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Imran & Amanda

Hi! Thank you for taking the time to look at our adoption profile. We know that the opportunity to adopt is both an amazing gift and a huge responsibility. If chosen, we promise to do our best to fill this child's life with warmth, love, laughter, and safety. We hope you will enjoy getting to know us a little better through our profile.

About Us

Service Delivery Manager
Associate Counsel
Law Degree
Law Degree
Legally Married

Why We Chose Adoption

A Quiet Christmas at Home

Even before we knew each other, we both individually knew we wanted to be parents, and when we met, we saw and loved that desire in each other. Even as teenagers, Amanda and Imran were both the designated babysitters for their family kids, and spent many days playing, snuggling babies to sleep, and getting to watch these amazing humans grow up knowing they were loved and safe. We both knew we wanted this in our own family as well.

We discussed adoption very early in our relationship, as both of us had always wanted to be open to adoption. We knew this would be true whether or not we also had biological children, but these feelings only grew stronger as we struggled with infertility. We know that adoption may not always be an easy road, and that it comes with its own set of struggles and challenges, but we believe we are up to the challenge. We did not arrive here suddenly, and we do not seek to replace an experience that we are "missing out on." We have longed for many years to be parents, and we are bursting with love to shower on a little one.

Our Cultural Heritage

Our Shaadi (Pakistani Wedding Celebration)!

We are an interracial couple. Imran is a first-generation Pakistani American who was born in Pakistan and moved to the United States when he was a baby. Amanda is of Ukrainian, Spanish, and Italian ancestry, though her family has been in the States long enough that we mainly identify as "American," with a few traditions and customs that we hold from our heritage.

We have shared our cultures with each other throughout our relationship, from Imran's uncle teaching Amanda to make curries, to Amanda making homemade lasagna with Imran's cousins visiting from Pakistan. Our wedding was a mixture of all our worlds, with a Muslim Nikkah, a Pakistani Shaadi, and a more traditionally American wedding.

We both love to learn about each other's cultures and want to share our own stories and culture with a child, as well as learning about and helping them explore their own. We are fortunate to be surrounded by friends and family of diverse backgrounds, religions, and beliefs, and are confident that this will encourage the child to embrace their own cultural heritage.

Qualities We Love, Admire and Respect in Each Other

An Evening Dinner on the River

Amanda About Imran: I first noticed Imran because of his sense of humor and his wit. He always made me laugh and I immediately felt safe and comfortable around him. I still love these qualities in him, but I have come to admire him in a way I hadn't expected when we first started dating, over a decade ago. He is honest, always challenging me to be the best version of myself while making me feel valued and supported just as I am. He is ambitious and determined, and will work exhaustively to provide for our family, even when faced with challenges. He is also fun and goofy, and I still find myself giggling as I watch him dance bhangra with our puppies or dramatically reenact Harry Potter scenes in our living room, collectible wand in hand. But mostly, I love that he's kind and isn't afraid to express his emotions or shower affection on the people he loves.

Imran About Amanda: When I first met my wife, I was a bit intimidated by her intelligence, determination, and playful spirit. She was not only fun to be around, but she was gifted with many talents, from excelling in her classes in law school to theatrical performances in front of thousands, and everything in between. As talented as she is, she is an even better person who radiates kindness and gives unconditional love to those closest to her.


Amanda Practicing Calligraphy
Amanda Practicing Calligraphy
Imran Playing Street Hockey
Imran Playing Street Hockey
Seeing the London Bridge All Lit Up!
Seeing the London Bridge All Lit Up!
Dressed Up for a Nikkah (Muslim Wedding)
Dressed Up for a Nikkah (Muslim Wedding)
A Beautiful Winter Day at the Beach
A Beautiful Winter Day at the Beach
Seeing the Amazing Colosseum in Rome!
Seeing the Amazing Colosseum in Rome!
An Evening Game of Putt-Putt!
An Evening Game of Putt-Putt!
Sunset Cruising!
Sunset Cruising!
Enjoying a Rooftop Dinner
Enjoying a Rooftop Dinner
Hiking Above Lake Tahoe
Hiking Above Lake Tahoe
Beach Walk With the Pups
Beach Walk With the Pups
A Sunset Dinner on the Marina
A Sunset Dinner on the Marina
1 / 12
Amanda Practicing Calligraphy
Amanda Practicing Calligraphy
2 / 12
Imran Playing Street Hockey
Imran Playing Street Hockey
3 / 12
Seeing the London Bridge All Lit Up!
Seeing the London Bridge All Lit Up!
4 / 12
Dressed Up for a Nikkah (Muslim Wedding)
Dressed Up for a Nikkah (Muslim Wedding)
5 / 12
A Beautiful Winter Day at the Beach
A Beautiful Winter Day at the Beach
6 / 12
Seeing the Amazing Colosseum in Rome!
Seeing the Amazing Colosseum in Rome!
7 / 12
An Evening Game of Putt-Putt!
An Evening Game of Putt-Putt!
8 / 12
Sunset Cruising!
Sunset Cruising!
9 / 12
Enjoying a Rooftop Dinner
Enjoying a Rooftop Dinner
10 / 12
Hiking Above Lake Tahoe
Hiking Above Lake Tahoe
11 / 12
Beach Walk With the Pups
Beach Walk With the Pups
12 / 12
A Sunset Dinner on the Marina
A Sunset Dinner on the Marina

Our House and Neighborhood

Our Home

We live in the suburbs of Atlanta, a quick drive to Stone Mountain, the Georgia Aquarium, hiking trails, and a few national parks. We live just minutes from some of our chosen family, who we often join for summer cookouts and winter dinner parties. We love to take walks around our neighborhood with the pups and, hopefully, a child in the future. We recently moved to this area specifically to be closer to many of our friends and family who have little ones of their own.

Our house is a sweet three bedroom, two and a half bath, with a fenced backyard that would be perfect for a swing set or playhouse. We currently have an empty bedroom that we are turning into a nursery/playroom. Amanda works from home and Imran works hybrid, and we each have home offices that reflect our playful personalities. Amanda's office is filled with windows that view the backyard, with space for her art and crafting. Imran's office houses his hockey trophies and some sports and Batman memorabilia he's collected over the years. However, our favorite room is our open living/dining room where you'll find us playing board games, watching movies, eating family meals, and talking and snuggling in front of the fireplace.

Our Extended Families

Amanda & Her Sisters

We come from very different families, but with many similar values.

Imran & Our Nephew

Amanda is the youngest of 6 kids, with 12 nieces and nephews, who would all be thrilled to have another little cousin to love. Imran is the oldest in his family, with one younger brother. One similarity between us was growing up in homes with multiple languages. Amanda grew up switching between English and Spanish with her mother and grandmother, while Imran grew up speaking English, Punjabi, Hindi, and Urdu in his home, and he later learned Spanish. Holidays are a big deal in both of our families, with lots of home cooking (from curries to lasagna and pierogies), and shared stories (and sometimes heated debates) around the table. With Christmas, Thanksgiving, Ramadan, Eid, birthdays and more to celebrate with our families, we also love and value quiet time with each other.

While we do not live in the same town as our immediate family, we visit them often. We are also wildly blessed to have a large extended chosen-family, full of friends and family friends who live nearby and who regularly celebrate birthdays and holidays with us. All of our families and friends are thrilled about the possibility of us adopting and are already discussing the excitement of a possible new family member and playmate to add to the mix.

From Us to You

We are Amanda and Imran, and we are very excited for the opportunity to introduce ourselves! Although writing this letter is a little intimidating, we hope it gives you a better sense of who we are.

Amanda grew up in a small town in North Carolina and, as self-proclaimed nerd, she spent most of her high school and college years studying, performing at the local theater, and running around at theater festivals with her best friends. After college, she worked in professional theater as an educator and actor. While she now works as a corporate attorney, Amanda's love of art and literature continues, and she spends her free time painting, sewing, and taking dance classes.

Imran was born in Pakistan and moved to Georgia (US) when he was a baby. Growing up in an immigrant household, he was taught the value of education, hard work, and persistence at an early age. His love for hockey started when Imran watched his own dad play, and Imran still plays hockey to this day. He grew up with a large group of friends, many of whom (along with their wives and children) have become our extended family. Outside of his role as a Service Delivery Manager, he is well loved for his ability to make anyone laugh, and his dancing at weddings has a reputation of its own.

The two of us met in law school and connected over a shared appreciation of comedy and a highly competitive game of bocce ball. Pretty quickly we were spending all our spare time together studying, dancing, watching movies, and pretty much non-stop laughing. We have been together for 10 years and married for 8. We have supported one another through celebrations and challenges. From law school graduations, bar exams, and new jobs, to the loss of both our fathers, we have been each other's cheerleaders and supporters.

We discussed adoption early in our relationship, as we both felt it was important to be open to building a family through adoption, should we be able to do so. We knew we might struggle building our family "naturally". Many of Amanda's sisters struggled with fertility, and we knew this would likely be a reality for us as well. We didn't know how hard it would be, but ?" like everything else ?" we tackled it together. After many years without success, we realized that our story would be different. We decided, together, that it was time to make our adoption plan.

The life we have built together is nothing extraordinary, but it is beautiful and filled with family, both blood and chosen. While we value spending time out with friends, we also appreciate time at home to just be together. We look forward to the days when Amanda can fingerpaint with a little one and share her love of singing (even if it's The Wheels on the Bus on repeat in the car), or when Imran can take a little buddy to the rink to meet his hockey team or to grill and swim together over a long summer weekend. We long to introduce a child to their cousins, to watch movies by the light of the Christmas tree, and to share the excitement of family vacations where we can learn more about the big world we live in. We also can't wait for simple moments like Saturday pancake breakfasts or dancing around the kitchen as a family before settling in for dinner.

We can't imagine how you must be feeling trying to make this decision, and we want you to know that we are grateful you are even considering us. We appreciate the importance and the depth of this decision, and we want you to feel as comfortable as possible. We would love to share milestones, pictures, and stories with you via letters or phone calls.

We hope you see in this letter our longing and our love, but we also hope you feel you got to know us a bit better. We hope that your journey forward is blessed and smooth, no matter which direction it goes. Thank you for taking the time to read this.

Warmest wishes,

Imran & Amanda


Michael Keaton
Alan Rickman
Charlize Theron
Jennifer Lawrence
Arthur Miller
JRR Tolkien
To Kill a Mockingbird
Lord of the Rings Trilogy
Candy Bar
Batman: The Animated Series
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Childhood Memory
Going to hockey camp in Canada with my dad
Making Saturday breakfasts with my dad.
Childhood Toy
Cabbage Patch Kid
Children's Book
Clifford, The Big Red Dog
The Lorax
Las Vegas, NV
New York City
Classic Movie
It's A Wonderful Life
The Sound of Music
Day of Week
Chocolate Chip Cookies
Disney Movie
Lion King
Dream Car
Audi R8
Aston Martin
Dream Job
Sports Executive
Chief Legal Officer
Dream Vacation
French Polynesia
Mediterranean Tour
Family Activity
Watching TV
Beach Day
Flower / Plant
Pakistani Food
Form of Exercise
Playing Sports
Clue Boardgame
Holiday Song
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays - *NSYNC
Oh Holy Night
Holiday Tradition
Watching Home Alone with the Christmas lights on
Decorating the house the day after Thanksgiving
Ice Cream
Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough
Cookies and Cream
Junk Food
Leisure Activity
Long walks
The Economist
Vanity Fair
Memory with a Child
Meeting my very first niece a few hours after she was born.
Memory with Spouse
Our first getaway in Asheville, NC
Our Christmas Day engagement in my home town!
Batman (1989)
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Movie Munchie
Milk Duds
Movie Quote
"Heroes get remembered, but legends never die." - The Sandlot
"My darling girl, when are you going to realize that being normal is not necessarily a virtue? It rather denotes a lack of courage." - Practical Magic
Movie Type
Les Miserables
Musical Group
Boyz II Men
The Avett Brothers
Nursery Rhyme
Itsy Bitsy Spider
Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star
Olympic Event
Track and Field
Figure Skating
Personal Hero
Muhammad Ali
Dolly Parton
A Midsummer Night's Dream
Edgar Allen Poe
William Shakespeare
Quality about my Spouse
Her compassion
His honesty and strength
"Will beats skill." - Kevin Constantine
"To love another person is to see the face of God."
Moose Cafe in Asheville, NC
Roast Beef and Turkey
Tuna salad sandwich
Sura al-n?s - "Say, 'I seek refuge in the Lord of mankind, The Sovereign of mankind, The God of mankind, From the evil of the retreating whisperer - Who whispers evil into the breasts of mankind - From among the jinn and mankind.'"
Psalm 23: "Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; m
Shopping Store
Joseph A. Banks
Saturday (In the Park)
Circles - Post Malone
Sport to Play
Sport to Watch
Sports Star
Mike Modano
Derek Jeter
Sports Team
Dallas Stars
NY Yankees
Subject in School
English Literature
Wonder Woman
Thing to Cook
Anything on the grill!
Stuffed Shells
Time of Day
Picking up Bojangles to start road trips!
Bringing home Christmas ornaments from each vacation.
TV Show
Fresh Prince of Bel-Air
The Office
TV Show Character
Uncle Phil - Fresh Prince of Bel-Air
Captain Malcolm Reynolds - Firefly
Type of Music
Vacation Spot
Las Vegas, NV
Cabo San Lucas
Video Game
Batman Arkham Series
Mario Kart

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