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Will My Child Hate Me? An Expectant Mother’s Fear

It is not uncommon when considering adoption to wonder if your child will resent you for choosing adoption. While not uncommon, the thought of your child one day hating you for placing them for adoption is a terrifying one – leaving you to wonder if adoption really is your best option.


Finding the Perfect Family: Erin’s Adoption Story

Pregnant women who work with us often wonder how to pick a family. There’s no exact science to it, and often a woman “just knows” when she’s found the right couple! Hear from Erin about how she knew she’d found the right family in Suzanne …


National Foster Care Month: Looking Back at Our Roots

Each May, National Foster Care Month serves to raise awareness of the facts to encourage families to explore foster care and foster-to-adopt programs. During the month of May (and every other month of the year) we ask for your help in promoting these programs and celebrating the amazing foster parents, volunteers, mentors, child welfare professionals and others who help children in foster care find permanent homes and connections.

For American Adoptions, our connections to foster care run deep. So, to help celebrate National Foster Care Month, we’re sharing the story of how one family’s commitment to foster care grew into a passion for building loving families.


National Infertility Awareness Week

More than 7 million people of childbearing age in the U.S. experience infertility. Infertility is a very painful struggle. One that is wrapped up in grief and longing. We would like to use this opportunity to support all of our families who have struggled or are struggling with infertility, as well as to educate those who have not experienced infertility.


Fostering Positive Relationships with Birth Parents – The First Year

wellwood_michelleMy name is Michelle Downard and I am a birth mother working with American Adoptions. I chose adoption for my son Ryan who turned 18 this year (February 2016). I have been handling pictures and letters and …


National Child Abuse Prevention Month 2016

April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month, a time to recognize that we each can play a part in promoting the social and emotional well-being of children and families in our communities. As part of this awareness month, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services encourages individuals and organizations to share child abuse and neglect prevention awareness strategies and activities and promote prevention across the country.


Preparing for Baby – How and When to Get Started

Going into an adoption, unlike a pregnancy, you have no idea when your child will be born, what season it will be, what the child’s sex is, or even if there may be more than one baby. So how in the world do you prepare for baby when there are so many unknowns?


Announcing Your Adoption

So you’ve made the decision to adopt. You’re over-the-moon excited and you simply cannot wait to tell the world about the amazing journey you’re beginning. But it has to be perfect.

What is the perfect way to announce your adoption journey? Well we don’t just have one perfect way, we have several! (But really, any way you announce your adoption journey is perfect in our eyes.)


Thank You, Social Workers!

March is National Social Work Month and here at American Adoptions we want to take a minute to thank our wonderful social workers! These amazing people work tirelessly to help build families and we couldn’t be more proud of all they do. Thanks for making American Adoptions great!


With Love and Gratitude: Tips for writing a Dear Birth Parent letter

The Dear Birth Parent letter is a one-page snapshot of your life and the life you hope to give a child. It is an opportunity for you to put into words your love and longing, your desire to raise a family. It is, by far, the most read section of any Adoptive Family Profile, and it is one of the hardest things for families to write. Thankfully, we’ve got it down to a science.

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