Adoption is a life-changing decision and one of the biggest choices you will have to make has to do with choosing the adoptive family for your child. Just like only you can know adoption is right for your situation, only you will know when you have found the perfect adoptive family.

Although that will look different for each birth mother, we can help you identify what’s important to you in finding the perfect family to raise your child. 

How to Find an Adoptive Family [3 Steps]

  • Step 1: Determine what type of family you are looking for.
  • Step 2: Determine the type of relationship you want with the family.
  • Step 3: View adoptive profiles to find a family.

These three steps are a great starting point in finding an adoptive family that meets what you envision for your child. You could go into the process with questions such as:

  • What type of family do I want for my child?
  • Do I want my child to grow up with siblings?
  • Will the adoptive family share my beliefs?

When you work with a full-service, national adoption agency like ours, you can find a type of family that meets the standards that are most important to you.

If you had an active, adventurous childhood that impacted your lifestyle, that could be important in wanting to pass that sense of adventure and health consciousness on to your child. There are healthy families looking to adopt.

Maybe you grew up with siblings and want your child to experience what that’s like growing up. You can find a family for adoption that already has children.

If religion has, or had, played a big part in making you who you are today, finding an adoptive family that share similar beliefs may be a priority. We work with families of all different religions that would love to grow their family through adoption.

Finding an Adoptive Family

If you don’t know how to find an adoptive family, as you can see, there are many ways you can approach it. The bottom line is, when you make the brave, selfless decision of adoption, you will always be in charge of choosing the family for your baby.

In addition to working with families of all different types and backgrounds, we have all the services you need to complete your adoption under one roof. So, not only can we help you identify ideal couples looking to adopt, we can give you the resources to help you make that decision.

Adoptive Family Video Profiles

Adoptive family profiles are the norm when searching for an adoptive family. When you work with us, we help you find a family for adoption not only with the wide variety of families we work with, but by taking profiles to the next level.

A profile comprised of text and pictures can only tell you so much about a potential adoptive family.

Each of our adoptive families that we work with put together adoptive family video profiles to give you a more in-depth look at who they are and why they are interested in pursuing adoption. These mini-movies expound on anything and everything you may want to know about the hopeful adoptive family.

Open Adoption

When learning how to find an adoptive family for your child, you may wonder if you can have a relationship with them as they grow up.

The majority of modern day adoptions are open to some extent and we require the adoptive families we work with to be open to that if you decide it’s something you want to pursue. Open adoption benefits everyone involved by:

  • Providing important medical history
  • Avoiding your child struggling with identity issues
  • Allowing your child to get answers to their questions
  • Developing meaningful relationships
  • And so much more