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Adoption in El Monte, CA

El Monte Adoption Agencies, Lawyers and More

Whether you’re hoping to adopt a child or you’re considering placing a child for adoption in El Monte, CA, finding the right resources to guide you through the process is important and sometimes difficult.

American Adoptions is here to help.

American Adoptions is a national, full-service agency with a local presence in California. We can complete your adoption in El Monte from start to finish and refer you to any additional local adoption resources you might require.  For more information about adoption in El Monte, CA, with our agency, please call 1-800-ADOPTION or request more information online.

Until then, use the guide below to find everything you need to start your adoption process in El Monte.

Adoption Agencies in El Monte, CA

National adoption agencies like American Adoptions, are the best option for domestic infant adoptions. Although smaller, local agencies provide great support, they cannot provide the same range of services needed to complete a private infant adoption in El Monte in its entirety. American Adoptions offers services such as:

With an office just outside of El Monte, American Adoptions provides the expertise of a national agency, with the personal, local feel of a nearby professional. We are located at:

633 West 5th Street
26th and 27th Floors
Los Angeles, CA 90071

Foster Care Adoption in El Monte

Foster care and fostering to adopt are great alternatives for adoptive families who have fewer preferences on the age or background of their child. Most children in the California foster care system are older, may have special needs or come from sibling groups.

Although the objective of foster care is to reunite these children with their biological parents, unfortunately, this is not always possible. Children become eligible for adoption after their parent’s parental rights have been terminated.

Foster care adoption in El Monte provides a life-changing opportunity while giving hopeful parents the chance to grow their family. Adoptive families who want to foster to adopt in El Monte or who wish to pursue a foster care adoption should contact the following nearby resources:

International Adoption in El Monte

International adoption, also known as an intercountry adoption, gives you the choice to adopt a child from another country. Although American Adoptions does not complete international adoptions, we fully support the opportunity it provides families hoping to adopt.

The international process is considered more complex than other types of adoption. Given the stricter requirements, regulations and multiple governments involved, you want to have a great adoption professional on your side. It is important to work with an agency licensed in the country you wish to adopt from and it is suggested that you adopt from a Hague-compliant country. This ensures the adoption is being completed safely and legally.

The following California-serving international adoption agencies can provide you with more information about how to adopt internationally:

El Monte Adoption Lawyers

Both prospective birth and adoptive parents need legal representation throughout the complex legal stages of adoption in El Monte, California. American Adoptions connects our clients with the legal representation that they'll need for their adoption, but not all agencies provide this service.

An El Monte adoption attorney is here to inform you about everything from adoption consent to finalization. They will be by your side to make sure all steps in the process are being completed to all requirements of the law. If you are in need of an adoption attorney, you can look into these El Monte adoption attorneys, including:

Home Study Professionals in El Monte

No matter which type of adoption you wish to pursue, all hopeful parents must first be approved through the home study process. The home study gauges your readiness to become a parent based on information obtained during home visits, background checks, interviews, and more.

As a licensed home study provider in California, American Adoptions has streamlined the home study process so that you can complete your home study with us faster and more efficiently than any other agency.                                                        

Follow this link to begin your home study and to learn more about the services we offer.

El Monte Hospitals for Maternity Care and Delivery

Creating a hospital plan is an important part of the adoption process for an expectant mother working with American Adoptions. Determining where you’d like to go for your medical care earlier in your pregnancy and discussing your preferences for your hospital stay can help eliminate any confusion and help you feel more prepared when the time comes to deliver.

Here are a few options for hospitals nearest El Monte you could include in your personal hospital plan:

El Monte Adoption Finalization Courts

To complete your adoption in El Monte you must first go through a finalization hearing. Your local district court holds jurisdiction over adoptions in the state of California and will be in charge of scheduling your court date.

During your hearing, a judge will review all home study documentation and ask several questions about how you and your child are adapting to placement.  Once the judge reaches a verdict in your favor, they will issue a final decree of adoption.  At this point, your child is legally recognized as a member of your family.

There is no need to be nervous about your hearing; your adoption specialist and attorney will prepare you for the big day. They will be able to answer any questions or concerns you may have. You can also learn more about how to finalize your adoption in El Monte through your county court website Los Angeles County Court.

Visiting El Monte

El Monte is just a short drive to one of the most iconic destinations in the world: Los Angeles.

If you plan on making a trip to El Monte to pursue adoption, make sure to visit some of these local tourist attractions while youre in the area.

Adoption is a life-changing decision.

Researching your options and having the right professionals by your side can help make the entire process go as smooth as possible. This guide provides you with the best resources to begin your adoption in El Monte. Whenever you are ready for more information about how American Adoptions can help you complete your El Monte adoption, request more information or give us a call at 1-800-ADOPTION to speak with a licensed social worker.

Information available through these links is the sole property of the companies and organizations listed therein. American Adoptions provides this information as a courtesy and is in no way responsible for its content or accuracy.

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