2020 brought new challenges and uncertainty for everyone, including the adoption world. Despite the changes, our social workers at American Adoptions have never stopped working to support pregnant women, adoptive parents and the children at the heart of adoption.
Some important things haven’t changed: Pregnant women are still looking for adoptive families, and hopeful parents are still looking to grow their family. We’ve continued to complete adoptions through it all.
If you’ve been thinking about adopting a child, could 2021 be the year you take the plunge? Here are 3 questions to ask yourself if you’re wondering whether 2021 will be the year you adopt:
1. Are you financially ready?
Many people suffered from the economic fallout of the COVID-19 crisis. They lost jobs or had their adoption savings take a hit.
Adoption can be a costly process. So, if you’re facing financial instability at the moment, you may want to put your plans to adopt on hold until you can build your savings back up.
However, if you feel that you’re financially ready to add a child to your family, contact an American Adoptions specialist now. They’ll talk you through the costs of adoption and help you find ways to afford these expenses.
2. Are you physically ready?
Adoptive parents must be physically ready to take on the task of caring for a growing child. You’ll need to be in good health and have a safe, prepared home — this is discussed in your home study process.
Domestic home studies have continued throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, and will continue in 2021, so if you think you’re physically ready to welcome a child into your home you should reach out to American Adoptions to take your next steps.
3. Are you emotionally ready?
2020 was an emotional and difficult year for everyone. Are you feeling up to the emotions of adoption? It’s important that you take time to learn about and understand the emotions of the process, not only as an adoptive parent. You’ll also need to first learn about what birth parents and adoptees experience, as well.
When you reach out to American Adoptions, you’ll speak with a social worker about your emotional readiness for adoption. If you’ve done some research and decided that you’re ready to get started, you can contact us now.
Are You Ready? Take Your First Step Now
Unlike international adoptions, domestic adoptions have remained largely unaffected by the ongoing COVID-19 crisis. More than ever, hopeful adoptive families are turning to national domestic agencies like American Adoptions to help them grow a family.
We’ve continued to successfully guide pregnant women and adoptive parents through every obstacle 2020 has thrown at us. And we’ll continue to do so in the coming year. We’d be honored to be your guide through this journey.
We know that nobody ever feels 100% ready to be a parent (biological or adoptive), no matter how much thought and preparation they’ve put into the idea. However, if you think you might be physically, financially and emotionally ready to welcome a child, 2021 is the year to do it. We’ll be there to help.
Contact us at American Adoptions now to begin your journey to parenthood in 2021.