Call anytime, an adoption professional is here to help.

Sorry, But You Can’t Really Volunteer to Cuddle Babies

Woman and BabyAfter a news story went viral last month – which implies that agencies across the country are in need of baby cuddlers – American Adoptions, and many other agencies, have received calls and inquiries from well-meaning volunteers hoping to cuddle babies. However, the article is incredibly misleading and fails to mention that what the agency is really in need of are interim caregivers, which is a far cry from a simple cuddle sesh.


Being Patient – Rebecca, Matt and Madeline’s Adoption Story

When I think about the moment we decided to pursue adoption, I remember feeling anxious, scared, and most of all excited about the possibilities that were to come. The idea that I would be a parent at any time was a feeling that I would describe as a balloon getting ready to burst! I was over the moon excited.


Our Founders – Ted, Susan and Scott’s Adoption Story

February 13 was our 25th birthday and to celebrate we want to share with you our founders’ adoption story. Watch the video below or read Susan’s story.

By Susan Mars, Co-Founder of American Adoptions

When I was growing up, all I really wanted to do was marry the man of my dreams and start a family. I married the man of my dreams but the family part was not able to be, at least not biologically the way most people plan. After many failed pregnancies, we made the decision to adopt an infant. We knew we both wanted to be parents and we knew we could love a child the same regardless if we gave birth to him or her.


American Adoptions Turns 25!

In 1991, after recently graduating from college, a young Scott Mars was in search of a way to give back to the world. Having been adopted as an infant, and having watched his parents foster around 140 babies, he felt that giving back through adoption would be a wonderful way to honor his unique history.


Dear Baby Girl – A Birth Mother’s Letter to Her Daughter

Love. It’s a powerful emotion. And between adoptive families, birth parents and adoptees, there is a lot of love going around here at American Adoptions. As Valentine’s Day draws nearer we start to think about the ones we love and wonder if they truly know …


Finding an Adoption Mentor for Your Child

Adoption Mentor

As adopted children develop their identity and self-esteem, it’s especially important for them to grow in their understanding of adoption through you, their adoptive parents – …


Tyra Banks Welcomes Baby via Surrogate

Former model Tyra Banks and her boyfriend, Norwegian photographer Erik Asla, welcomed their first son, York, via surrogate in late January, reports People. Banks, who has struggled with infertility in the past, took to Instagram to make the announcement and thank the surrogate who …


Adoption Tax Credit 2015 [Infographic]

Adoption Tax Credit 2015 - small teaserNow that 2015 has come to a close – and we’re finally getting used to writing 2016 on our dates – many …


Q & A with Adoptive Family Coordinator, Mike Aguilar

Adoptive Family Coordinator, Mike AguilarWhat is your name and position?

Michael Aguilar, Adoptive Family Coordinator

How long have you been working for American Adoptions?

8 years


Is Transracial Adoption Right for Your Family?

Transracial AdoptionParenting children across racial lines brings with it new challenges and joys. Parents must educate and immerse themselves in their child’s culture. They must be prepared to respond to prying questions from friends, family, and …

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