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Matthew & Katheryn
You are an important part of your child and always will be. We want to celebrate, honor, and cherish that. There will never be a day that your child does not know they grew in you, that you love them fiercely, and that you made the choice to give them a family out of that love.
Adoption in Our Lives

We are excited to have our children Verity, Gethey, Bosco, Hyacinth, Exodus, Zephyr, Sojourn, Remember and Parable as older siblings for your child, especially since they will be able to share the bond of adoption and ethnicity in a mixed race family. Verity is spunky, friendly and loves animals and games. Gethey is a gentle nurturer who loves painting and playing piano. Bosco is a budding philosopher with a magnetic personality and a sensitive heart. Hyacinth is a designer and organizer who loves pasta and adventures. Exodus is a gentle sweetheart who loves gnomes and has the soul of an old man. Zephyr is a spitfire who has the personality of a hurricane with a side of stand up routine. Sojourn is a cheeky delight who is baby obsessed. Remember loves pigs and is easy going, independent and determined. Parable is a curious sweetheart who loves being a part of his older siblings’ hustle and bustle.
You might be wondering why we want to adopt again when we have already been blessed with nine children? Not because we are not grateful for what we have already been blessed with, but because of how deeply we are. Just take one look at our kids! They are incredible. Our children are our greatest treasures and each one has enriched our lives beyond our imagining. We have the emotional and financial resources to welcome and raise another child and along with that a deep hope and desire for one more. We will be able to shower this child with love and attention not just by us but also by all their siblings. We feel a call and pull on our hearts towards adopting once more and believe that there is someone out there who will resonate with our unique family.
What It Means to Be Parents

Our hearts are for really knowing and loving our children on an individual level, and for developing strong relationships with them as they grow. We take them out on one-on-one dates and make time for the little things that are important to them. They take turns going on walks with Katheryn in the afternoons so they have time to chat alone. Matthew likes to take one of them at a time with him to run errands and get a treat.
As a family we love the outdoors and like to go hiking, camping, and on road trips. Some of our favorite traditions are berry picking to make jam in the summer and going to the pumpkin patch and camping at the beach in the fall. Katheryn makes family costumes each Halloween and loves decorating cakes for the kids' birthdays.
In normal daily life we enjoy cooking and baking together, eating meals as a family, having a daily tea time where we read together and enjoy an afternoon treat, and going for walks and spending time outside together.
We Welcome an Open Adoption

You are considering entrusting us with the greatest, most precious gift of all, and we are committed to always honoring that by staying in touch. We want as open a relationship with you as you wish, and if you are comfortable with it, want your child to grow up having a relationship with you. How that looks is up to you and your comfort level - we are open and flexible and eager to meet you where you are in your healing process. The experience of open adoption with our seven children's birth parents has blessed our lives, and we are passionate about it. We text with them and do a variation of emails, video calls, phone calls, and visits with them, depending on their individual journeys and what they want. In some cases we are lucky to be able to have a relationship with their birth grandmothers as well where they have been able to visit them and send them text pictures. Their birth families have truly become part of our family.

Our House and Neighborhood

We want our home to be the place where our children always feel safe, loved, connected, and accepted no matter what.
We live in the beautiful evergreen state of Washington, close to extended family and our wonderful community of friends, several of whom have adopted as well.

We recently bought a beautiful two-level home in the country on five acres. Our home is large and spacious with lots of bedrooms and large bonus rooms. Our main living area is open concept so the kitchen, living, and dining areas are all open to each other, which we love and is great for hosting.
We live on the top of a big hill at the end of a road with lots of privacy and incredible views. The kids love to ride bikes around our home and build forts in our forest. They are excited to plant some fruit trees and start a garden. We dream of another little one filling our hearts and home!
Our Extended Families

We both come from large, loving families: Matthew is the eldest of 11 and Katheryn is the eldest of 12! Matthew's family lives in Idaho, and we sometimes take a road-trip down to see them or they drive up here to visit us. They love to play board games as a family at their huge dining room table and go for family hikes. The kids also always look forward to baking gingerbread cookies with Matthew's mom.
Katheryn's family is an Italian/Irish family with lots of food, laughter, nicknames, and fun personalities. Katheryn's parents live on a farm a few minutes away from our house and are very involved in our lives. Katheryn's two youngest sisters are 18 year old twins who are Vietnamese and they are very close to our kids. We go over for big family dinners and the kids run around on their farm, play with the farm animals and collect the chicken eggs. Katheryn’s brother-in-law is African American and our kids love having cousins and an uncle who share their ethnicity.
From Us to You
Hello! We hope that through this profile you have started to get to know us. We want our hearts and lives to be an open book to you, so please ask us whatever you want to know. We are eager to share our hearts with you!
We are Matthew and Katheryn and we became friends when we were 8 and then sweethearts in college. We are each other's best friends and more in love than when we got married nineteen years ago. We share a deep faith in God and love our children to pieces! We struggled with infertility for fifteen years and God used this to lead us to the most beautiful family we could ever hope to have. We are forever grateful to the amazing birth mothers who made us a family. We have wonderful open adoptions with them and they have become part of our family as well. Five years ago we were shocked when we found out we were pregnant. Having biological children only further confirmed for us what our hearts always knew - that the love for all our children is exactly the same in every way regardless of the way that they came to be ours.
As a mixed-race family, we acknowledge and honor our differences. We love our beautiful family! Our children are Hispanic, African American, bi-racial, and Caucasian. We do everything we can to educate ourselves and surround our children with supportive people who share their race. We come from a multi- cultural extended family as well. Katheryn's brother-in-law and her uncle are African American and her younger sisters are Vietnamese. We also have extended family members who are Brazilian, African American/Caucasian, Pacific Islander and Japanese. We are committed to researching and celebrating your child's ethnicity so that we can educate and raise her/him with a proud sense of identity. We are intentional about having African American and Hispanic dolls, books, and artwork, and we attend a church where there is racial diversity and has an African pastor. We are so proud of our family's mixed heritage, and are raising our children to be proud of who they are and where they come from.
We want as open a relationship with you as you wish, and if you are comfortable with it, want your child to grow up having a relationship with you. We will keep you posted as he or she grows by sending you pictures and letters, emails, phone calls, video calls - whatever your comfort level is. We want you to see pictures of when they first start sitting up on their own, videos of them saying their first word, and a text picture of their Halloween costume when they are ready to go out trick-or- treating. You are considering entrusting us with the greatest, most precious gift of all, and we are committed to always honoring that by staying in touch. Sharing your child's life with you as he/she grows would be a joy to us!
Most of all, we want you to know that we will love your child with all our hearts. We will remind your child that not only do we love them dearly, but that so does another set of parents. We will be open and honest with your child from day one about their adoption story, making sure they know that your decision to have us parent was made because you love them. We will honor our commitments to you and not promise anything that we won't follow through on. We will parent your child with connection and individual intentionality. We will encourage them to be the individual that God created him or her to be, and always tell them how much we love them and that we are proud of who they are. We will help them to achieve their dreams and provide a superb education. We promise you that he or she will grow up knowing how very, very much you love them and proud of what you did for them.
With all our hearts,
Matthew & Katheryn
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