One concern that sits in the back of many women’s minds is “Will I regret giving my baby up for adoption?”
Inspirational Adoption Stories for Birth Parents
Learn more about the selfless journey of adoption with three inspirational adoption stories from birth parents who have been in your shoes.
What Does it Feel Like to Give Your Child up for Adoption?
Choosing adoption can be one of the best decisions you could ever make. Here’s what it feels like to give your child up for adoption.
In Moving Letter, Birth Mother Shares Her Love with Her Son
One birth mother writes a letter to her son, four years after his adoption, telling him what she wants him to know about her decision to place him for adoption.
Terri’s Story: What It’s Like to Be a Birth Mom
A birth mother’s moving story of placing her child for adoption while struggling with bipolar disorder, and how far she’s come since then.
What Makes My Open Adoption Work – Thoughts from a Birth Mother
From the start, I was open with my son’s parents about wanting the adoption to be open, and while the openness agreement is not legally binding, I knew it needed to be respected for the sake of my son. I was also transparent about wanting to slowly transition from a custodial parent to more of a birth parent role. Therefore, I had frequent contact with my son that lessened over the first two years of placement. I saw him every couple of months until I was comfortable not seeing my son as frequently. My son’s parents also communicated a need with me around the same time that they really needed more space.
Why Open Adoption is Important to Birth Mothers
The question is: why is having an open adoption important to me? Having an open adoption means I stay connected with my child. Just because I made a decision not to parent every day doesn’t mean I don’t want to have a relationship with my child. I also believe that us having a relationship is better for him as well in the long run.