American Adoptions Asked - How Do You Celebrate Your Gotcha Day?
Some call it a "Gotcha Day," some may refer to as "Our Finalization Day," while to others it simply doesn't have a formal name - but still holds a very special day in their hearts and minds.
Adoption is first and foremost a very personal and emotional process for adoptive families and birth parents. However, it is also a legal process. The adoption finalization marks the last legal step in the formal adoption process and is the step in which the adoptive families become the legal parents of the child. It is, in essense, the end of the legal journey in adoption and the beginning of the adoptive family's "Happily Every After."
Many families celebrate a "Gotcha Day" every year to commemorate the finalization of their adoption ... American Adoptions asked adoption veterans "How does your family celebrate your "Gotcha Day" anniversary?" Here's what they said:
"We remember it as a family by talking about the journey, we also remember our match day, the "false alarm" birthday of our daughter, and the moments we have had together these past 3 years." -Kate R.
"I'm in the minority. We don't celebrate Gotcha Day. Although it was a celebration for our family, it marks the loss of what I call our girls' 'first family.' Instead we celebrate their birthdays and include talking about their birth (first) families." Becky F.
In response to Becky F.'s comment: "Adoption is rare for that dual nature ... our birthmom didn't want much contact. Wish we knew more. I'd love to tell her she was my hero." Rebecca L.
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