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How to Find Adoptive Parents [Choosing the Perfect Match]

The Steps of Screening and Selecting an Adoptive Family

If you are considering adoption for your baby and are ready to start finding a family it’s because you want to make sure they have access to all of the love and opportunities life has to offer. So, naturally, you may be anxious about finding adoptive parents that are perfectly suited to give your child the life you imagine. You may be wondering: "I’m looking for someone to adopt my child, but how will I ever find a family for my baby that’s a perfect fit?" Start by contacting us to get free information with no obligation to choose adoption.

With our resources and personal experiences with adoption, we will absolutely help you find people who want to adopt. Remember: You're always the one who chooses from families wanting to adopt, and you can always choose to share an open- or semi-open relationship with the family of your choice.

If you’re ready to start the process now, we’d be happy to help. Please give us a call at 1-800-ADOPTION or fill out our free information form to get help to find adoptive parents. And if you are an adoptive parent who is ready to start the process, we have plenty of resources to help you, too.

How to Find A Family to Adopt My Baby [3 Steps]

When you’re wondering, “What should I look for to find a family to adopt my baby?”, American Adoptions will have you complete the following simple steps:

Step 1: Identify ideal couples looking to adopt.

You may already have an image of an ideal adoptive family in mind when you decide to pursue adoption, or you may have no clue what kind of home you want your baby to grow up in. No matter what stage you’re at, your adoption specialist will be there to help you find what you’re looking for. You’ll start by answering questions like whether or not you want your child to have siblings, whether your child should look like their adoptive familywhere you picture your baby growing up, and more.

Step 2: Look through profiles of families that want to adopt.

When it comes to how to find adoptive parents, it helps to see what they’re like in their own environment. Once you have an idea of what you’re looking for in adoptive parents, your adoption specialist will show you profiles of people who want to adopt that might match your preferences. These will come in the form of both print profiles and video profiles. When you find adoptive parents whose profile you like, your adoption specialist will introduce you to them. If all goes well, you’ve found your child’s adoptive parents! When you get to this step, you’ll be able to look at as many adoptive family profiles as you want until you find the right one. When you do, you’ll “just know.” Many of our birth mothers, like Rebecca, have said the same thing:

"Rachel sent me a list of 20 families and there they were.... Katie and Andy. I couldn’t read through their autobiography without crying. I couldn’t look at other families without going back to their story and re-reading it to see if it was real. They are dedicated parents to a sweet 4-year-old son, but what made me gravitate to them is their love for one another."

American Adoptions has the best selection of adoption families from across the country. Because there are so many to choose from, you’ll absolutely find the perfect family for your baby no matter what you’re looking for.

Step 3: Form a relationship with your child’s prospective adoptive family.

Once you find a couple to adopt your baby, you can begin to develop a relationship with them as soon as you’re ready. Your adoption specialist can schedule a phone call for you to get to know each other better and, if you want to move forward with them and your adoption plan, you can continue your relationship through phone calls, emails, text messages and whatever forms of contact you’re most comfortable with.

We know that you’re probably unsure of what to expect when you talk to the adoptive family for the first time. Here’s what Kelly has said what it’s really like: “We had a conference call between us and my adoption specialist for our first conversation. I was so nervous, but as soon as we started talking it just confirmed my choice of them as my child’s parents. We had a great connection from the beginning, and we even picked out the same name without the other knowing. I believe it was meant to be and God brought this couple into my life for my child and vice versa.”

How Does American Adoptions Screen Parents Looking to Adopt a Newborn?

Many women have questions like, “How will I find an adoptive family for my baby that’s safe and can give them the life they deserve?” and “Where can I find adoptive parents who are open to contact with me?”

In addition to working with you to understand the type of life you want for your baby, American Adoptions screens all families looking to adopt with our agency — all to ensure you find adoptive parents that best fit your adoption plan.

We fully screen all of our families who want to adopt before their profiles appear on our website and are presented to you as possible candidates to adopt your child. This means every family you are shown has already proven to be capable of providing your child with a safe and loving home. Our staff is also made up of adoptive families, birth parents and adoptees, so we know exactly what it takes to be a great adoptive family. We’ve created screening standards that go above and beyond to ensure we work with the very best families. So, when you’re looking for parents who want to adopt, you’re sure to find a great one when you work with us.

Before we allow families who want to adopt to be considered by prospective birth mothers like you, they must meet the following criteria:

  • Complete the Home Study – When looking for adoptive families, one of your first thoughts might be about making sure the family you choose can provide a stable environment for your baby. A home study is a process in which we make sure the people who want to adopt a baby are ready to provide a safe and loving home to a child. A social worker will visit their home to get to know them better, understand why they are adopting and decide whether they are ready to add a child to their lives. During the visit, the social worker will also check their home to make sure it is childproofed. Finally, criminal, medical and financial background checks are conducted as a final level of protection. Thus, you can rest easy knowing that the adoptive parents you choose are going to be amazing parents to your child and will provide a life full of love and opportunity.
  • Be Fully Committed to Adoption – Our adoption specialists talk to families that want to adopt in-depth about their excitement to become parents through adoption. If the family has dealt with infertility, their adoption specialist will make sure they have addressed that and have fully transitioned to the dream of adopting a child. It’s important that every couple who wants to adopt a baby is ecstatic about adoption, which is why we only list families on our website once we feel they are 100 percent committed to adoption. You can feel safe knowing that any family you choose will be overjoyed to adopt your child and will cherish the opportunity to parent him or her. You will forever be the hero that made this family's biggest wish come true. A sentiment that Sharon has expressed about her adoption: 

“I changed at least three peoples lives for the better: her adoptive parents, Steve and Adriana, and of course our daughter Emma. That is the most wonderful feeling; I can't describe it verbally. How often can you make a gift to someone that has such an impact? A forever impact!”

  • Be Excited About Contact with You – There are many women, like Erika, who have had anxious thoughts, like, “I’m looking for a couple to adopt my baby, but will they be open to contact?”

“I wanted to form that bond with them, and I wanted them to be a part of the experience as much as possible,” Erika said. “I wanted to know them so they could know me and be a part of as much as possible.”

At American Adoptions, we always encourage openness, or communication in an adoption whenever possible. This benefits the birth parents and the adoptive parents as well as the adopted child, giving you peace of mind that you’ll always be part of their lives. All of our families are excited to get to know you through phone calls and/or email exchanges, to interact with you at the hospital, to send you pictures and letters of your child for up to 18 years after the adoption, and to have at least one in-person visit after placement if you wish. Remember, the type of relationship and amount of contact you want to have is always up to you! You can continue to be in your baby’s life and watch him or her grow up. And even better, you’ll get to see firsthand that your child is thriving in the family that you choose for them. 

Will I Really Find Parents Who Want to Adopt my Baby?

Yes! There are so many people looking to adopt a baby, and the right family for your child is out there. No matter what your circumstances and preferences are, there will always be couples looking to adopt a baby who will be a good fit for you and your child.

A lot of women we have worked with asked themselves, “I’m looking for parents to adopt my baby, but how will I know when I’ve found the right fit?” And like Frances, a number of them have said the same thing: When they were looking at their child’s adoptive family, they just knew. “Rachel [my adoption specialist] said, ‘Frances, you’ll know when you have picked the perfect family,’” Frances said. “When we talked to Chris and Courtney, in the middle of the conversation, I knew Chris and Courtney were the ones.” To read Frances’ story, click here!

And you don’t have to find a family on your own. Your adoption specialist will work closely with you and offer resources on how to find adoptive parents to determine exactly what you are looking for. Some of the traits you might look for are race, age, religion, location, family size, contact preferences and much more.

Each of our hundreds of families looking to adopt a baby will then be searched. Based on your preferences, you will be provided with several adoptive family print profiles and adoptive family video profiles — both of which will help you learn more about each family looking to adopt a baby. These are some of the best ways to find adoptive parents:

  • Adoptive Family Profile – Once your adoption specialist understands the type of family you are interested in, she will send you a selection of profiles (either online or in the mail) with families that best match your adoption plan. The family profile provides a great deal of information about the adoptive family, such as their desire to become parents, their interests and hobbies, their house and neighborhood, and much more.
  • Adoptive Family Video Profile – Video profiles allow you to see an adoptive family in their own environment, with their family and friends, doing the things they love to do, so you know exactly what life would be like as a part of their family. Best of all, you will get to see their personalities and what makes them truly unique.

Another question we get a lot is, “Can I choose who adopts my baby?” The answer to that is always yes. While you always have the option of letting your specialist choose for you if you need to, you are the one in charge every step of the way. You will always have the final say when you are pregnant and looking for a family to adopt your unborn baby.


American Adoptions has hundreds of families who want to adopt a baby for you to choose from, so you will find the perfect family to adopt your baby. Because of our size and national scope, you’ll have a better chance of finding your perfect match. We work with adoptive families from across the country, which means that we can create more possible matches for hopeful adoptive parents and prospective birth parents. And remember, all of our families are ready to provide the life you dream of your baby having, complete with a two-stable home, two loving parents, and every opportunity you can imagine. 

If you are looking to find couples wanting to adopt who are perfect for your baby, you can start by browsing our Find a Family page to view our current adoptive families. To learn more about any of our couples looking to adopt, or for help finding adoptive parents that are the perfect fit for your adoption plan, call 1-800-ADOPTION, or get free adoption information here.


Information available through these links is the sole property of the companies and organizations listed therein. American Adoptions provides this information as a courtesy and is in no way responsible for its content or accuracy.

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