Congratulations to the winners of this year’s American Adoptions Holiday Photo Contest!
An Adoptive Family’s Journey with American Adoptions: Part 2
Ellen Rondina, an adoptive mother, shares part two of her family’s heartfelt adoption story.
An Adoptive Family’s Journey with American Adoptions: Part 1
Ellen Rondina, an adoptive mother, shares part one of her family’s heartfelt adoption story.
American Adoptions by the Numbers
In honor of National Adoption Day, we wanted to share some of 2017’s adoption statistics from American Adoptions.
Adoptive Family & Birth Mother Share How They Were Meant to Find Each Other
An adoptive family worried no birth mother would choose a family with a dad in a wheelchair and a son with disabilities. A birth mother worried she wouldn’t find the perfect family. What happened next was “just meant to be.”
26 Years of Creating Families with American Adoptions
In honor of American Adoptions’ 26th Anniversary, we wanted to share with you something special we put together over the past year…
Our Open Adoption Story – Diana
“Hey there. I’m Diana. I’m a writer and social media manager at American Adoptions. I was adopted as an infant in 1991 through an open adoption.”