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Adoption in Cape Coral, FL

Cape Coral Adoption Agencies, Lawyers and More

Contact us: (800) 236-7846

9160 Forum Corporate Pkway, Ste. 350

Fort Myers, FL 33905

There are options for you if you are considering adoption in Cape Coral, Florida 

  • Adoption is always an option. 

  • Finding the right adoption agency means you get to experience a safe and smooth adoption journey with top-notch adoption professionals.

  • Adoption can create a better future for prospective birth parents, adoptive parents and, most importantly, children. 

At American Adoptions, many of our staff members have first-hand experience with adoption, including founder Scott Mars. 

“My mom and dad were a couple who weren’t able to become a mom and dad without adoption. Of all people in this world, my mom and dad deserve to be parents. And without adoption, they would not have been able to share their love, share their life, and give someone the life that I had. 

“Because of adoption, my life was filled with love and opportunity.” 

If you’re ready to start the adoption process with our agency, or want more information on the adoption in Cape Coral, FL, call us toll-free today at 1-800-ADOPTION, or visit our online contact forms for prospective birth mothers and prospective adoptive parents

Undertaking the life-changing journey of adoption in Cape Coral, Florida, whether you’re a pregnant woman placing her child or a parent hoping to adopt, is never an easy choice. Finding the local resources that you need for that journey, however, should be easy. 

So, we compiled this guide to the Cape Coral adoption process to make it easier to find whatever you need: 

Cape Coral Adoption Agencies [Find the Right Adoption Agency] 

American Adoptions is one of the leading full-service national agencies in the U.S. We’ve helped many pregnant women and hopeful parents complete the Florida adoption process, and we’re able to handle every aspect of your Cape Coral adoption journey — from counseling to post-adoption communication support. We strive to make sure your adoption experience is exactly what you’ve envisioned for it. 

  • Our size and scope allows us to access a wider net of available adoptive families in an effort to find the perfect home for your baby.  

  • 24/7 counseling and support for pregnant women considering adoption and an industry-leading risk-sharing program that provides financial protection for adoptive parents in the event of an adoption disruption.  

  • When creating an adoption plan with one of our adoption professionals, the journey you embark on is tailor-made to your needs and wants. 

With offices located right here in Florida, American Adoptions can offer the same benefits you'd expect from a local agency, meaning you don't have to sacrifice the local convenience and regional expertise of a local agency to enjoy these great benefits, too. Our offices are conveniently located at:  

3001 North Rocky Point Drive East 
Suite 200 
Tampa, FL 33607 

Jennifer, a birth mother, knew adoption was right for her. After finding American Adoptions, she knew she was working with the best agency for her adoption. 

“I was five months pregnant. I knew in my heart at 18 and a college freshman I was not prepared to raise a child. I chose adoption simply because I was not ready for a child. I needed a college degree before I started a family. Some of my friends have chosen a baby over education. They work long and hard, struggling to support themselves and their baby. Several have started to resent their baby. I wanted a better life for my baby, so I chose adoption.” 

“I was surfing the internet looking for information about adoption. I came across the American Adoptions website. The website answered most of my questions. I was even able to look at pictures and read a brief biography of families who were interested in adopting my baby.” 

You can contact us by calling our toll-free number, 1-800-ADOPTION, as well as visit us online for more information on the adoption process for prospective birth mothers, as well as our contact form for prospective adoptive parents

Cape Coral Home Study Providers [Providing You Guidance for a Successful Home Study] 

Before they can adopt a child, adoptive families in Cape Coral must first complete the home study process with a Florida-licensed provider. The home study assesses an adoptive parent’s readiness for the unique experience of adoption and also verifies that the family is able to provide a child with a safe, stable, and loving home. 

American Adoptions is a licensed full-service adoption agency that provides efficient home study services for families throughout the entire state of Florida.

As a national domestic adoption agency with over 30 years of experience, American Adoptions ensures you do not face unnecessary delays while you receive the personal attention, support, and expertise you deserve.

Follow this link to learn more about our home study services in Florida.

Cape Coral Adoption Attorneys [Work with the best Adoption Attorneys in Florida] 

For prospective birth and adoptive parents completing an adoption in Cape Coral, Florida, an experienced attorney is an important (and necessary) part of the process. Your lawyer will guide you through the legal requirements, and they’ll also ensure that you understand and consent to everything as it happens. When working with American Adoptions, we provide you with the very best adoption attorneys. And remember, when you are a prospective birth parent, your legal costs associated with your adoption are 100% covered

American Adoptions can always refer you to representation if you like, or you can reach out to your preferred lawyer, like one of these Cape Coral-area attorneys: 

Cape Coral Foster Care Professionals 

Thinking about becoming a foster parent or about adopting a child from foster care? Anyone considering this important family-building option will need to work with appropriately licensed local organizations. American Adoptions cannot complete foster care placements, but we’re happy to refer you to Cape Coral professionals who can help, such as: 

Cape Coral International Adoption Agencies 

For adoptive families who want to adopt a child from another country, partnering with an international adoption agency in Cape Coral is necessary. That agency will need to be licensed within the country that the family wishes to adopt from. For international placements, the nearest agencies to Cape Coral are:

Cape Coral Hospitals 

When a pregnant woman makes an adoption plan for her baby, there are a lot of choices for her to consider. Where does she want to deliver her baby? Does she want the adoptive parents to be there to support her and to meet the baby? 

When you work with American Adoptions, you can find answers to your questions that make you feel confident and hopeful about your future. Your hospital plan can turn out exactly how you want.

To help with that birth plan, here are a couple of nearby options for maternity hospitals in the Cape Coral area: 

Remember, with American Adoptions at your side, your hospital expenses for appointments, labor, and delivery are 100% of no cost to you! 

Cape Coral Court System 

After a baby is placed with his or her adoptive parents, the placement will be legally finalized several months later. Cape Coral adoptions are finalized in Lee County court, with short and simple hearings. At that hearing, a judge grants the final decree of adoption, and any friends or family in attendance are welcome to take a picture to mark the day. 

Start Your Adoption Journey Today 

Michelle, an American Adoptions birth parent specialist and a birth parent herself, is ready to answer any questions you have about adoption.  

 “I am available to answer any questions that arise, particularly from birth moms, as I have been in your shoes and know how you are feeling,” Michelle said. “It was most helpful to me when I had someone to talk to who would just listen to me without making any judgments or conclusions about who I was as a person.”  

You can ask Michelle questions about the Cape Coral, FL adoption process online. You can also call us toll-free at 1-800-ADOPTION or get free information with our online contact form for prospective birth mothers considering adoption here. Adoptive families wanting more information on adopting a child can click here to get more information.   

Information available through these links is the sole property of the companies and organizations listed therein. American Adoptions provides this information as a courtesy and is in no way responsible for its content or accuracy.

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