Learn more about infertility awareness month and the importance of increasing awareness regarding infertility issues faced by couples across the country.
Connecting with Birth Parents Early in Your Adoption
Did you know that connecting with prospective birth parents early in your adoption is beneficial to your continued relationship? It’s becoming more common for prospective birth mothers to request to meet hopeful adoptive families early in the adoption process.
The Importance of Revisiting Your APQ
If it’s been three to six months since your APQ call, you may benefit from reviewing your answers. Many hopeful adoptive parents find that their adoption preferences evolve.
Adoption Planning Questionnaire (APQ) Decisions: Contact
This is the #1 thing you can do to decrease your adoption wait time as a hopeful adoptive family. Learn more about how opening your heart to an open adoption can benefit your child.
Adoption Planning Questionnaire (APQ) Decisions: Race
This is strongly affecting your adoption wait time as a hopeful adoptive family. Here are some eye-opening racial statistics about the babies placed for adoption through American Adoptions.
Adoption Planning Questionnaire (APQ) Decisions: Health
Understanding medical history and the potential “medical risks” your adopted child could acquire, helps you make educated decisions when it comes to your APQ.
3 ‘Risk Factors’ in Adoption That Aren’t Actually That Risky
You might be surprised to learn what does (and doesn’t) increase the likelihood of an adoption disruption. Here are three “risk factors” that waiting families fear, and the truth behind them, as well as a hard truth about emotional risk in adoption.