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If you would like to learn more about us, please call 1-800-ADOPTION (2367846), fill out the form at the bottom of our on-line profile page, or email us at

To revisit our on-line profile page and view our profile video at American Adoptions, simply use your mobile phone to scan the QR code on the right. We are looking forward to hearing from you!

James & Kirk

We are so happy that you have taken time to learn more about us and our desire to grow our family through adoption. We are excited about the opportunity to share our lives and blessings with another child and we hope you will strongly consider us as adoptive parents for your baby. While we know that this can be a difficult decision, we also want you to know that your child will be loved and provided a lifetime of happiness and joy; shared by us and all those who are a part of our village.

About Us

Deputy Human Resources Director
Executive Staff Assistant
Ph.D. in Educational Leadership
Master's Degree in Biotechnology Management
Legally Married

Adoption in Our Lives

Our Family

We have been together for fifteen years and have had a longstanding desire to be parents. Through much prayer and planning, we believe the time is right to focus on growing our family. Being a same gender loving couple, adoption has always been an option for us to consider. After much research, discussion and consideration, we found that we are most interested in and comfortable with a domestic adoption. In 2021, were blessed with the opportunity to adopt our son Dylan as a newborn. Dylan is almost two years old and is the joy of our life! Our family is looking forward to growing with a sibling for our son. Our family and friends have been supportive of us throughout this process and are looking forward to being a part of our village. We have almost 2 years' experience raising our son Dylan from birth. He is a healthy and happy toddler that has brought so much joy to our family. We have been involved in several children's lives and have provided childcare for many children at different ages and stages of development. We have acted as mentors and are both particularly close to our godsons, nieces and nephews. We enjoy spending time with all the children in our lives and look forward to having a second child of our own.

What Makes Us Unique

Our First Father's Day

What makes us unique is the expectations that we have of each other. Not only do we support each other in our individual goals and aspirations, but we work on a unified front to achieve our collective aspirations in raising our son Dylan. We love to encourage each other to be our best selves, and give selflessly of our gifts and talents to others. We are not a competitive family, and we seek to uplift ourselves and others on our journey of life. We work hard, but also love to have fun. We work hard and play hard. We can engage, work, and love people from all walks of life. We have a unique ability to move in different environments with different people. Teaching and learning from our experiences are unique gifts that we have; which allow us to take a well-balanced, calm approach to handling difficult situations and people. We believe that it is important to treat everyone the way we would like to be treated, and in doing so, we all will be better people.

Our Pup, Skye

We have one pet named Skye. She is a very active 10-year-old French Bulldog, and we adopted her when she just a few weeks old as a puppy. From the very beginning, Skye experienced some health problems that caused her breeder to consider euthanasia. Kirk has a background in veterinary medicine which gave hope to Skye's situation and allowed her to be adopted by us. Kirk nursed her back to good health and she has been a healthy, happy dog for many years. She has brought much joy and excitement to our immediate and extended families. In many ways, she has become our "fur baby" and is a fun play buddy for our son Dylan. Skye has a playful spirit and wouldn't hurt a fly. She is the envy of all the neighbors with pet dogs and everyone in the neighborhood knows and loves her. She is very intelligent and we truly believe she doesn't even think she is a dog. She is a love bug and a huge part of our family!


At the Forbidden City in China
At the Forbidden City in China
Reading With Dylan
Reading With Dylan
Playtime With Friends
Playtime With Friends
Family Vacation
Family Vacation
Broadway Show
Broadway Show
Fun Times at the Monster Truck Show!
Fun Times at the Monster Truck Show!
Exploring a Park With Dylan
Exploring a Park With Dylan
Celebrating Dylan's Birthday in NYC (Times Square)
Celebrating Dylan's Birthday in NYC (Times Square)
Vacation in Dubai
Vacation in Dubai
Wedding Fun
Wedding Fun
Out to Dinner
Out to Dinner
Family Swim
Family Swim
1 / 12
At the Forbidden City in China
At the Forbidden City in China
2 / 12
Reading With Dylan
Reading With Dylan
3 / 12
Playtime With Friends
Playtime With Friends
4 / 12
Family Vacation
Family Vacation
5 / 12
Broadway Show
Broadway Show
6 / 12
Fun Times at the Monster Truck Show!
Fun Times at the Monster Truck Show!
7 / 12
Exploring a Park With Dylan
Exploring a Park With Dylan
8 / 12
Celebrating Dylan's Birthday in NYC (Times Square)
Celebrating Dylan's Birthday in NYC (Times Square)
9 / 12
Vacation in Dubai
Vacation in Dubai
10 / 12
Wedding Fun
Wedding Fun
11 / 12
Out to Dinner
Out to Dinner
12 / 12
Family Swim
Family Swim

Our House and Neighborhood

Our Home

We live in a new single-family home with five bedrooms, three full bathrooms and one-half bathroom nestled in the Maryland suburbs of our Nation's Capital, Washington, D.C. We were blessed to build our home 6 years ago and have enjoyed designing and furnishing it. We are just a few miles from the Show Place Arena, Equestrian Center, nearby shopping centers, restaurants and the Washington National Harbor. We have a quaint walking trail connected to the community making outdoor exploration fun and accessible. Our home is often the place for hosting family/friend holiday celebrations and gatherings.

Our neighborhood is very quiet with great neighbors who look out for each other and each other's homes. The neighborhood children are very friendly and often play in the cul-de-sac and nearby playground together. Our neighborhood continues to grow daily with new homes developing across the street and adjacent to us. We are excited for the growth and completion of our neighborhood; filled with professionals and fun-loving families.

Our Extended Families

Welcome Home Baby Dylan With Family & Friends

Family is at the core of our commitment and a part of the foundation of who we are individually and collectively.

Fourth of July With Family

Kirk is the older of two children. He has a younger sister and their parents have been together for over 30 years. Kirk's sister has two biological children from a previous relationship. James is the youngest of 3 children. His oldest sister is adopted. His adopted sister has two daughters and his biological brother has a son and a daughter. James' mother and father have been married for 55 years.

Kirk's family lives close by in Maryland and James' family lives in Georgia.

We have a blended family from all directions and are blessed that both families have come to know and love us and each other over the years. We know that our adopted child will definitely be welcomed with open arms and loving hearts by everyone connected to us.

From Us to You

Thank you for taking time to visit our profile and learn more about us and our desire to grow our family through adoption. We recognize how difficult this decision may be for you and all of the emotions that come along with embarking upon this journey. We promise to provide love, protection, guidance, and support that will offer the child a lifetime of foundational growth and development.

We have been together for 15 years and married for 7 years. We love our life together and cannot wait to expand our family! We love to travel domestically and internationally; experiencing new adventures and learning more about the world we live in and the people and cultures that surround us. We love to cook, experience new restaurants, play tennis, go for neighborhood walks with our son Dylan and Frenchie Skye, watch movies, go to concerts, attend our nephews' sporting events, host play dates with Dylan's friends, fishing, visits to museums, hiking, reading and spending time with family/friends. Our strong faith is at the core of our values and daily strength which will undoubtedly be shared amongst our growing family. We are so excited to share these things and more that bring us joy and excitement into our lives.

We are stable, responsible, and mature individuals. We support each other unconditionally and are able to rely on each other during difficult times and are also able to celebrate together during joyous times. We have a strong community which includes both sides of our families and close friends. We have made clear, responsible decisions in raising our son together and are ready to face the challenges and joys of welcoming a second child into our family.

Our plan is to be as transparent as possible; supportive and respectful of our children's desire to learn more about his or her birth family history. We are committed to being open with our child and will share adoption information in an age-appropriate way. We understand the difficult, courageous decision you as the birthparent have to make, and we feel blessed to have the opportunity to welcome a second child into our home.

We are looking forward to bringing your child into a blended family life full of education, faith, fun, adventure, and stability. Our heart is open and ready to welcome our adopted child into our lives. The vision we have for our family is one filled with success. Having the blessing to live life to the fullest is not something that we take for granted, and we are looking forward to teaching, guiding, and protecting our child throughout their developmental years and beyond. We are truly grateful for the opportunity and are excited about the future!

Again, we recognize that the decision you are faced with is not an easy one. We empathize with you and want you to make the decision you feel is best for the child's future. We share this journey together and look forward to learning more about you. We are open to meeting you and providing even more comfort and reassurance beyond our profile.

With Love & Respect,

James & Kirk


Omari Hardwick
Omari Hardwick
Viola Davis
Whoopi Goldberg
Mike Warren
Maya Angelou
The 8th Habit: From Effectiveness to Greatness written by Stephen R. Covey
I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings
Candy Bar
Captain Planet
Childhood Memory
Going to Disney World on family vacation.
Hiking through trails with my grandfather.
Childhood Toy
Metal car toys
Tricycle (Red)
Children's Book
The Berenstain Bears
The Three Billy Goats Gruff
New York City
Las Vegas
Classic Movie
The Color Purple
Sister Act II
Day of Week
Key Lime Cake
Raspberry Sorbet
Disney Movie
The Lion King
Lion King
Dream Car
Range Rover
Infiniti QX60 SUV
Dream Job
Mayor of Atlanta
Sea Turtle Scientist
Dream Vacation
Bora Bora
Galapagos Islands
Family Activity
Backyard cookout
Flower / Plant
Peace Lily
Lillie of the Valley
BBQ Ribs
Form of Exercise
Heads Up
Holiday Song
Joy to the World by Whitney Houston
All I want for Christmas is you - Mariah Carey
Holiday Tradition
White Elephant Gift Exchange
Ice Cream
Talenti Key Lime Pie
Vanilla Bean
Junk Food
Salt & Vinegar Potato Chips
Leisure Activity
Watching Tv
"O" Magazine
Memory with a Child
Birth of our adopted son Dylan
Birth of our adopted son Dylan
Memory with Spouse
First international trip (Aruba)
Traveling to South Africa together
The Boys in the Hood
Movie Munchie
Extra, extra buttered popcorn
Movie Quote
Nothing but death can keep me from it - The Color Purple
"All my life I've had to fight." from The Color Purple
Movie Type
Romantic Comedy
The Color Purple
Musical Group
Whitney Houston is my favorite singer of all time!
New Edition
Nursery Rhyme
Humpy Dumpty
Mary had a little lamb
Olympic Event
Track & Field
Track and Field
Personal Hero
The Lion King on Broadway
The Lion King
Maya Angelou
Maya Angelou
Quality about my Spouse
Genuinely kind and sincere
To whom much is given, much is required.
"Ma can have it, Pa can have it, but God Bless a child whose got his own!"
Grilled cheese sandwich
Turkey Club (Jersey Mikes)
Philippians 4:13 - I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
Philippians 4:13 - I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
Shopping Store
I love the Lord by Whitney Houston
"Weak" - SWV
Sport to Play
Sport to Watch
Sports Star
Michael Vick
Michael Jordan
Sports Team
Baltimore Ravens
Subject in School
Black Panther
Cyclops (X-Men)
Thing to Cook
Macaroni & Cheese
Macaroni and Cheese
Time of Day
After midnight (I am a night owl)
Annual birthday trip/vacation
Traveling to family/friends for the holiday.
TV Show
Law & Order SVU
A Different World
TV Show Character
Tyler Lepley as "Benny" from Tyler Perry's The Have & Have Nots
Type of Music
Vacation Spot
Cape Town, South Africa
South Africa
Video Game
Super Mario Brothers (Nintendo)
Mario Brothers

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*Once you have filled out this form, an American Adoptions specialist will help you get in touch with this family. You can also call 1-800-ADOPTION (236-7846) to speak with an adoption specialist immediately.