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International Day of Friendship

Since 1958, July 30 has been the International Day of Friendship for countries around the world. What better time to send a nice gesture to the birth parents in your life?

“Friendship” may not be a powerful enough word to describe your relationship to your child’s birth parents. You share something unique, cherished, and irreplaceable – your child – and that is a bond to be celebrated at any occasion. This year, take a moment to learn a little bit more about International Day of Friendship and how you can add to the fun.


Post Adoption Depression – You’re Not Alone

Just as biological mothers can experience postpartum blues or depression, so too can adoptive moms (and dads).

There are so many emotions involved in becoming a parent, and for those who become parents nearly overnight, there can be the added stress of doing everything at the last minute. Coupled with sleep deprivation and complicated feelings of guilt associated with birth parents, it’s no wonder so many adoptive parents experience post adoption depression.

The good news is that you are not alone. There are thousands of adoptive parents out there coping with the same feelings you are. And even better, there is help available.


5 Celebrities You Didn’t Know Were Birth Parents

Joni Mitchell

In 1964, a 21-year-old Joni Mitchell, then Joan Anderson, found herself pregnant, dirt poor and unable to take care of a child. She gave birth to a daughter, Kelly Gale Anderson, in February 1965 and decided to place the baby for adoption.


The Facts About Formula Feeding

Adoptive parents have two main options when it comes to feeding their baby: formula or breastfeeding. Both methods are nutritious for your baby, and each has its own advantages and disadvantages, so the decision really comes down to what works best for you.

To help you make a decision, we have compiled some formula information that you may not know. Be sure to check out our post on breastfeeding an adopted child, as well!


Long Story, Short – A Birth Mother’s Journey

Long story short, I was a mother for six months. I was excellent at it. I breastfed, paid attention to his vaccination schedule, and practiced attachment parenting. I also worked full-time one hour away, had almost no money left after paying an amazing nanny, and did not get more than four hours of sleep per night.


5 Things Your Social Worker Wants You to Know

Emotions run high in any adoption situation and adoptive families don’t always know how to act or react to certain circumstances. The best thing for families to do in these situations is to turn to their adoption social worker for advice.


Fun Indoor Activities for the Hottest Summer Days

My husband and I just returned from a week in British Columbia, Canada. The daily temperature barely hit 70 degrees. I lived in jeans. Imagine our shock when we stepped off the plane and into a wall of 90% humidity, at 11:30pm! I had to confiscate my husband’s credit card, to keep him from booking a flight right back to Canada. But really, it’s summer in Kansas City…this is to be expected.

My parents watched our kids and did as many outdoor activities as the heat would allow – the zoo, Deanna Rose, the pool. But they did find themselves needing something to entertain the kids when it was too hot (or rainy) to be outside. Thankfully, new coloring books, board games, and science kits did the trick. If you are looking for ways to entertain your kids indoors (that doesn’t involve a screen of any kind), here are some ideas now that the dog days of summer are truly here.


Coping with an Adoption Disruption

At American Adoptions, we do everything we can to prevent and protect you from disrupted adoptions. However, there are still occasions when a prospective birth mother decides not to move forward with an adoption plan.

For hopeful adoptive families, an adoption disruption is devastating, disheartening, and emotionally draining. If you are in this situation, there are some important things you can do before you determine your next steps.


Family Friendly Movies to Get You Through the Dog Days of Summer

When the temperatures climb above 90, and the kids have gone through every book they have, it’s time to hit the movie theaters (or Netflix). Each summer, the motion picture industry takes advantage of the captive audience of children on break from school. In addition to seeing the new movies in the theater, I find it fun to introduce my kids to classics movies from my childhood. My husband has been willing our son and daughter to grow up faster, so they could watch the “original” Star Wars trilogy. Both finally watched them over the past few months…and my husband hasn’t been happier. Here are my recommendations for summer movies, both new and old:


Books to Keep Your Kids Entertained this Summer

Oh, how I love the non-schedule of summer days! Kids (and kids at heart) delight in the time allowed to explore, head out on adventures, and create memories. However…with summer comes the hot temperatures, and if you are living in the Midwest, you know what I mean. June gives way to July, which can be downright hot and sticky. When it’s too hot to even go to the pool, it’s time to curl up with a good book. You can’t go wrong with recommendations from Scholastic Books (broken down by age group), and these lists of Newberry and Caldecott winners. In addition to these trusted sources, here are a few suggestions of my own:

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