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Jon & Maddie

Thank you so much for taking the time to look over our profile and get to know us better. We are so excited at the thought of meeting you and adding another sweet baby into our family. We cannot wait to snuggle them, change their diapers, teach them how to throw a football and blow kisses, and most importantly teach them how to love the Lord and follow His paths.

About Us

Account Executive
Stay-at-Home Mom
Bachelor's Degree in Liberal Arts
Bachelor's Degree in Liberal Arts
Jordan, Poppy, Ty
Legally Married

Adoption in Our Lives

At a Family Wedding

Adoption has already impacted our lives in the most wonderful way - through our two sons. We initially chose to pursue adoption when we had infertility struggles, but since adopting our first son it has become even bigger than just that. Regardless of whether or not we can have more biological children of our own, we want to pursue adoption again because it has been one of the most wonderful experiences of our lives.

Our adopted sons are such a joy and blessing to us. The relationships we have been able to form with their birth moms and extended birth families are precious to us, and we are able to stay in routine contact with them and share details of their babies daily lives with them.

Both of us come from big and close families, and we want the same experience for our kids. Seeing our three kids play together and become best friends with each other makes us so excited to add a fourth into their little group. Our hearts and lives are ready for another, and we are excited to add one more little one, along with their birth mama, to our family.

Our Leisure Time

Phillies Game

Jon is a big sports enthusiast, and this means playing sports as well as watching sports. He is a Philly boy born and raised, and his love for his Philadelphia Eagles and Phillies runs deep. Jon also loves to play basketball and golf with family and friends and has been on several community softball and basketball teams over the past years. Other than sports, you can find Jon outside in the yard or garage making sure that the cars and lawn are in pristine condition and no weeds are in sight.

Maddie loves to bake, especially breads and desserts. Rolls and cakes and sourdough loaves are constantly in the works in our kitchen, and the kids love to contribute by eating it all up. Maddie also loves to read and decorate the house, doing DIY projects and updating our home. Some of her favorite things to do are go on early morning walks, grab wine with a friend, or thrift shop.

Jordan, Poppy & Ty

Poppy & Jordan Playing Together

Our oldest son, Jordan, was born in April of 2020 and is now four years old. Adopting him has been one of the greatest privileges and joys of our life. He has one of the best giggles and loves to play outside, swim, and ride his bike. He loves to play with his siblings and friends and it has been so fun to see him take on the role of "older brother."

Bath Time With Ty

Poppy, our second child, was born in August 2021. She is the sweetest snuggly girl and loves to read books, eat treats, and ride her bike with Jordan. She is shy but hilarious when you get to know her and has some pretty cute pig tails.

Ty, our youngest, was born in June 2023. He is a little chunk of a dude and is our most outgoing child. All Ty needs in life is a good meal and a friend to smile at him. He is also adopted, and we cannot imagine our family without him in it. We are so in love with Ty!

Our kids are the greatest joy of our life, and we are so incredibly blessed to be their parents. We can't wait to add another baby to our family.


Date Night
Date Night
At the Pumpkin Patch
At the Pumpkin Patch
Jon & Jordan at the Park
Jon & Jordan at the Park
At the Annual Turkey Trot
At the Annual Turkey Trot
Ready for the Fourth of July Parade
Ready for the Fourth of July Parade
On a Boat Ride in Cabo
On a Boat Ride in Cabo
At a Friend's Wedding
At a Friend's Wedding
Jordan With Some of His Cousins
Jordan With Some of His Cousins
On Vacation in St. Maarten
On Vacation in St. Maarten
Making a Gingerbread House
Making a Gingerbread House
Maddie & Poppy
Maddie & Poppy
Jon & Jordan
Jon & Jordan
1 / 12
Date Night
Date Night
2 / 12
At the Pumpkin Patch
At the Pumpkin Patch
3 / 12
Jon & Jordan at the Park
Jon & Jordan at the Park
4 / 12
At the Annual Turkey Trot
At the Annual Turkey Trot
5 / 12
Ready for the Fourth of July Parade
Ready for the Fourth of July Parade
6 / 12
On a Boat Ride in Cabo
On a Boat Ride in Cabo
7 / 12
At a Friend's Wedding
At a Friend's Wedding
8 / 12
Jordan With Some of His Cousins
Jordan With Some of His Cousins
9 / 12
On Vacation in St. Maarten
On Vacation in St. Maarten
10 / 12
Making a Gingerbread House
Making a Gingerbread House
11 / 12
Maddie & Poppy
Maddie & Poppy
12 / 12
Jon & Jordan
Jon & Jordan

Our House and Neighborhood

Our Home

We live in a beautiful six-bedroom, four-bathroom home at the top of a hill in a neighborhood in town. A couple of blocks down the hill is a neighborhood park that Maddie takes the kids to frequently. Our home is large and perfect for entertaining our large families and groups of friends. The kids love to play on the back patio with their water table and bikes. When the weather isn't warm enough for that, we are down in the basement playing in their playroom. A public swimming pool is five minutes down the road and we are there most afternoons with the kids, splashing and swimming with cousins and friends.

We love our community where we live. Jon works with some of his best friends, and Maddie has grown up with her closest friends who are still in town and having babies of their own. Jon is in charge of helping with community outreach at our church and Maddie leads the women's ministry there as well. Our town is perfect for raising children.

There is an amazing private school where we send our oldest son and will be sending the other kids once they're old enough. They'll have many opportunities to play any number of sports - football, track, basketball, softball, volleyball, etc. and will get an incredible education.

Our Extended Families

Maddie's Family

Our families are the most important things in the world to us and we spend a lot of time with them. Most of our family members live in the same town as we do, so we see some of our family almost every single day.

Jon's Family

Jon is the youngest of seven siblings and has 29 nieces and nephews. We get together with his family routinely to grab dinner or dessert together. We fly to Maryland every year to visit his parents, and our kids spend most of the time in their backyard pool and driving around their property on the golf cart. Jon's family are also big sports fans. We frequently go to sports games with them and our kids love cheering on their cousins when we go to watch them play sports at their school. Our kids can't wait to be old enough to play themselves.

Maddie is the second of five siblings and has 11 nieces and nephews (and counting!). The majority of Maddie's family also lives in town, and we have dinner with them twice a week. Maddie's family loves to take road trips and go camping. Maddie's mom, "Mimi" to her grandkids, makes amazing cinnamon rolls for Christmas morning every year and routinely stops by our house to say hello and play with the kids.

From Us to You

Thank you so much for taking the time to get to know us better. We cannot imagine how difficult this decision must be for you, and even though we don't know you personally yet, we have been praying for you as you walk down this road. Please know that we are so impressed by your bravery and your love for your baby and will always remind your baby how much you love and care for them.

We are so excited to welcome your baby into our life. After adopting our sons and discovering how much we love and cherish them, we are so excited to adopt again. Seeing our extended family and friends love them as one of their own makes us even more excited to do this again as well. Our community is a perfect spot to raise a baby and your baby would be surrounded on all sides with friends and family who love him or her more than they love themselves.

We cannot tell you how thrilled we are to meet you and your baby. We can't wait to snuggle with them, change their stinky diapers, teach them how to throw a football, make them birthday cakes, teach them how to blow kisses, support them, and love them with a love that cannot be measured. Most importantly, we are so excited to teach them how to love the Lord and follow His paths in all their ways.

Having adopted our first born son, we know firsthand what it is like to have a child who is a different race than us. We promise to teach your child that God created us all differently and loves each and every one of us equally in the way He made us. We will also teach your child about where they came from and who they are. Without a deep understanding of their background, your baby will not be able to stand on the shoulders of those who came before them. That is something we know your child must be able to do, and so we promise to give them the building blocks needed to do it. We live in a community where several of our friends have adopted children of different racial and ethnic backgrounds, and it is important to us to surround our son with friends and families who look like him and have similar backgrounds. We will do the same for your child.

We know that you love your baby so much, and we promise to always make sure that they know just how much you love them. We would be honored if you would like to be involved in your baby's life as they grow up. Whether this is via email, letters, us sending pictures to you, texts, or phone calls, we are open to communication throughout your baby's life so that you will always have a connection with them. We want your baby to know their background and where they come from, and this will play a significant role in your baby's life as we raise them.

Please know that we are praying for you as you make this decision. We are also praying for your baby, that they will be placed with a family who will give them all that you dream of. We would be honored if you chose us to be that family. We know that by God's grace we will love your baby beyond measure and provide them with a safe, supportive, and joyful home.


Jon & Maddie


Tom Hanks/Denzel Washington/Steve Carell
Paul Rudd
Julie Andrews
Meg Ryan
Don't really have one
James Herriot
The 33 Year Old Rookie
A Severe Mercy
Candy Bar
Three Musketeers
Scooby Doo
PB&J Otter
Childhood Memory
Going to the beach
Weekends at the lake with my extended family
Childhood Toy
Train Set
My playmobile house
Children's Book
Dangerous Journey
Boston Jane
Classic Movie
Seven Brides for Seven Brothers
You've Got Mail
Day of Week
Strawberry Cream Cheese Cake
Peach Crisp
Disney Movie
The Fox and the Hound
Sleeping Beauty
Dream Car
Anything Maserati
Black Escalade
Dream Job
Professional Baseball
Event Planner
Dream Vacation
Anywhere in the Caribbean
Santorini, Greece
Family Activity
Flower / Plant
Anything that is low maintenance
Blue Crab
Form of Exercise
Weight Lifting
Family Feud
Baking bread
Fourth of July
Holiday Song
Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas
The Christmas Song
Holiday Tradition
Hanging with family
cinnamon rolls on Christmas morning after opening stockings
Ice Cream
Mint/Cookies and Cream
Cookie Dough
Junk Food
Lucky Charms Cereal
Leisure Activity
Watching Football
Don't really have one
Memory with a Child
Golf cart rides at Nanny and Pop's with Jordan and Poppy
Vacations with our kids
Memory with Spouse
Honeymoon to Mexico with Maddie
Anniversary trip to Seattle
You've Got Mail
Movie Munchie
Movie Quote
Anything from the Office
Ross from Friends, "The lotion and powder have made a paste."
Movie Type
Pretty much anything except Horror
Rom Com
I'll go old school and say West Side Story
The Sound of Music
Musical Group
Quinn XCII
Nursery Rhyme
Don't have one but we always sang "The Ants Go Marching" with Jordan
Old Dan Tucker
Olympic Event
Track and Field
Personal Hero
My parents
My mom
Christmas Carol
Arsenic and Old Lace
Robert Louis Stevenson
Percy Shelley
Quality about my Spouse
Become the person that you would want to marry, would want to marry.
There's no bad day you can't make worse with a bad attitude
Black Cypress
Bagel and lox
Proverbs 18:10 "The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run to it and are safe."
2 Corinthians 5:21
Shopping Store
Any home improvement store
Nordstrom Rack
Champion of the World by Coldplay
God Moves in a Mysterious Way
Sport to Play
Sport to Watch
Track and Field
Sports Star
Jimmy Rollins/Brian Dawkins
Roger Federer
Sports Team
Everything Philadelphia - Eagles, Phillies, Sixers, Flyers, etc
Philadelphia Phillies
Subject in School
Never got in to Superheroes
Thing to Cook
I don't do a lot of cooking, but I love red meat
Time of Day
Early morning, even though I'm not always awake during it
Going home to visit my parents with my family during the summer
Christmas morning stockings
TV Show
The Office
Parks and Rec
TV Show Character
Andy Bernard from The Office
Ross from Friends
Type of Music
Hip Hop/Rap, 90s Rock
Indie Pop
Vacation Spot
Caribbean for sure
St. Maarten
Video Game
NHL or NCAAF on Xbox
Crash Team Racing

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*Once you have filled out this form, an American Adoptions specialist will help you get in touch with this family. You can also call 1-800-ADOPTION (236-7846) to speak with an adoption specialist immediately.