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Adoption in Lancaster, CA

Lancaster Adoption Agencies, Lawyers and More

The adoption process can be extremely rewarding, but for many prospective birth parents and adoptive families, it’s also confusing. While there’s plenty of information available for an adoption in California, you might be having trouble finding resources specifically for a Lancaster adoption.

To make your search easier, we’ve created a guide to local resources for hopeful parents and women considering adoption in Lancaster. No matter what your reasons are for coming here, we hope this will help you get started on the right foot.

Lancaster Adoption Agencies

If you’re hoping to find an adoption agency in Lancaster that can offer everything you need in one place, then American Adoptions might be what you’re looking for. Some of the services that we’re known for include:

  • Educational resources and 24/7 counseling for prospective birth parents considering adoption

  • Advertising and matching services

  • Adoption disruption insurance to protect adoptive parents’ investment in the adoption process

  • Post-placement services for adoptive families and birth parents

  • And more

As a national, full-service adoption agency, we have just about everything you need to complete your adoption journey in California from start to finish. And because of our size, we’re able to offer additional services like shorter wait times and 24/7 counseling for our adoptive parents.

But you don’t have to sacrifice the local knowledge and convenience of a smaller, regional professional to enjoy these great benefits. That’s because American Adoptions has offices located throughout California. We are well-versed in the local process and can provide the same friendly service and local convenience as any nearby agency. In fact, our nearest office is located just a short drive away from Lancaster:

633 West 5th Street
26th and 27th Floors
Los Angeles, CA 90071

To learn more about our services, please call 1-800-ADOPTION to speak to a specialist.

Adoption Attorneys in Lancaster

Every adoption needs the expertise of an adoption attorney. If you decide to work with American Adoptions, we can connect you to a trusted professional in your area. If not, here are a few that you might choose from for a Lancaster adoption.

Home Study Agencies in Lancaster

The home study is one of the most important steps in an adoptive parent’s journey. It also happens to be one of the lengthiest. 

Why face unnecessary delays, errors, and costs?

As a licensed home study provider, American Adoptions ensures you don’t have to. We provide the most efficient home study services in California. Follow this link to begin your home study with our agency and to learn more about the services we offer.

Foster Care Agencies in Lancaster

Every child deserves a loving home. If you’re thinking about becoming a foster parent or adopting a foster child in Lancaster, then you’re in for a rewarding journey. There are thousands of children in foster care in California waiting for their forever home, and you could be just what they’re looking for.

Although American Adoptions only specializes in domestic infant adoptions, there are a few professionals who can guide you through a foster care adoption in Lancaster.

Lancaster International Adoption Agencies

Another family-building adoption for adoptive parents in Lancaster is to adopt overseas. Although international adoptions aren’t as common and straightforward as they used to be, many California families know this is the right path for them. American Adoptions only completes domestic infant adoptions and cannot provide international adoption services. So, if you’re interested in this type of adoption, your best bet is to contact an experienced international adoption agency in Lancaster. A few that you might choose from are:

Hospitals in Lancaster

The hospital stay is one of the most emotional days for everyone involved. If you’re a prospective birth mother, you’ll be in charge of crafting a hospital plan for your Lancaster adoption. This means that you’ll be the one to decide which location you feel most comfortable delivering at with the help of your adoption specialist.

A few locations that you might consider are:

If you have any questions about your hospital plan or about the adoption process itself, please call 1-800-ADOPTION to receive free information with no obligation to choose adoption in Lancaster.

Court System in Lancaster

As any adoptive family knows, finalization is the moment their child becomes an official member of their family. This step normally takes place a few months after placement, so you’ve got plenty of time to get familiar with the process. Once you’ve reached that stage in your adoption, your attorney and specialist will walk you through everything you need to know for your hearing. For such a special occasion, we recommend bringing a camera and inviting some friends and family along to help you celebrate.

For an adoption in Lancaster, your hearing will take place at your nearest county court.

Fun Activities in Lancaster

While some families will complete their adoption in their home state, there are others who will need to travel to meet the newest member of their family. If you’re heading to Lancaster for the last leg of your adoption, and you’re waiting for ICPC, here are some fun things to do.

To start your Lancaster adoption with our agency, please call 1-800-ADOPTION today to speak with a specialist. We know the process can be overwhelming, but we’re here to help every step of the way. 

Information available through these links is the sole property of the companies and organizations listed therein. American Adoptions provides this information as a courtesy and is in no way responsible for its content or accuracy.

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