kind. You is smart. You is important." The Help
Movie Type
Sweeney Todd
Musical Group
The Beatles
Hootie & the Blowfish
Nursery Rhyme
I've Been Working on the Railroad
You are my Sunshine
Olympic Event
Personal Hero
My Brother
College Roommate
The Lion King
Rudyard Kipling
Emily Dickinson
Quality about my Spouse
"A nail is driven out by another nail; habit is overcome by habit." Desiderius Erasmus
"What if I fall? Oh but my darling, What if you fly?" Erin Hanson
Little Caesars
Patty Melt
Bacon and Cheese Bagel
Psalm 40:8,11
Song of Solomon 3:4
Shopping Store
Under the Bridge, Red Hot Chili Peppers
Stayin Alive, Bee Gees
Sport to Play
Sport to Watch
Sports Star
Joe Mauer
Justin Tucker
Sports Team
Minnesota Twins
Baltimore Ravens
Subject in School
Thing to Cook
Angel Food Cake
Time of Day
Homemade soups on Christmas Eve
Homemade soups on Christmas Eve
TV Show
The Office
Schitt's Creek
TV Show Character
Michael Scott
Ted Lasso
Type of Music
Classic Rock
Vacation Spot
In-Laws farm in Minnesota
Video Game
Golden Eye
Crash Bandicoot

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*Once you have filled out this form, an American Adoptions specialist will help you get in touch with this family. You can also call 1-800-ADOPTION (236-7846) to speak with an adoption specialist immediately.