It’s estimated that 1 in 6 couples get diagnosed with infertility every year and that more than 7 million American women are affected by infertility issues. Many of these couples experience successful fertility treatments, while others pursue medical intervention without success before turning to adoption. Still others know …
Can I Choose the Baby I Want to Adopt?
If you pursue adoption, you do not get to choose the baby. A birth mother will always be able to choose the family for her baby.
Although you do not choose what baby you adopt, you can specify what you are looking for in an …
What No One Tells You Before Starting the Adoption Process
With all of the red tape we worked to get through and help we received to get there, we still found ourselves gaining wisdom through our experiences from some of the things no one tells you before you start the adoption process.
Traveling Before the Birth of the Baby: What Adoptive Families Need to Know
Adoptive families should have plans in place for traveling before the birth of the baby. At American Adoptions, we can provide you with all you’ll need to know.
Finding a Pediatrician When You’re Waiting to Be Matched
Guest contributor Valerie Trumbower talks about when to find a pediatrician and options for adoptive parents.