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Todd & Nicole

Thank you for taking the time to read our profile. We would be grateful for the opportunity to love another child and welcome them into our family. Choosing us to be your child's adoptive parents would be an incredible honor. We hope you consider us, and we wish you the very best.

About Us

Stay-at-Home Parent
Doctor of Medicine
Bachelor's Degree in Communications
Legally Married

Adoption in Our Lives

Out to Dinner

We have a wonderful son, Peter, who we adopted. Peter's adoption has allowed us to experience first-hand what a beautiful thing adoption can be and how lucky we are to be a family.

We both come from large families and love children. We have always wanted to have a family. It is one of the things we looked forward to the most when getting married. Though we tried to have kids biologically, after several years of infertility, it became clear that our path to parenthood might look a bit different than most. We turned quickly towards adoption. Parenthood has been a wonderful gift and we hope to welcome another child into our lives!

Peter is a good-natured, energetic, curious and sweet kid with the most contagious giggle and thousand-watt smile. He likes to explore, play outside, read books, ride his bike and play with his growing fleet of trucks and vehicles. He loves being around and playing with other kids, especially all his cousins. We have no doubt that Peter will make a great big brother. It has been a wonderful couple of years getting to watch Peter grow and develop and experience new things like swimming lessons, music class and his first trip to the ocean. He has stolen the hearts of both of us and our families.

Our Lifestyle

Grilling Out

We get to spend a lot of quality time together as a family – one of our favorite things to do is go on a walk where we catch up on each other's day and watch as Peter excitedly points out passing trucks and dogs. Nicole likes to cook, and Todd likes to grill out, so we often make a meal, usually family dinner, which we have made a priority of having each night. Afterwards, we read or play together in our family room. Nicole likes biographies, Todd likes historical books and Peter is usually diving into his basket of board books that we read to him. During the weekdays, Nicole takes Peter to the playground to go on the swings, a favorite activity, or regularly goes to the library, zoo, and pool.

Music in the Park

On the weekends, we usually go as a family to pick out donuts from our favorite local bakery. "Donut Saturday," followed by a family walk around our neighborhood or local metro park has become a fun tradition for us. We also have a go-to weekend dinner that everyone loves – pizza! We either make it or order from one of our favorite places. Spending time with our extended family and friends is also something that we do regularly. Whether grilling out, celebrating birthdays, or going to a local festival, it's always a good time. On Sunday's, we relax and prepare for the week ahead, usually by going to church and having a big dinner together - a great kick start to the week ahead!

Qualities We Love, Admire and Respect in Each Other

Date Night

Nicole About Todd: Todd has an easy-going nature that attracts people to him. I love his sense of humor, how thoughtful and kind he is, his work ethic, level-headedness in life's situations, and the commitment he has to the things that matter most to him in life. It's apparent by his actions how much he values family. He works hard at all the roles he plays from being a wonderful husband, a great uncle, a caring son, and a tremendous father. The longer we are together, the more my love and respect for him deepens. It has been an awesome thing to watch him become a father.

Todd About Nicole: Nicole has a warm and inviting nature that makes others feel at ease. I love that Nicole has a great sense of humor that often sneaks up on you. She is also very committed to her family and friends and would do anything for them. Watching her take on the role of mom over the last two years has made me grow more in love with her. I can't wait to experience the adventures to come.


Christmas Festival
Christmas Festival
Dinner Out
Dinner Out
Summer Concert
Summer Concert
Reading a Favorite Book
Reading a Favorite Book
Our Family
Our Family
Donut Saturday
Donut Saturday
Pizza Night
Pizza Night
Beach Vacation
Beach Vacation
Splash Pad & S'mores
Splash Pad & S'mores
Spring Pie Baking
Spring Pie Baking
Ice Cream
Ice Cream
1 / 11
Christmas Festival
Christmas Festival
2 / 11
Dinner Out
Dinner Out
3 / 11
Summer Concert
Summer Concert
4 / 11
Reading a Favorite Book
Reading a Favorite Book
5 / 11
Our Family
Our Family
6 / 11
Donut Saturday
Donut Saturday
7 / 11
Pizza Night
Pizza Night
8 / 11
Beach Vacation
Beach Vacation
9 / 11
Splash Pad & S'mores
Splash Pad & S'mores
10 / 11
Spring Pie Baking
Spring Pie Baking
11 / 11
Ice Cream
Ice Cream

Our House and Neighborhood

Our Home

We live in a very active town just outside of a metropolitan city in the Midwest. Our diverse community is known for being a great place to raise a family with top-rated schools, many parks, a community pool, area zoo and a host of festivals and activities all throughout the year. Our downtown organizes a weekly farmer's market with live music for families and an annual winter carnival that's complete with a hot chocolate run and a s'mores party. We go to the library regularly for story hour or take advantage of a walk on the trail that runs through downtown.

Our neighborhood has a lot of families often playing outside or going on walks or bike rides. Your child would have many cousins and neighborhood kids to play with as they grow up. There is space to run and play in our four-bedroom home that has a fenced in back yard and patio, large living room and kitchen with a big family table and island where we are usually cooking, eating or doing some kind of activity together. It's a space where we are excited to continue to create many happy memories together as a family!

Our Extended Families

Nicole & Her Mom

We have very supportive friends and family that we get to spend a lot of time with - Nicole's family lives just up the street and Todd's family lives a couple hours away and visits often. Todd is the youngest of two boys and grew up with many cousins. Nicole is in the middle, having an older sister and younger brother. With her mom being one of five children and her dad coming from a family of six kids, she's got a big extended family. Your child would be surrounded by grandparents, great grandparents, aunts and uncles and many cousins (eight so far!). Our families are tremendously supportive of our adoption plan and cannot wait to meet your child.

Todd's Family

When hanging out with Nicole's family, we are often watching a niece or nephew at a sporting event or activity, enjoying a cookout, or spending time at her family's lake house. Quality time with Todd's family revolves around family meals, watching or playing sports, and donuts and coffee on weekend mornings. Each year, we look forward to the traditions that have developed especially at Christmas time. We read the Night Before Christmas to our son and enjoy making monkey bread and opening gifts on Christmas morning. Todd's extended family has a gathering with holiday bingo, a gift exchange, and lots of food. Nicole's family celebrates by going to church, followed by a big meal and gift giving. We are excited for your child to be a part of these traditions.

From Us to You

Thank you for taking some time to read our profile and for giving us the chance to share a bit about our family! We cannot imagine how difficult of a decision this must be and the range of emotions you're likely feeling on this journey, know that our hearts and prayers are with you and birth parents everywhere. Whatever choice you may make, we are inspired by your courage and wish the best for you and your child.

We've been very happily married for seven years. After a blind date meeting for a 'quick' 'get to know you' coffee that effortlessly turned into a 5-hour conversation, our lives together began, and we've never looked back. We were lucky in that we knew relatively quickly that we had found in each other a lifelong partner. Our marriage is something we're both very committed to and find great joy and comfort in.

We have been lucky to have always had a life surrounded by kids whether through siblings, cousins, nieces and nephews, family friends, and now, with our young son, Peter. Since adopting our son, we have experienced the challenges and tremendous joy that comes with parenting. When we were first married, we were eager to become parents with the hope of one day having a large family. Though the journey of infertility has been difficult, our desire to love another child and grow our family remains strong. We are so thankful to be on this adoption journey a second time.

As parents, we promise to truly love your child through our actions, without condition, and with a diligent effort to choose what's best for them regardless of the outcome to us. They will have a happy, stable home filled with love, humor, along with a very full life of grandparents to spoil them, a sibling to grow with throughout their life, cousins to play with, a good education, and the chance to be a carefree kid. In Todd they will have a supportive and protective father they can count on who takes an active role in their life and interests. In Nicole they will have a nurturing parent who is intuitive of their needs and an enthusiastic cheerleader for them in all they do. We hope that our greatest gift to our children will be our attempt to instill in them core values to be a person of good character that allows for their future happiness as an adult.

Please know that you would forever be a positive part of our family's story. We hope that in reading this and viewing other pieces of our profile and video that you find an open adoption is something we would be seeking. We would plan to provide pictures and written updates annually at a minimum. It would be a joy for us to share with you updates of your child growing happily and developing into themselves. We would always look to you with love and gratitude as you would forever be a part of your child's identity and who we are as a family.


Todd & Nicole


Kevin Costner
Tom Hanks
Meryl Streep
Stephen Ambrose
Undaunted Courage
Jane Eyre
Candy Bar
Scooby Doo
Childhood Memory
Home Run Derby in the Backyard with my older brother
Family Bike Rides
Childhood Toy
Baseball bat
Children's Book
Winnie the Pooh series
If You Give a Mouse a Cookie
San Diego
Washington D.C.
Classic Movie
The Godfather
Rear Window - Alfred Hitchcock
Day of Week
Ice Cream
Berry Pie
Disney Movie
Lion King
Beauty and the Beast
Dream Job
Sports Agent
Tour Guide
Dream Vacation
Family Activity
Bike Ride
Family Meals
Flower / Plant
Oak Tree
Form of Exercise
Catch Phrase
Holiday Song
Jingle Bells
"Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree"
Holiday Tradition
Christmas Eve Dinner
4th of July Fireworks
Ice Cream
Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough
Black Raspberry Chip
Junk Food
Ruffles Potato Chips
Zebra Cakes
Leisure Activity
Sports Illustrated
Reader's Digest
Memory with a Child
Watching our son experience the beach for the first time
Reading books with my son
Memory with Spouse
Pacific Coast Highway Trip
Zip Lining
"Father of the Bride"
Movie Munchie
Buncha Crunch
Sour Patch Kids
Movie Quote
"Get Busy Living or Get Busy Dying"
Movie Type
Romantic Comedy
The Phantom of the Opera
Musical Group
Zac Brown Band
Nursery Rhyme
Humpty Dumpty
Olympic Event
Figure skating
Personal Hero
Abraham Lincoln
Walt Whitman
Quality about my Spouse
"It always seems impossible until it's done"
"Do Small Things With Great Love"
Skyline Chili
"How good and pleasant it is when God's people live together in harmony" -Psalm 133:1
"Be still and know that I am God" - Psalm 46:10
Shopping Store
Ann Taylor Loft
"Here on Earth" by Tim McGraw
Sport to Play
Sport to Watch
NCAA Basketball
Sports Star
Barry Larkin
Sports Team
The Ohio State Buckeyes
The Ohio State Buckeyes
Subject in School
Thing to Cook
Stuffed Peppers
Time of Day
Donut Saturday's
Christmas Tree Decorating
TV Show
How I Met Your Mother
I Love Lucy
TV Show Character
Phil Dunphy
Lucy Ricardo
Type of Music
Vacation Spot
Video Game

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