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Birth Mother Myths vs Realities – Infographics

As you know, November is National Adoption Month, and to honor this special holiday, we will be posting a new, helpful infographic every Wednesday this week. We hope these graphics will help you understand more about the adoption process and adoption in general.


A Birth Parent Specialist’s Role in the Adoption Process

When a woman decides to place her baby for adoption, it’s a huge step — but it’s just the first of many. She will encounter countless important decisions along the way. It can be a daunting process, but a few special American Adoptions staff members are dedicated to helping her decide what’s right for herself and her child.


All About Foster-to-Adopt: What is it and How Does it Work?

On average, there are around 100,000 children in the U.S. foster care system, waiting for their permanent home. They vary in age from infant to adult, although the average age is around 8 years old. Some have siblings in the system as well. Most of these children are perfectly healthy kids who just need a loving and supportive adult in their life. When parents are looking to adopt a child, an option available to them is fostering to adopt.


Incorporate Birth Parents into Your National Adoption Day Celebrations

November is National Adoption Month, and one of its highlights is National Adoption Day. It’s a national effort to raise awareness for more than 100,000 kids in the foster care system, and thus far it’s helped almost 58,500 children find their forever families! In 2015, which was the 16th National Adoption Day, approximately 4,000 kids went to their permanent homes.

But National Adoption Day isn’t just a day to celebrate those associated with the foster care system. It’s a great chance for you and your child to work on your relationship with his or her birth parents. The selfless decision they made in placing their child in your care is certainly something to be celebrated!


How One Mom Talks to Her Kids about Her Adoption

img_0010Jennifer Van Gundy is an Adoption Specialist at American Adoptions who is an adoptee herself. She’s also a mom to two kids, an 8-year-old and …


Bad vs Good Adoption Language – Infographic

As you know, November is National Adoption Month, and to honor this special holiday, we will be posting a new, helpful infographic every Wednesday this month. We hope these graphics will help you understand more about the adoption process and adoption in general.


All About International Adoption: What Is It and How Does it Work?

International adoption is the placement of a child from another country with a family from the United States. Countries throughout the world allow children to be adopted into the United States when they can’t be cared for in their home country.

The process of adopting a child from another country varies greatly, as it is governed by the laws of United States (both federal and state law) and the laws of the country where the child was born. However, the United States requires that every intercountry adoption follow certain procedures. Most adoptions include the following steps:


Budgeting Tips for Hopeful Adoptive Parents

Adoption is not just a huge emotional investment, but a financial one as well – and if you’re a family just learning about adoption, you’re probably wondering how to start budgeting.


Adoption Process for Adoptive Families – Infographic

As you know, November is National Adoption Month, and to honor this special holiday, we will be posting a new, helpful infographic every Wednesday this month. We hope these graphics will help you understand more about the adoption process and adoption in general.


My Life as an Adoptee and an Adoption Specialist

American Adoptions’ Director of Social Services, Jennifer Van Gundy, shares her experience of being adopted as an infant and how it has impacted her life as a mother and a professional.

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