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Richard & Christa

Thank you for reviewing our profile and considering us as potential adoptive parents. We are so excited to start our family through adoption! We look forward to sharing our love and values with a child and helping them experience the world and achieve their dreams. We understand that this is not an easy decision--please know that we admire your courage and strength.

About Us

Speech-Language Pathologist
Master of Business Administration
Master's Degree in Speech-Language Pathology
Legally Married

Our Lifestyle

Out to the Movies With Friends

Family and friends are a key part of our life. Whether it's going to a game or recital/concert for our nieces and nephews, hosting a family holiday party, or meeting friends for a walk in the park, we try to spend most of our free time with the people we love. Christa is a great baker and cook, and Richard enjoys all things sports, especially basketball, soccer, and golf. We both enjoy reading, traveling, and the outdoors. We live a pretty balanced life--a typical Saturday might include a trip to the park in the morning, a few errands in the afternoon, and having family or friends over for dinner and games in the evening. We can't wait to share our hobbies and loved ones with our child!

Qualities We Love, Admire and Respect in Each Other

Richard & Our Niece

Christa About Richard: Richard is incredibly kind, patient, and level-headed. He is always the first person Christa turns to when she has a problem or needs to talk something through. Richard listens carefully and without judgment and offers sound advice. Richard has a passion for the outdoors–whether that's walking in our neighborhood park, hiking in surrounding state parks, or volunteering for trail restoration projects.

Gardening With Our Niece

Richard About Christa: Christa truly lights up the room. When we are with family, our nieces and nephews swarm Aunt Christa! She also shares a love for nature and is often found in our backyard garden planting, watering, harvesting, and weeding. She was the driving force behind converting our backyard into a bright and vibrant garden that is full of life in the form of native plants, flowers, and vegetables. Christa is engaging and has a strong work ethic when it comes to her professional life as a school speech-language pathologist. She advocates in the best interest of her students and families that she serves, and truly loves being part of such an incredible profession.

Our Life Priorities

We strive to demonstrate caring for the people and the world around us. We believe in and advocate for the equality and dignity of all people. We share a respect for the natural world, and we try to be as sustainable as possible. We want to leave the world a better place for future generations. We place a big emphasis on spending our free time together and with family and friends. We visit family on a regular basis and we are fortunate to live in a city where we have a strong network of close friends. Not only are we able to call on them when we're grabbing a bite to eat or taking a walk in the park, but we can also rely on these same friends for help and advice.


Making Pasta With Our Niece & Nephew
Making Pasta With Our Niece & Nephew
Board Games With Family
Board Games With Family
At a Baseball Game
At a Baseball Game
Acadia National Park
Acadia National Park
All Dressed Up
All Dressed Up
Enjoying the Holidays
Enjoying the Holidays
Sunset Cruise in Wisconsin
Sunset Cruise in Wisconsin
Best Friends
Best Friends
Happy Together
Happy Together
Visiting the American Southwest
Visiting the American Southwest
Richard & Our Niece at the Lake
Richard & Our Niece at the Lake
1 / 12
Making Pasta With Our Niece & Nephew
Making Pasta With Our Niece & Nephew
2 / 12
Board Games With Family
Board Games With Family
3 / 12
At a Baseball Game
At a Baseball Game
4 / 12
Acadia National Park
Acadia National Park
5 / 12
All Dressed Up
All Dressed Up
6 / 12
Enjoying the Holidays
Enjoying the Holidays
7 / 12
Sunset Cruise in Wisconsin
Sunset Cruise in Wisconsin
8 / 12
Best Friends
Best Friends
9 / 12
Happy Together
Happy Together
10 / 12
Visiting the American Southwest
Visiting the American Southwest
11 / 12
Richard & Our Niece at the Lake
Richard & Our Niece at the Lake
12 / 12

Our House and Neighborhood

Our Home

We love our neighborhood! We rented for a year and then decided to buy a house because we enjoyed the area so much. It's a very friendly, diverse community with lots of young families and two great schools. The neighborhood has lots of summer block parties and there's always a good turnout for trick-or-treating at Halloween. Beyond our neighborhood, our city is a great place to raise a child. There are plenty of parks and museums geared towards kids, and we have the best zoo in the country!

Our 4-bedroom house is 100+ years old and has a lot of charm. The previous owners fully renovated it 10 years ago. We spend a lot of time in our backyard relaxing with family and friends or tending to our garden. Our nieces and nephews love eating berries and cherries that they harvest themselves!

From our house it's a short walk to the best park in the city where we enjoy the Saturday morning farmers market, evening walks after work, food-truck Fridays in the summer, and BBQs with family and friends. The park has multiple playgrounds and a newly installed nature playscape with a water feature. Kids in the neighborhood go to one of two schools or one of multiple early childhood centers nearby. There are small shops and restaurants (including our favorite ice cream place) scattered throughout the neighborhood. We have lots of friends who live nearby and we love relaxing in our backyards, meeting up in the park, or grabbing a bite to eat together.

Our Extended Families

Christa's Family

We are very close with both our families. Christa has two brothers–one older and one younger–and she was born and raised in the Midwest. Her family is incredibly fun-loving as she and her brothers are often found sharing a laugh with one another. We have four nieces and nephews on Christa's side of the family. Christa's mom and her brothers live around Chicago, which means we are fortunate to be only a 4-5 hour drive away from them. We visit them or they visit us just about every other month, including major holidays. Christa grew up with family board game nights, something that she still enjoys to this day! This tradition has now grown to hosting game nights at our home. We love sharing this tradition with our friends!

Richard's Family

,p>Richard comes from a big family. He's the youngest of six kids and there are 15 nieces and nephews on his side of the family. Holidays and birthdays are always a lot of fun with so many aunts, uncles, and cousins! Richard's parents live near us and he and his dad enjoy going to baseball games, watching college basketball, and playing golf together. They're both pretty handy (something passed down from Richard's grandpa) and work really well together–they did a kitchen renovation a few years ago and have completed a bunch of projects at Richard's parents' house. We are very close with Richard's brother and his family, who live in New York. We visit them every year, including Thanksgiving every other year.

From Us to You

Thank you for considering adoption, and thank you for allowing us an opportunity to share more about ourselves with you. We can only imagine the challenging decision you have in front of you, so we thank you for your time and consideration. We admire your courage and your selflessness.

We met in college through mutual friends, but we were both so nervous to take the first step that we didn't start dating until Richard was in his senior year. While we may have had a slow start, we have been together ever since--bonding over cooking together, traveling, exploring and engaging in our community, and sharing laughs with family and friends.

While we still hold these same things dear to our hearts, we have also grown as a couple by encouraging and supporting each other to achieve our goals. A few years after we got married, Christa wanted to go back to school full-time and change her career. It required a lot of hard work from her and teamwork from us both, but it worked out in the end and Christa has truly found her passion in life.

We strive to live our values every day through our personal and professional lives. Those values are anchored in caring for each other, family and friends, our community, and those around us. Every day Christa works to advocate for students with special needs as a speech-language pathologist, and she is privileged to give her students a voice and teach them the power of their words. Richard spent the first part of his career in education focused on helping high school and college students achieve their dreams. He recently started working in financial services, and while it's a different industry, he takes a lot of pride in being part of a company that helps individuals and families achieve their goals in life. We are eager to role model these values and shower love on a child of our own, which is why we are excited to start our family through adoption.

Christa is one of three kids and Richard is the youngest of six, which means our child will join 19 nieces and nephews eager to teach them how to play corn hole (a backyard game, popular in the Midwest), the best hiding places for hide-and-seek, and how to butter up grandma and grandpa for extra treats! Our parents, siblings, and extended family were so excited when we told them we planned to adopt, and we know this is just the beginning of their excitement. We have been looking forward to expanding our family, and it means the world to us to have our family's love and encouragement.

We are eager to not only welcome a child into our world, but to also welcome and honor you in our lives. You are and will always be incredibly important to us and our family. We are happy to send email updates, pictures, stories, and keep you informed of milestone moments. We are also open to visiting in person in the future. Ultimately, we will encourage and honor whatever role you choose to play.

Thank you again for considering adoption. We promise to always make sure your baby is loved, affirmed, and celebrated for the incredible person they are and will be.

Richard & Christa


Oscar Isaac
Cillian Murphy
Jessica Chastain
Julia Louis-Dreyfus
Jon Krakauer
Laura Ingalls Wilder
Team of Rivals
Crying in H Mart
Candy Bar
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Rug Rats
Childhood Memory
Backyard wiffleball with Dad
Road trips with my family
Childhood Toy
Super Nintendo
Children's Book
The Giving Tree
Ambitious Girl
Classic Movie
The Wizard of Oz
Now and Then
Day of Week
Anything Christa makes
French Silk Pie
Disney Movie
Lion King
Dream Car
International Scout (old SUV)
Polestar 3
Dream Job
Professional Athlete
Dream Vacation
Machu Picchu
Family Activity
Game night
Game night
Flower / Plant
Magnolia tree
Flowering Cherry Trees
Peanut butter
Form of Exercise
Ticket to Ride
Holiday Song
Sleigh Ride
Sleigh Ride
Holiday Tradition
Homemade gingerbread houses
Baking cookies
Ice Cream
Mint Chocolate Chip
Junk Food
French fries
Leisure Activity
Walking in our neighborhood
Memory with a Child
Niece's first softball game
Teaching our niece and nephew how to make homemade pasta
Memory with Spouse
First date
Paddling across the state of Missouri in a canoe
Jurassic Park
Pride and Prejudice
Movie Munchie
Reese's Pieces
Junior Mints
Movie Quote
"To infinity, and beyond!"
"We are all fools in love"
Movie Type
Rom Com
Musical Group
James Taylor
Nursery Rhyme
Eeny, Meeny, Miny, Moe
Wheels on the Bus
Olympic Event
100-meter dash
Personal Hero
Abraham Lincoln
Rita Pierson
Our Town
Langston Hughes
Nate Marshall
Quality about my Spouse
Sense of humor
"I say try; if we never try, we shall never succeed." - Abraham Lincoln
"Perseverance is my motto." - Madam CJ Walker
A locally owned restaurants, or Chili's
Vegetarian Italian Grinder
Mark 12:31 "Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these."
Proverb 31:8-9 "Open your mouth for the mute, for the rights of all who are destitute. Open your mouth, judge righteously, defend the rights of the poor and needy."
Shopping Store
Country Road by James Taylor
Escapade, Janet Jackson
Sport to Play
Sport to Watch
Sports Star
Serena Williams
Serena Williams
Sports Team
St. Louis Cardinals
Chicago Cubs
Subject in School
Black Panther
Thing to Cook
Homemade pasta
Time of Day
Thanksgiving dinner
Thanksgiving dinner
TV Show
Parks & Rec
Making It
TV Show Character
Ron Swanson (Parks & Rec)
Janine Teagues (Abbott Elementary)
Type of Music
Vacation Spot
Santa Fe, New Mexico
Santa Fe, New Mexico
Video Game
Mario Kart

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*Once you have filled out this form, an American Adoptions specialist will help you get in touch with this family. You can also call 1-800-ADOPTION (236-7846) to speak with an adoption specialist immediately.