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If you would like to learn more about us, please call 1-800-ADOPTION (2367846), fill out the form at the bottom of our on-line profile page, or email us at

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Andrew & Lauren

Hello! We are grateful that you are considering us as adoptive parents. We can't imagine what you must be going through right now or how difficult this decision must be. We know this profile is a brief glimpse into our lives, but we hope you can see the love and respect we have for one another and the deep desire we have to add a child to our lives. Should you entrust us with the care of your little one, we promise to raise them in a home filled with unconditional love, support, and understanding.

About Us

Naval Flight Officer
Public Historian
Bachelor's Degree in Liberal Arts
Master's Degree in History
John , Summer
Legally Married

Why We Chose Adoption

Thanksgiving With John & Summer

We have always wanted a house full of kids, and adoption has been a part of that conversation throughout our ten years of marriage. So when doctors finally confirmed that Lauren would be at high risk for complications in pregnancy, the transition to adoption was an easy "yes!" This did not seem like a backup plan, but a beautiful way to grow our family. We believe that family is not about the blood you share but the love that grows in those relationships.

Andrew is blessed with two wonderful children, John, thirteen, and Summer, sixteen. Lauren has felt lucky to watch them grow up from a young age, and loves them very much. Summer is a very social teenager with a fantastic group of friends! She is on the verge of getting her driver's license and is ready to explore the world. John is an extremely caring person with a very big heart. He is the family's resident mathematician and loves to play video games! When we informed John and Summer we wanted to grow our family through adoption, both kids were ecstatic! We know they will become excellent big brother and big sister, and this child will be so loved.

The road to adoption has been filled with joy and heartache, but we are so thrilled to be on this path. We can't wait to share our life with a future child, from reading stories, riding bikes, and taking family vacations—to celebrating the quiet moments in between. We are so excited to welcome a child into our family and feel we have so much love to offer.

Qualities We Love, Admire and Respect in Each Other

All Smiles!

Lauren About Andrew: Something I deeply admire in Andrew is his unfailing positive attitude towards the world. He is a glass-half-full guy, and can always see the good in even the bleakest of situations. Throughout our eleven years together, we have faced many obstacles and Andrew can always pick out the silver lining. Andrew is also incredibly patient and understanding; where most people would react to stress, he can remain calm and unflustered.

These characteristics serve Andrew remarkably well in fatherhood, as he is an excellent dad to John and Summer. Andrew is a very engaged parent and loves to take the children bowling, hiking, to the movies, or just stay home, hang out and joke around. I know Andrew's sense of humor and kind-hearted nature will make him a wonderful dad to a future child.

Andrew About Lauren: I have always admired Lauren's tenacity and spirit. She has overcome several obstacles to achieve her academic goals, including two degrees. While working in the museum field, I have seen her interact with groups of young children, and it is wonderful to see them light up when she gets down on their level. Her willingness to understand others, especially when they are different than herself, is a testament to her exceptionally kind spirit.

Lauren is also the heart of our home, and her love of tradition and experiences propels some of the best things in our family life. From decorating a beautiful home and cooking as a family—she creates many of our special moments together. Lauren will be a fantastic mother to any future children.

Cultural Diversity

First and foremost, we want to be a safe space for our children to come and discuss challenging questions and difficult topics. However, we understand that adopting a child of another ethnicity means that we can't be everything to that child.

To address this challenge, we will:

  • Educate ourselves on cultural diversity through books, articles, and courses.
  • Diversify our life to fit our child's race and ethnicity through movies, books, art, experiences, and travel.
  • Seek out role models who look like our children.
  • We want our children to grow up in a supportive and loving community, and we are prepared to move states so they have better access to their culture.
  • We are both committed to engaging our children within their culture. But we know this will be a learning process for us, and it will involve listening to others and keeping an open mind. We may be placed in situations where we don't have the answers to our child's question and need to reach out to a mentor for guidance. We understand this will require humility on our part, but we know it takes a village to raise a child! And we can't wait to create a loving village to support our children as they grow.


    Taking a Sunrise Walk
    Taking a Sunrise Walk
    Walking Along the Lake With John & Summer
    Walking Along the Lake With John & Summer
    Sunset in San Francisco
    Sunset in San Francisco
    Andrew & the Kids Looking at Planes
    Andrew & the Kids Looking at Planes
    Lauren Teaching at a Festival
    Lauren Teaching at a Festival
    Family Day at the Lake!
    Family Day at the Lake!
    Coloring Fun With Our Niece, Madison
    Coloring Fun With Our Niece, Madison
    Taking the Dogs for a Walk through the Woods
    Taking the Dogs for a Walk through the Woods
    Christmas at Andrew's Sister's Home
    Christmas at Andrew's Sister's Home
    First Ski of the Season!
    First Ski of the Season!
    Spending the Afternoon Exploring Solvang
    Spending the Afternoon Exploring Solvang
    Yosemite National Forest
    Yosemite National Forest
    1 / 12
    Taking a Sunrise Walk
    Taking a Sunrise Walk
    2 / 12
    Walking Along the Lake With John & Summer
    Walking Along the Lake With John & Summer
    3 / 12
    Sunset in San Francisco
    Sunset in San Francisco
    4 / 12
    Andrew & the Kids Looking at Planes
    Andrew & the Kids Looking at Planes
    5 / 12
    Lauren Teaching at a Festival
    Lauren Teaching at a Festival
    6 / 12
    Family Day at the Lake!
    Family Day at the Lake!
    7 / 12
    Coloring Fun With Our Niece, Madison
    Coloring Fun With Our Niece, Madison
    8 / 12
    Taking the Dogs for a Walk through the Woods
    Taking the Dogs for a Walk through the Woods
    9 / 12
    Christmas at Andrew's Sister's Home
    Christmas at Andrew's Sister's Home
    10 / 12
    First Ski of the Season!
    First Ski of the Season!
    11 / 12
    Spending the Afternoon Exploring Solvang
    Spending the Afternoon Exploring Solvang
    12 / 12
    Yosemite National Forest
    Yosemite National Forest

    Our House and Neighborhood

    Home Sweet Home

    We live off the beautiful coast of California, an area surrounded by rich history, beautiful beaches, and tons of community events. We recently moved into a cute craftsman-style home in a friendly suburban community. We selected our home because of its open floor plan, natural light, and cute backyard—but most of all, we love the neighborhood! Our community is very family-friendly, and people can often be seen riding bikes, taking family walks, or enjoying backyard barbecues. There are multiple lovely parks a short distance from our house, and we love to take evening strolls through them with our two dogs, Jupiter and Odin.

    We spend a lot of time outdoors, so it was important that our house had fenced in backyard for the dogs, entertaining friends, and gardening. We love to enjoy our morning coffee on the patio, and we frequently eat dinner outside. Lauren is passionate about gardening, and she uses the space to grow herbs and occasionally some vegetables! We also envision this backyard as a perfect play space for a future child.

    However, our favorite part about our home is the short 15-minute drive from the beach! Lauren grew up in Virginia and has many fond childhood memories of visiting the ocean with her family. We spend a lot of time at the beach, whether it's just taking a walk in the surf or eating tacos on the pier! There is so much to do in our community, and our favorite weekend pass-time is "pretending like we are tourists" by exploring museums, hiking trails, and restaurants!

    We look forward to welcoming a child into our home and sharing some of our favorite traditions and experiences with them.

    Our Extended Families

    Andrew's Family

    We both come from very tight-knit families! Our families enjoy spending time outdoors, gathering for meals, playing games, and just relaxing together.

    Lauren's Family

    The holidays are a time to slow down and catch up for both families. Andrew's family has a tradition of eating a huge meal on Christmas afternoon. Then, at the dinner table, they pop "Christmas crackers," which are little paper-wrapped tubes filled with toys. Each cracker has a silly hat in it, and we wear them all dinner long! It's a lot of fun. Lauren's family has a long tradition of decorating the Christmas tree together. It is always a big family event that involves food, music, and friends!

    We took our first big family vacation to Lake Tahoe this past summer with Andrew's side of the family, and everyone had a blast! Our days were packed with fun, and in the evenings, it was nice to share a big meal and play games.

    Our families have been very supportive of our adoption journey, and everyone is ready to welcome the new addition!

    From Us to You

    Our names are Lauren and Andrew, and we are grateful that you are considering us as adoptive parents. We can't imagine what you must be going through right now or how difficult this decision must be to make. We know this profile is a brief glimpse into our lives, but we have tried our best to show our truest selves. Please know that if given a chance to raise your child, we promise to ensure they know that your decision was not easy and was made with an immeasurable amount of love.

    We met eleven years ago during the summer of 2013 and fell in love rather quickly! We married the following summer, and the past ten years of marriage have been filled with supporting one another through success and failure, laughter and sadness. Our marriage is based on open communication, mutual respect, and love; these qualities have carried us through pregnancy struggles and life's daily challenges.

    Soon after meeting, Andrew attended Officer Candidate School and would later graduate to become a Naval Flight Officer for the Navy. Throughout his career, we have been lucky to live in Virginia near Lauren's family as well as in Nevada near Andrew's family. Lauren has worked in the museum field since 2017, and recently graduated with her masters degree in history. We have been blessed to find careers that we both enjoy, but that also gives us time to spend together as a family. She works at the local museum, helping with education and research. We have been blessed to find careers that we both enjoy, but that also gives us time to spend together as a family.

    We have always wanted a big family, but having biological children wasn't in the cards for us, as Lauren would have been at high risk for pregnancy complications. However, adoption has always been in the conversation, even before we were married. We have several family members on both sides that are adopted, so we have a lot of compassion for the process. We have been discussing adoption seriously for several years now and are very excited to grow our family through this process.

    Should you entrust us with the care of your child, we will do everything in our power to honor that decision by providing a stable and loving environment for them. We promise always to prioritize their health and safety, no matter what challenges may arise. They will always be allowed to pursue their own interests, be it education, sports, or the arts. And above all, we promise to raise them in a home filled with unconditional love, support, and understanding. They will be welcomed into a village of friends and family who are excited to love and dote on them!

    When the time comes, we would love the opportunity to become part of your "extended family!" We can exchange phone numbers or email addresses to send pictures and updates regularly. And maybe even do visits, if that is something that you are comfortable with.

    We hope this letter has helped you make this very important decision. Please know you and your child are in our thoughts and prayers today.

    Andrew & Lauren


    Sean Connery
    Jude Law
    Emma Thompson
    Ian Flemming
    Too many!
    Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
    Candy Bar
    Dark Chocolate
    Childhood Memory
    Christmas at my grandparents with all my cousins
    Playing in my grandparents stream with my brothers.
    Childhood Toy
    Children's Book
    Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
    Chronicles of Narnia
    Norfolk--my hometown
    Classic Movie
    Little Women
    Sage Green
    Day of Week
    Saturday, because I get to sleep in!
    Apple Pie
    anything chocolate!
    Disney Movie
    Beauty and the Beast
    Dream Car
    E-Type Jaguar
    Toyota 4 Runner, Limited edition
    Dream Job
    Director of a small museum
    Dream Vacation
    Mediterranean cruise
    Family Activity
    Taking the dogs for walks
    Playing games
    Flower / Plant
    Indian Food
    Form of Exercise
    Black Berries
    Airplane Model Making
    Holiday Tradition
    Watching my kids and now nieces and nephews open up gifts in the morning
    Hanging up the ornaments with my family.
    Ice Cream
    Junk Food
    Leisure Activity
    Watching T.V.
    Watching T.V.
    Memory with a Child
    Playing legos with my son John
    Playing hide and seek with my niece.
    Memory with Spouse
    Taking my wife to England to meet my extended family
    Movie Munchie
    Movie Quote
    Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, when one only remembers to turn on the light, Dumbledore, Prisoner of Azkaban
    Movie Type
    Musical Group
    Arctic Monkeys
    Nursery Rhyme
    Humpty Dumpty
    Olympic Event
    The Opening Ceremony
    Horse jumping
    Personal Hero
    Emma Watson
    Rudyard Kipling
    Quality about my Spouse
    I love her kindheartedness
    His sense of humor
    "Nobody has ever measured, not even poets, how much the heart can hold." -Zelda Fitzgerald
    Shrimp Sandwich
    Italian sub
    Shopping Store
    T. J. Maxx
    One More Time by Daft Punk
    Yellow by Coldplay
    Sport to Watch
    Formula One
    Sports Star
    Lewis Hamilton
    Sports Team
    Arizona Cardinals
    Subject in School
    Thing to Cook
    Mexican Food
    Time of Day
    Late morning
    Pulling Christmas "crackers" at the dinner table.
    Decorating the tree with my family
    TV Show
    Top Gear
    Game of Thrones
    TV Show Character
    Tyrion Lanester
    Type of Music
    Vacation Spot
    The Mountains
    Lake Tahoe
    Video Game
    N64 Goldeneye

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    *Once you have filled out this form, an American Adoptions specialist will help you get in touch with this family. You can also call 1-800-ADOPTION (236-7846) to speak with an adoption specialist immediately.